revno: 1853
committer: Bharath
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2010-07-15 10:50:12 +0530
Changed Patinet to Benificiary; fixed bug in SummaryReport
We are in the process of changing the GIS module in terms of how the
geographical information is persisted and presented.
In the snapshot version we now store the coordinates in JSON format directly
in the database on the OrganisationUnit.coordinates property. This gives us
a lot more flexibility
revno: 1852
committer: Lars
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2010-07-14 21:36:41 +0200
Changed the xml format for coordinates.
Without the logs when aggregation takes place, it will be difficult to
determine what is happening.
Be sure that there are no sourceids in the "source" table without
corresponding organisationanunitids in the organisationunit table.
This has caused problems for yours truly in the past. Trawl the
Is all I have on the logs.
The thing it never finishs to run the creation of the organisation
structure. And when I check MySQL is occupided running a very long INSERT
query. Last time I left it from 12 hours and nothing happened.
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Jason Pickering
No need for medical help. I have had many of these sorts of problems as
well, so you are not alone.
Can you post the log when you begin the aggregation process?
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Orvalho Augusto wrote:
> I understood that you want since I click on the create res
I understood that you want since I click on the create resource tables.
This is what since tomcat starts begin I have:
Jul 14, 2010 6:41:14 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native li
Sorry if I insist...
Have set the environment as system variable and as the user administrator?
After the reboot check if it is being defined by opening de command prompt
and run the command
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Friedman, Roger (CDC/CGH/DGHA) (CTR) <> wrote
Thanks, Knut, but the machine was rebooted at least twice after the environment
variable was set and still failed. In addition there were several restarts of
Tomcat. As I understand it, the environment is passed in when a new process is
spawned so a Tomcat bounce should be enough.
Hi Caveman,
Not doubting you but I have not seen DHIS start without some more
You see nothing similar to this when DHIS starts up?
* INFO 11:15:58,359 Executing startup routine [1 of 13, runlevel 0]:
rtNamePopulator ( [main])
* INFO 11:15
I am saying the truth.
This is what I have on my catalina.out:
* INFO 16:31:50,284 User login success: 'admin'
( [http-8081-3])
Jul 14, 2010 4:31:50 PM org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.JdkLogChute log
SEVERE: #parse() null argument
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:3
Hi Roger,
That looks like the familiar problem where Tomcat/DHIS2 does not
recognize the new environment variable immediately. A surefire way to
deal with this is to reboot Windows. However there are also some batch
commands/scripts that can be run, IIRC, but don't have them available
right now.
Hi Caveman,
There must be something being logged in apache-tomcat-X.X.XX/logs directory.
Open up a terminal, and then do tail -f catalina.out and in a separate
terminal, start Tomcat. Post the result and we may be able to help.
Let me know if something is not clear.
On Wed, Jul 1
revno: 1851
committer: Lars
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2010-07-14 16:36:43 +0200
Removed unused code
There is nothing being logged.
There are no views.
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Jason Pickering <> wrote:
> Hi Caveman,
> Can you please post a stack trace of your application (use
> from startup until you start the datamart/report table
I am guessing, only...
May be tomcat is running with a another username.
So set DHIS2_HOME as a system variable. You must be logged as the
administrator (NOT AN administrator must be THE administrator).
You might try to place the on begging of (on $CATALINA_HOME/bin)
on the first line
OK, I have gotten one machine's tomcat logs. The critical error message is
* INFO 10:31:26,302 Environment variable DHIS2_HOME not set
( [Thread-1])
However, DHIS2_HOME is set, properly, to C:\DHIS2
So is there a problem with the JVM on Windows Vista? Is there a W
revno: 1850
committer: Lars
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2010-07-14 15:27:39 +0200
Removed unused code
Hi Caveman,
Can you please post a stack trace of your application (use from startup until you start the datamart/report table
Do you have any external views that are linked to the report table you
are attempting to aggregate?
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:57
19 matches
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