On 7/12/16, Knut Staring wrote:
> No direct. Have to go step by step. I will forward an email with the
> details.
> Knut
> On 12 Jul 2016 4:02 p.m., "Kamugunga Adolphe" wrote:
>> D
Dear All,
We will be creating multiple instances on a single server with a single
public IP. I am inquiring how can this be done because i haven't done this
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
Post to : dhis2-d
> Seth Okeyo
> Dndi Africa
> Envoyé à partir de mon Samsung.
> ---- Original message
> From: gerald thomas
> Date:13/07/2016 12:31 PM (GMT+03:00)
> To: dhis2-users , dhis2-devs
> Subject: [Dhis2-users] Multiple DHIS2 instances on a Single Server
Dear All,
After upgrading from 2.21 to 2.24 we noticed the following, when we
were pulling pivot table reports:
For Example if our:
Data Sets is HF1(Morbidity)
Periods is Monthly (the whole of 2015)
Organizations: Facility and then Chiefdom for Malema
and we are getting 100% which is not possible
Hi all,
This is happening for version 2.23 and 2.24. We reported this issue before
and we are still waiting for solution.
On Jul 23, 2016 07:23, "Prosper BT" wrote:
> Dear Carlos,
> This usually happens when you have Orgunit in different Orgunits groups
> that belong to the same Orgunit group
Dear All,
I am inquiring for both technical guidance and materials to upgrade a
DHIS2 instance from version 2.5 to 2.22.
I will be grateful for any help anyone can render for me to
successfully achieve this task. Also, i will like to know where i can
get all the old war files.
> I would try to skip a few versions by exporting metadata and data and
> probably try to import to an intermediate version such as 2.13 or 2.16.
> On 26 Jul 2016 21:02, "gerald thomas" wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am inquiring for both technical guidance and m
it means cap header size.
You can increase it nginx.conf file normally located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
On 7/27/16, Stanley Kalyati wrote:
> DHISiers,
> What does this error mean?
> Thank you
> 414 Request-URI Too Large
> --
> nginx
it a try. 2.16 was just a rough number,
> I am not sure it will work, but this method can help you skip a few
> versions. However, you will have to test the results thoroughly, and
> probably will run into a few obstacles. So it is not a silver bullet, I'm
> afraid.
> Knut
> Knut
> On 27 Jul 2016 19:12, "gerald thomas" wrote:
>> Dear Knut,
>> Noted!!!
>> I noticed that upgrade procedures' starts from version 2.16 and the
>> oldest war file available is 2.7; which means I will have to work blindly
>> ti
Dear All,
On previous DHIS2 version we were using merge for duplicate sites but
on version 2.22 i can't find merge. Please can someone help me?
Also, after merging i will like to remove the duplicate facility, what
are the procedures to remove or delete a facility.
Thanks in advance for your help
gt; It goes without saying, this should be thoroughly tested on your
> non-production system before attempting it on your production machine, as
> it is a destructive function (meaning things get permanently deleted).
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 6:0
Can you run analytics and generate reports again.
On Jul 30, 2016 8:28 AM, "Chandrasekar Ravi" wrote:
> Dear Team
> We are successfully completed web tracker capture and mobile tracker
> capture.
> Data has been stored successfully. But we are facing the problem in data
> not s
I had use ihris and it is good. If you want help with it I am willing to
On Aug 26, 2016 6:46 PM, "Laura E. Lincks"
> We are looking for a simple Human Resources tool to integrate with a DHIS
> aggregate database. Little is known of the needs of the HRIS, but for now
> it needs to t
Dear All,
On my version 2.5, whenever i click "Dashboard" i am receiving an
error. Please find the attached error.
Kindly note that i am accessing all possibilities for a smooth upgrade
of war file version.
Title: DHIS 2
An exception occurred
Sorry! The system failed to
Dear Pedro,
Did you read the upgrade notes: https://www.dhis2.org/223-upgrade.
There is an SQL upgrade script you need to run before moving to 2.24
On Sep 8, 2016 7:24 AM, wrote:
> Hi,
> I upgraded to 2.24 by deploying the war file and using the existing DHIS2
> database.
