Re: [Dhis2-users] [Dhis2-devs] Managing metadata in a distributed setting

2014-12-11 Thread Calle Hedberg
Bob, The meta-data synch functionality we have developed (currently ready for testing) covers most meta-data including categoryoptioncombos, but not meta-data related to data sets. Synching data sets are relevant in cases where a country uses a distributed model for some databases(e.g. South Afric

Re: [Dhis2-users] [dhis2academyoslo2014] Fw: PAPER ON RWANDA HMIS " Toward utilization of data for program management and evaluation "

2014-12-11 Thread Simon Muyambo
Hi Ola Been a while since my last installation of DHIS2 on linux. I am getting this error below. I have followed the new installation guide on guide_en_full.html#d3235e732 Welcome to nginx! If you see this page

Re: [Dhis2-users] Getting program stage sections and their data elements from web API

2014-12-11 Thread Blai Samitier
Thank you Abyot! That works perfect. Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:44:29 +0530 Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Getting program stage sections and their data elements from web API From: To: CC:; Hi Abyot, Is it possibl

Re: [Dhis2-users] [dhis2academyoslo2014] Fw: PAPER ON RWANDA HMIS " Toward utilization of data for program management and evaluation "

2014-12-11 Thread Martin Namutso
Thanks Andrew. - *Martin Namutso* IT/MIS Consultant *|* Mob: +256 782 006 662* / *+256 752 006 662 *| * *"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value" - Albert Einstein.* On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:59 PM, 'Muhire Andrew' via Dhis2AcademyOslo < d

Re: [Dhis2-users] Getting program stage sections and their data elements from web API

2014-12-11 Thread Pamod Amarakoon
Hi Abyot, Is it possible to extend this to return data elements associated with a each visit(stage) when only a trackedEntityInstanceID and programId is provided. Thank you Pamod On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Abyot Gizaw wrote: > Hi, > > For example, the following returns id and name for p

Re: [Dhis2-users] [Dhis2-devs] Managing metadata in a distributed setting

2014-12-11 Thread Bob Jolliffe
Hi Calle Thanks for your input, which I don't have time to respond to fully but I think you start to outline a useful set of requirements. It might be useful to gather these somewhere in a google doc or the like. I think in the move towards your second point, the interesting challenge is how to

Re: [Dhis2-users] [Dhis2-devs] Managing metadata in a distributed setting

2014-12-11 Thread Calle Hedberg
Bob, Firstly, we need your option II - yes, having nearly all country data in one DHIS2 instance are theoretically an option in a few smaller countries with centralised systems, but it won't be the norm. In particular because DHIS2 at the moment don't support multiple Organisational Hierarchies. S

Re: [Dhis2-users] [Dhis2-devs] Invalid coordinates GIS

2014-12-11 Thread Calle Hedberg
Pamod, Latitudes south of the equator is always negative (at least in the typical geographical coordinate systems normally used in dominant GIS systems). Joao, Can you please post the complete list of coordinates - seeing one sample does not really help (your sample definitely looks like it's so

Re: [Dhis2-users] [Dhis2-devs] Invalid coordinates GIS

2014-12-11 Thread Jan Henrik Ă˜verland
Hi Joao, the coordinates in your image seems OK to me. Latitude must be within 90 to -90. I guess a different orgunit is messing up. You can e.g. try to use the boundary layer, select facility level and then select a single province/district in the tree. If it works you can go district by distric

Re: [Dhis2-users] Getting program stage sections and their data elements from web API

2014-12-11 Thread Abyot Gizaw
Hi, For example, the following returns id and name for program stage, program stage sections, program stage section data elements. api/programStages/X.json?fields=id,name,programStageSections[id,name,programStageDataElements[dataElement[id,name]]] Play around with the *fields *parameter to m