know why event report still showing numbers.
Rajeswari Gottipati
Sr Consultant
Telephone +91 9949292931 <+91%209949292931>
[image: ThoughtWorks]
es called analytics_event_*, then run analytics
> again? Alternatively, try to add one event for 2016, run analytics again
> and see if the number of events in the event report goes down from 149 to 1.
> Best regards
> Markus
> 5. jun. 2018 kl. 08:27 skrev Rajeswari Gottipati
Hi Markus,
We have tried alternative i.e created a case in 2016 and ran analytics. Now
in Event Reports we are able to see 1 case under 2016. We will try the
first option also and let you know the result soon.
On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 12:38 PM, Rajeswari Gottipati <
Hi Markus,
Do you think it is an issue in DHIS?
On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 2:43 PM, Rajeswari Gottipati <> wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> We have tried alternative i.e created a case in 2016 and ran analytics.
> Now in Event Reports we are able to see 1 case u
ue, Jun 5, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Rajeswari Gottipati <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Markus,
>> Do you think it is an issue in DHIS?
>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 2:43 PM, Rajeswari Gottipati <
>>> wrote:
s great if you can file a Jira issue for it.
> Markus
> 5. jun. 2018 kl. 13:45 skrev Rajeswari Gottipati <
> Yes I was able to reproduce this in different browsers and in incognito
> mode also.
> On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 5:08
x27;/a2cf79e8g34/a1c343a3w24%') and tei.deleted is false;
In this query we couldn't find any order by clause. Is there any chance
that few of the TEI ids which are returned in some page are going to be
repeated in another page also.
Is this query going to be executed every time fo
ied, so it should be OK. You can always specify additional ordering
> if you need it.
> --
> Morten Olav Hansen
> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
> University of Oslo
> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 8:54 AM, Rajeswari Gottipati <
Hi All,
We are upgrading from DHIS 2.27 to DHIS 2.29. We are making the below call
to get the trackedentityinstance ids.
Hi Morten / Lars,
We are upgrading from DHIS 2.27 to DHIS 2.29. We are making the below call
to get the trackedentityinstance ids.
Hi DHIS Team,
We are planning to use HighCharts in our web application and we found that
HighCharts library is available under different licenses depending on
whether it is intended for commercial/government use, or for a personal or
non-profit project. As DHIS is already using highcharts, we want
We have gone through DHIS OAuth documentation and found that DHIS has
implemented Authorization code grant. We are planning to use DHIS OAuth in
our application and our application is pure java script based.
As our application is SPA (single page application) hence we are looking
for imp
Hi DHIS Team,
We are planning to use DHIS OAuth in our application.
We want to make API calls to view/add/update/delete the events, programs,
dataSets, dataValues etc. For this we want to figure out minimum list of
authorities so that access token generated from the user's login detail
should be a
Hi DHIS Team,
Can you please respond to our query.
On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Rajeswari Gottipati <> wrote:
> Hi DHIS Team,
> We are planning to use DHIS OAuth in our application.
> We want to make API calls to view/add/update/delete th
g component of the result). Would you mind filing a issue at
> ? (if you have already, please let me know the issue
> number)
> --
> Morten Olav Hansen
> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
> Team Integration Lead
> University of Oslo
Hi DHIS Team,
We are using below API calls to get the TrackedEntityInstance Ids and
Enrollment Ids.
"value": "*procedure*",
"attribute": *{*
"code": "xxx",
"name": "xx",
"id": "RKB9aA9Ndg"
One more thing we observed is when we make API call for this option we are
seeing cor
able to see unapproved data in
> reporting apps i.e. Pivot tables, Data Visualizers and event reports. We
> have been seeing this since DHIS 2.27 onwards. Could you please let us know
> if this could be a bug or if there is any resolution to this?
> --
> Thanks
> Preeti Ajgaonkar
Hi DHIS Team,
Regarding this issue we have raised JIRA
<> ticket as well. As it is
production issue and high priority, could you please have a look.
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 2:51 PM Rajeswari Gottipati <> wrote:
19 matches
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