> Best, Pedro
Yes Pedro, you are right. My question is did you ran that script when your
war file was 2.22? It seem like the issue is with the database; so please
share the various log files.
On Thursday, September 8, 2016, wrote:
> Yes but up to my knowledge this is a upgrade note from 2.22 to 2.23 not
> fro
Dear All,
I will appreciate if we can create a DHIS2 Team on Slack. It is easier
and a much more faster response forum. It is a messenger also which
makes it instantaneous. Please DHIS2 users i will like to have your
opinion on this.
255 673150252
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 5 October 2016 at 06:54, Juma Lungo wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Arthur,
> >>
> >> I would recommend iHRIS.
> >>
> >> It has many features,
>>>>>>> South Africa is currently using a customised Tracker app for
>>>>>>> managing
>>>>>>> Community Service and Internships (around 10,000 graduates are
>>>>>>> applying for
Kindly check the hibernate.properties or dhis.conf file again. It is
responsible to point DHIS2 to the right database.
On 10/27/16, Absolom MURAMIRA wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am setting up DHIS2 to run on Ubuntu 16.04 server and PostgreSQL database
> but after setting up all the configurati
Dear Lars,
How can someone have access to DHIS2-JIRA files or questions?
On Jan 2, 2017 7:18 AM, "Lars Helge Øverland" wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> it seems this is not so easy and requires you to be a Jira administrator:
> https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira064/managing-groups-720412316.html
> We
Dear All,
We are upgrading DHIS2 server database (PostgreSQL from 9.3.15 to
9.5.5) and it had been successfully done but the Postgres does not
automatically start after boot-up. I am using: (pg_ctlcluster 9.5 main
start) to start my database but i want it start automatically.
Please can someone he
sudo pg_dropcluster 9.5 main --stop
sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.3 main
sudo pg_dropcluster 9.3 main
Hope that helps,
> gerald thomas hat am 26. Januar 2017 um 01:38
> Dear All,
> We are upgrading DHIS2 server database (PostgreSQL from 9.3.
Kigali - Rwanda
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 8:52 AM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> There were some issues with the migration so I had to purge the 9.3 and
>> do a fresh installation of 9.5 and restore my backup. But if the server
>> reboot I will have to manually do:
Mutali wrote:
> Hi Gerald,
> you can use this command: sudo update-rc.d postgresql enable
> Hope it will work for you.
> ---
> JP Mutali
> Kigali - Rwanda
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 8:52 AM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> There were so
postgresql ... etc (check under /etc and /var/lib that
> all traces have truly gone)
> On 26 January 2017 at 08:42, gerald thomas wrote:
>> Mutali,
>> I think there was an issue where i have postgresql and postgresql-9.5
>> inside /etc/init.d. But when thi
Yes Bob,
But i now i am having a major issue because i can't find the
dhis2-startup, dhis2-stop or dhis2-status but the profile of the
instance is available.
On 1/26/17, Bob Jolliffe wrote:
> what works? you removed it and started again?
> On 26 January 2017 at 10:14, gerald
ing or damaged.
>> You have your backups. scrap the machine and rebuild. Follow
>> instruction
>> from https://github.com/dhis2/dhis2-tools.
>> On 26 January 2017 at 10:30, gerald thomas wrote:
>>> Yes Bob,
>>> But i now i am
Dear All,
We had successfully upgraded to version 2.25 but i noticed that we
can't download to excel or PDF our data set reports.
Please i don't know if it is a bug but it is working on the DHIS2 demo
but not on our production server.
Thanks in advance for your help.
e problem so e toime back. Check that you dont have any
> special characters in dataelement names.
> Elmarie
> On 27 Jan 2017 14:29, "gerald thomas" wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> We had successfully upgraded to version 2.25 but i noticed that we
>> can
Dear All,
What is the meaning of this error:
* ERROR 2017-01-05 12:03:07,593 ERROR: duplicate key value violates
unique constraint "datavalue_pkey"
Detail: Key (dataelementid, periodid, sourceid,
categoryoptioncomboid, attributeoptioncomboid)=(1973, 2784149, 301,
13, 13) already exists.
orrect it.
