Re: [kicad] IDE for KiCad development

2023-01-17 Thread Eeli Kaikkonen
On Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 3:45 PM Jon Evans wrote: > Qt Creator is probably the most advanced C++ IDE there is on Linux that is > free as in beer, but last time I used it, the interface was not ideal and it > was heavily biased towards Qt projects using qmake. Qt Company put their eggs into cmake

Re: [kicad] IDE for KiCad development

2023-01-17 Thread RigoLigo RLC
I used to code with Qt Creator under Linux. It's easily an advanced CMake C++ IDE with a lot of flexibility (I even use it for navigating and compiling ReactOS source code). Maybe what you're not familiar with is how CMake works with Qt Creator? If you wanna control the conditional compiling, in

Re: [kicad] IDE for KiCad development

2023-01-17 Thread Jon Evans
I assume you are talking about Qt Creator? It's a perfectly fine IDE but I don't use it for KiCad so I have no advice on what settings to tweak. I think most developers are using Visual Studio on Windows and CLion or XCode on macOS. On Linux I use CLion, but have also used VSCode and Sublime Text

[kicad] IDE for KiCad development

2023-01-17 Thread Jeff Sutherland
Hello Everyone, I decided to dive in myself and try to sort out a minor issue with the CADSTAR schematic importer.  I soon found out that VI and cout were not going to get me very far.  What does everyone use for their development IDE?  I run Qt 6.0 here.  The HEAD of the repo imported ok and