[Dhis2-users] Download as excel in min-max outlier analysis?

2013-03-20 Thread Muhire Andrew
Hi, i would suggest to have download as excel,pdf or csv in MIN-MAX Outlier analysis in data quality feature...this button can help in case you want to send records to the specific users. Anyone knows how to configure in DHIS2 so that people can get notification message that report recieve

Re: [Dhis2-users] Help with charts/dashboard

2013-03-20 Thread Lars Helge Ă˜verland
Hi Alvin, regarding 1. how do you want to define that? As the number of org units (at a specific level or part of an org unit group), or as the number of users associated with clinics? Regarding 2. you can go to Data Visualizer, select the data sets you want to see under "reporting rates", select