> Regards,
> Seid,
> On Friday, January 27, 2017, gerald thomas wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> What is the meaning of this error:
>> * ERROR 2017-01-05 12:03:07,593 ERROR: duplicate key value violates
>> uni
anuary 2017 at 19:02, gerald thomas wrote:
> Seid,
> Thanks for your help but how can i identify those dataelements:
> So I suggest you either to use the web API and import through the
> import/export module or find out which of the metadata IDs is
> duplicate and correct
he data come from that you try to import?
>> On 28 January 2017 at 19:55, gerald thomas > > wrote:
>>> Funnily I Bob I only copied a section of the log, I have various
>>> dataelements ids & period ids which are sending those errors.
are importing. Which is why I ask where you got
>> this
>> data from that you imported? If it was data exported from another dhis2
>> system you wouldn't normally see this. But if is from somewhere else (a
>> spreadsheet, ihris, some other system) there might be, for
Dear All.
I am using version 2.25 war file, build revision 3de90a5.
On 2/7/17, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear all,
> On my local instance I am receiving an error. Please find the attached
> print screen of the error.
Parsing Error: syntax error
> Location:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 5:59 PM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am trying to see if i could fix the error by running 'ana
Please run maintenance and delete war file and name of folder which has the
name of your war file. Download a new war and tail -f /path/Catalina.out if
there is no error then everything should be fine.
Kindly note I am saying "/path/" because I don't the path of your logs.
Also tomcat must
Please trace back Bob,Lars, and Jason discussion on the tomcat version for
the new dhis2 releases.
*Adolphe Kamugunga*
*MIS Technical Advisor*
Mobile: +250 788 740 578 <+250%20788%20740%20578>
Skype: ka.adolphe
On 13 February 2017 at 08:48, gera
Dear All,
i have a monthly data set for hospitals by age distribution, when i
create a reporting rate summary for an organization unit which sends
report i am getting values (per age distribution) but when i generate
a pivot table for the same values i am getting no data
analytics run correctly and try
> to generate the pivot again selecting 'Details" option.
> Regards,
> *Adolphe Kamugunga*
> *MIS Technical Advisor*
> Mobile: +250 788 740 578 <+250%20788%20740%20578>
> Email:kaa...@gmail.com
> Skype: ka.adolphe
Dear Stanley,
Please check whether DHIS2_HOME folder contains the hibernate.properties or
dhis.config file. Also, you need to check Catalina.out log file to see that
your war file was extracted properly.
Please give further information also about your system:
1. OS
2. Installation procedure
3. The
Dear All,
We want to capture our aggregated data (HF1 to HF8 forms) at CHC level
(partial electricity & network coverage) to an android device and
later synced all information to our cloud hosting instance. Please can
anyone help me with the procedures to achieve it. I will also like to
know the ch
> Android developer, DHIS 2
> University of Oslo
> https://www.dhis2.org/
> On February 27, 2017 at 3:15:27 PM, gerald thomas (gerald17...@gmail.com)
> wrote:
> Dear All,
> We want to capture our aggregated data (HF1 to HF8 forms) at CHC level
> (partial
annot see any menu option for refreshing the database or anything like
> that - there is only "Aggregate Report" and then "Choose Organisation
> Unit".
> Is that app supported under 2.25?
> Regards
> Calle
> On 27 February 2017 at 17:27, geral
> Please, let us know if you have any specific questions.
> Best regards,
> —
> Araz Abishov,
> Android developer, DHIS 2
> University of Oslo
> https://www.dhis2.org/
> On February 28, 2017 at 8:44:52 AM, gerald thomas (gerald17...@gmail.com)
Kindly delete war file and folder and download a new war file again.
Remember to shutdown instance before deleting the war file.
On Mar 23, 2017 9:38 AM, "Priyanka Bawa" wrote:
Hi team
I am working on dhis2 v2.25 but it seems the data visualizer is not working.
Please see attached scre
Mar 23, 2017 09:53, "Priyanka Bawa" wrote:
> Hi
> I already tried this way but no luck!
> Regards
> Priyanka Bawa
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 3:14 PM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> Priyanka,
>> Kindly delete war file and folder and download a new
Dear All,
I am having problems downloading Data Set report to excel or pdf. I am
using version 2.25. It is working on demo but not on my instance.
