Yes, it is mergeable.And it is better than head.
I de-wipped and it is rebasingas I type.
Logging is just a try/except block catching the unicode error, then
dumps with print(repr(foo)), then re-raises the error. So the traceback
still happens.
On 04/13/2017 11:13 AM, Gary E. Miller wrote:
Yo Ian!
On Thu, 13 Apr 2017 11:06:37 -0500
Ian Bruene wrote:
> I pushed a patch for most of the bugs, but I haven't been able to
> replicate the unicode
> bug yet so I added some temporary logging to the relevant function.
I can't Merge a WIP, is it ready to push? Is it better than current
oY Gene!
I pushed a patch for most of the bugs, but I haven't been able to
replicate the unicode
bug yet so I added some temporary logging to the relevant function.
In the end; what separates a Man, from a Slave? Money? Power?
No. A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys. -- Andrew Ryan