Re: u-blox LKM Timemark driver

2018-08-22 Thread Achim Gratz via devel
MLewis via devel writes: > That would mean the trigger lag should be close to the rise time of > the port and the timemark should be extremely close to the time > captured back in the kernel? The GPIO on the rasPi is synchronized by the 19.2MHz clock (the SoC would allow this to use a different cl

Re: u-blox LKM Timemark driver

2018-08-21 Thread MLewis via devel
Achim, On 21/08/2018 5:54 PM, MLewis via devel wrote: On 21/08/2018 2:43 PM, Achim Gratz via devel wrote: There's a counter that tells you how many edges have been seen as well (that will enable you to use much higher frequency signals provided the frequency stays stable over one second and

Re: u-blox LKM Timemark driver

2018-08-21 Thread MLewis via devel
Achim, On 21/08/2018 2:43 PM, Achim Gratz via devel wrote: There's no official documentation that I'm aware of, but from the bits and pieces scattered about the uBlox forum I guess you'd be wrong. I'm almost certain that the timemark feature is implemented using a hardware timer, specifically

Re: [ntp:hackers] u-blox LKM Timemark driver

2018-08-21 Thread Achim Gratz via devel
MLewis via devel writes: > I once saw numbers and a timing diagram on the time range that the M8T > takes to capture its timemark (haven't found them again). My guess is that you've been looking at something other than an M8T. > I'm speculating that the lag to timemark could be variable, and that

Re: [ntp:hackers] u-blox LKM Timemark driver

2018-08-20 Thread MLewis via devel
Achim On 20/08/2018 4:04 PM, Achim Gratz via devel wrote: MLewis via devel writes: Agreed. Except possible benefit with alignment, as described above. You don't need any alignment either way (for NTP that is), just reasonably equal-spaced pulses to correlate system w/ GPS time. It's not even