Please can someone help me with a fix.
HF1 - Morbidity.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet
Dear all,
Please i need your your help it is urgent.
On 3/23/17, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am having problems downloading Data Set report to excel or pdf. I am
> using version 2.25. It is working on demo but not on my instance.
> Please can someone help me with a fix.
Yes it is a customer form.
On Mar 24, 2017 13:25, "Dapo Adejumo" wrote:
> Hi Gerald,
> Does this dataset use a custom form?
> ….
> *Dapo Adejumo*
> On 24 Mar 2017, at 13:57, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please i need your
> Chrome.
> ….
> Dapo Adejumo
>> On 24 Mar 2017, at 14:46, Mohamed Bangura wrote:
>> Dear Gerald,
>> Use mozilla firefox to extract the data.
>> Do Ctrl A,Ctrl C
>> Open your blank excel and do ctrl V.
>> Hope this helps
Dear All,
We had been struggling with this issue along with other users and we
haven't received much to conclude it. Please any help to close the
subject? It is also on JIRA: https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-300.
Kindly note that when our instance is on 2.22 the reporting rate was
working fine.
>> Chrome.
>> ….
>> *Dapo Adejumo*
>> On 24 Mar 2017, at 14:46, Mohamed Bangura wrote:
>> Dear Gerald,
>> Use mozilla firefox to extract the data.
>> Do Ctrl A,Ctrl C
>> Open your blank excel and do ctrl V
Dear Jason,
I am receiving a parse error when I execute the report
On Mar 24, 2017 22:05, "Jason Pickering"
> Are there any errors in the browser console or the server when you
> execute the report?
> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017, 18:02 gerald thomas wrote:
On 3/24/17, Jason Pickering wrote:
> Ok. Please post it.
> This error likely results from invalid HTML in your data set report form.
> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017, 18:10 gerald thomas wrote:
>> Dear Jason,
>> I am receiving a parse error when I execute the report
409 Conflict 435ms]
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Sat, Mar 25, 2017, 05:01 gerald thomas wrote:
>> Dear Jason,
>> The only error found during the data set report process:
>> https://sl.dhis2.org/hmis/api/dataStatistics [HTTP/1.1 201 Created 184ms]
>> XML Par
Dear All,
I had upgraded my DHIS2 instance to 2.26 as per upgrade note and my
build revision: a52916f but i can't find score card. Do i have to do
something before it becomes active?
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-de
Dear Knut,
Thanks for your response. How can i add the App to my dhis2 instance?
On 4/22/17, Knut Staring wrote:
> Hi Gerald,
> Scorecard is an external app which ypu have to add
> Knut
> On Apr 22, 2017 12:35 PM, "gerald thomas" wrote:
>> Dear All,
> Wilfred Senyoni
> Information Systems Researcher
> Skype: senyoni
> Mob: (+255) 0713595231/(+47) 46573133
> On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 2:07 PM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear Knut,
>> Thanks for your response. How can i a
Dear All,
I had setup a test server for Sierra Leone and i need a sub-domain
from dhis2.org (trainingsl.dhis2.org). Please what is the procedure to
get it.
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
Post to : dhis2-devs
> Hi Gerald
> There isn't really a "procedure" for this. dhis2.org is a domain owned
> by the HISP project which we use for our servers. Its not really
> something which is offered as a service.
> Regards
> Bob
> On 27 May 2017 at 16:30, ger
ps took so much
> longer?
> Knut
> On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 3:23 PM, gerald thomas wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I finally got it to successfully run but it took almost 4 hours for it
>> to ran completely after tweaking the postgresql.conf file based on the
Dear All,
I am having the following errors:
* ERROR 2017-05-29 00:46:10,458 Initialised statement manager
(StatementInterceptor.java [tomcat-http-191])
* ERROR 2017-05-29 00:46:15,648 Initialised statement manager
(StatementInterceptor.java [tomcat-http-191])
* ERROR 2017-05-29 00:46:42,437 Initi
Noted Lars!!!
