Re: I just pushed ntsstats and ntskestats

2023-09-26 Thread Matthew Selsky via devel
On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 04:29:37PM -0700, Hal Murray via devel wrote: > I have a slight preference for double, but it doesn't really matter. > > I've seen some example with double on the left bar and single on the > top/bottom. > That was probably the web version. Hi Hal, Do you have an exampl

Re: I just pushed ntsstats and ntskestats

2023-09-26 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 09/24/2023 6:09 PM PDT Hal Murray via devel wrote: > > > There was a request for ntpviz to show NTS traffic. We now have the log > files > to make that possible. That's good, I had some ntpviz glue that works with a different way of doing that. I'll check if I can graft it to work with

Re: I just pushed ntsstats and ntskestats

2023-09-26 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> After glancing at the tops and bottoms fo some of the HTML docs, I think I > have some issues to correct. I think the last line of the man pages used to have the version number. I'm not seeing that now. Is that because I'm doing something special to get the date in the version string ( --b