[Dhis2-devs] Setting owner of object with API

2017-02-08 Thread Olav Poppe
Hi devs, I’m trying to set the owner of an object using the API (using PATCH), but it fails. Example (agains /demo): curl -X PATCH -H «Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:district -d ‘{ "user": { "id": "dXKBEMfyChY" } }' "https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/dataSets/kS1CX1YBcl1/user"; -v Res

[Dhis2-devs] Ideas for a needed backend process

2017-02-08 Thread Marc Garnica
Hi devs, We are trying to synchronize the data between Tracker Capture and Event capture apps. We know that this might not be the expected use of these apps, but for our requirements (visiblity, privacity, modularity of the system) we are seriously considering having a process that extracts the da

[Dhis2-devs] old dhis2 documentation

2017-02-08 Thread Nicolas Germeau
Hello, I'm looking for the documentation (developer guide, implementation guide...) regarding old dhis2 (2.19,2.20...). Does anyone know where to find those online ? Thanks, Nicolas Germeau [image: BLUESQUARE NEW FINAL VECT-01.png] *Nicolas Germeau* *Software developer* m: +32487129820 <+32

Re: [Dhis2-devs] old dhis2 documentation

2017-02-08 Thread Jason Pickering
Hi Nicolas, We currently do not have these readily available. However, we do have the source of the documentation here https://github.com/dhis2/dhis2-docs You may be able to build the docs yourself by looking for a specific tag like git log --grep=2.20 commit 6252ed8bbe4420297833572543f17088930

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Visualizer issue

2017-02-08 Thread Knut Staring
Hello all, what could be the issue with this message in the browser console? Line Number 1, Column 1: ANALYTICSTABLE_UPDATE:1:1 XML Parsing Error: syntax error Location: On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 5:59 PM, gerald tho

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Visualizer issue

2017-02-08 Thread gerald thomas
Dear all, I can't really tell what was the issue but after running maintenance & analytics then change war file to the latest 2.25 war file the issue was fixed. Everything is OK now. I actually didn't have time to look at the 'browser console' again because i am afraid of the duration the analytics

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Setting owner of object with API

2017-02-08 Thread Mark Polak
Hey Olav, PATCH doesn't really work for object references. You can try to download the whole object and PUT it back ;) So basically GET -> https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/dataSets/lyLU2wR22tC.json?fields=:owner Change user id on the returned object. Then PUT that payload back to -> https://play