On 5/29/17, Lars Helge Øverland wrote:
> Hi Gerald,
> this is normal and is an internal system log message related to database
> connections - nothing to worry about.
> regards,
> Lars
> On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:51 PM, gera
Dear All,
We updated our instance in Sierra Leone from 2.18 to 2.19 and finally
to 2.20. The job was successfully completed with everything working as
it should when it was on the 2.19 war file. But on the 2.20 war file
the pivot table is not working. Please find the attached file showing
where is
Dear All,
Please any help my Data not displaying in Pivot tables it keeps
showing "initializing".
On 11/28/15, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear All,
> We updated our instance in Sierra Leone from 2.18 to 2.19 and finally
> to 2.20. The job was successfully completed with everyth
well as in the Tomcat log. Did you
> run the database update scripts? Regards, Knut style="font-size:75%;color:#575757">Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
> smartphone. Original message
> From: gerald thomas <gerald17...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2015/11/29 10:00
Dear All,
Currently our Cloud Hosting and Local Servers are running on version
2.21 build 20928. We did an automatic rysnc to copy the database
backup from the Cloud Hosting server to our Local server on a daily
I want Local server to automatic verify backups; drop the old database
and impo
Dear All,
Please can someone help as per subject???
On 1/8/16, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear All,
> Currently our Cloud Hosting and Local Servers are running on version
> 2.21 build 20928. We did an automatic rysnc to copy the database
> backup from the Cloud Hosting server to our Loc
Dear Bob,
Any help will be grateful because i need a solution currently.
On 1/14/16, Bob Jolliffe wrote:
> Gerald, are you asking how to do it or do you want someone to write a
> script for you?
> On 14 January 2016 at 11:09, gerald thomas wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Please
I think you should upgrade the data structures of postgresql database 2.20
before migrating them to 2.22. Please read the upgrade procedures again
because there are steps you should have done. I think it will always fail
if your want to move them directly from 2.20 to 2.22
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Dhani
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:50 AM, gerald thomas > wrote:
>> Boss,
>> I think you should upgrade the data structures of postgresql database
>> 2.20 before migrating them to 2.22. Please read the upgrade procedures
Dear all,
This is not really new, from I can delete a user without any problem as
long as I am admin but in a life instance you can only disable users.
On Mar 11, 2016 05:44, "Archana Chillala" wrote:
> Hi Lars,
> I tried clear cache. But still the same. Unable to delete a user
Dear Channara,
Have you configure environmental variables for DHIS2 on the desktop?
On Mar 19, 2016 02:14, "channara rin" wrote:
> Hi bob,
> when i backup, i use command pg_dumpall.
> i can restore on my personal laptop with 4GB Memory. but for desktop seem
> out of memory.
> i w
Dear Channara,
I think Dcocos solution should be a break through and it will minimize the
database size.
On Mar 19, 2016 05:03, "channara rin" wrote:
> Thank you,
> let me try testing...
> and by the way, i configured and can run DHIS2 on localhost already. but
> when i plug data
Dear all,
I am inquiring how could I export a single Data set from one instance and
import that Data set to another instance.
Please help
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Post to : dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.net
Unsubscribe : https:
then select metadata dependency
> export, and then the data set you want exported.
> This data set can then be imported into your other instance.
> --
> Morten
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 6:31 AM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am i
object(s) of type Option
2017-06-20 06:38:39 (geraldthomas) Import:Start
It had been on this for almost 4 hours now.
On 6/20/17, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear Morten,
> I am using 2.26. Let me try your workaround and get back to you with
> the result. Thanks very much.
> On 6/20/
Dear Morten,
I was trying to update the corrupted data set rather than creating a
new one that was my issue before. I deleted the corrupted one and do
the import again; it works perfect.
Thanks for your help.
On 6/20/17, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear Morten,
> The import is not movi
Dear Victor & Georgi,
I have you tried it on the dhis2.org demo? If it doesn't work there it
might be a bug but if it works, i suggest you should change your war
On 6/30/17, Victor Garcia wrote:
> Same problem here.
> Reported a few days ago (https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-1871). This
Normally this error occur if your database tweaking or configuration
with reference to RAM is not properly done. You will need to edit the
configuration file again and return your system.
