[Dhis2-devs] Mandatory data element issue on custom aggregated data entry forms

2018-05-03 Thread gourav sachdeva
Hello Team, I am to trying to use compulsory data element functionality in custom data entry forms for aggregate data set but it is not working properly. It completes the form without checking the mandatory fields. I am using version 2.28 and build revision is 'b1abb3a'. Any help is much appreci

[Dhis2-devs] Dashboard Not Loading

2018-05-03 Thread Olaleke Seweje
Hi all, So I got to work this morning and my dhis install that I used up till yesterday before closing malfunctioned. The dashboard and settings do not load anymore but other apps are loading. The dashboard is empty unless other users have done anything behind me but everyone says the didnt do any

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Dashboard Not Loading

2018-05-03 Thread Lars Helge Ă˜verland
Hi Leke, we need some more information from you in order to help - please follow the instructions for reporting a problem here: https://docs.dhis2.org/2.29/en/implementer/html/ch09s03.html Lars On 3 May 2018 at 13:41, Olaleke Seweje wrote: > Hi all, > So I got to work this morning and my dhi