I am certain your system had run out of RAM.
On 8/3/17, ThankGod Anazodo wrote:
> Dear all,I got this error w
Dear All,
I am currently looking for a data collection application solution for
our current instance and the scenario is as follows:
Public Health Units: PHUs has the following paper based records
(Register--->Tally She
I am craving for those information you about to share and thanks in
advance for your help
On 10/2/17, chansaly wrote:
> Dear Gerald Thomas,
> This kind of flow information, we have implemented since 2014 up to now. In
> order to improve quality of data and information, it is
Any update or support.
On 10/2/17, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear Dr. Chansaly,
> I totally agreed with you with reference to the stats giving and that
> arouse my attention to raise this inquiry. I am craving for such
> implementation and if necessary i can share the r
Dear All,
I am trying to integrate DHIS2 and OpenMRS application. On the OpenMRS
application there is a module called "DHIS2 Reporting Module" which
was installed successfully. But anytime i click on the DHIS2 tab i am
getting the following error as shown on the attached file.
Please can anyone he
On 7 November 2017 at 20:50, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to integrate DHIS2 and OpenMRS application. On the OpenMRS
> application there is a module called "DHIS2 Reporting Module" which
> was installed successfully. But anytime i click on the DHIS2
Dear All,
I created a Teenage Pregnancy dataSet whose data should be captured
from schools. Since we have multiple schools per Chiefdom; i created a
data element 'school' in the form of a text string. During data entry,
when a school had been entered for a particular chiefdom, it don't
accept anoth
I am interested
On Wed, 15 Nov 2017 at 08:36, M.Selvaraaj Prabu wrote:
> Good day guys,
> I am looking for someone who can do online DHIS2 consultancy. Anyone
> interested, please reply to this email with details.
> Thanks and regards
> MSP (Selvaraj)
> _
data for the number of learners (pupils) per
> grade, which you can then use as denominator data to get coverage
> indicators.
> You COULD of course add the schools into the HMIS orghierarchy, but IMHO
> that is rather messy - better to use a separate database
> Regards
> Note also that you do have one other possibility, and that is to treat each
> school report received as an event - or in other words you set this up as
> an Event Program - without registration, presumably - where the school
> itself it the entity.
> Regards
> Calle
Dear All,
I am creating a data set which needs a section on the form for
comment. Please how can I create a comment section data element on a
data set form.
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
Post to : dhis2-dev
> If you want to get some narrative description, you may make a data element
> with long text as type.
> *Nayeem Al Mifthah*
> *Consultant for HSS, Health MIS, M&E*
> Email: n.mift...@gmail.com
> Cell:+8801914030574
> Skype: nayeem.a.m
> On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 a
Dear All,
I am having two different DataSets by the name of RC School and LC
School sharing the same data elements and category combination. During
data entry when I entered information on the RC School DataSet it
saves but when i switched to LC School the information of RC School
DataSet is presen
utes for the RC and LC schools instead.
> Kindly see the documentation here
> <https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/dhis2_user_manual_en_full.html#use_category_combo_for_data_set>
> Regards,
> Dennis
> On 4 December 2017 at 19:46, gerald thomas wrote:
Dec 4, 2017 at 11:33 PM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Thanks for your help.
>> I am was only using two schools for explanation purposes. But the
>> scenario is much more complex. I have 32 schools of which the partners
>> didn’t want us to use them
data save separately with reference to their respective
chiefdoms or should i create attributecategory for each RC Junior Sec
School label with its chiefdom?
On 12/4/17, gerald thomas wrote:
> Dear Knut,
> Thanks for the note, I will try to explore this option.
> On Mon, 4 Dec 2017 at
Dear Knut,
Yes. Chiefdom will be my OU for this data collection.
On 12/7/17, Knut Staring wrote:
> Hi Gerald, I assume you will be using the Chiefdom as the OrgUnit for this
> data collection?
> Regards,
> Knut
> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 8:19 PM, gerald thomas
analytics for this.
> The other way would be to add the name of each chiefdom at the end of the
> identical school names to make them not identical.
> Knut
> On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 8:45 AM, gerald thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear Knut,
>> Yes. Chiefdom
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