> There is a change in the way this is handled by Python between 2 and 3.
> You can force integer arithmetic with "//" like 3 // 2 which
> will result in 1.
Thanks. That's what I was looking for.
And here is the corresponding commit at the right time:
commit 9765c7ce597f0933f8b45fa627d195262be
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 5:51 PM, Hal Murray via devel
> days = int(last) / 86400
> seconds = last - days*86400
> I've kludged some printing.
> days is a float, for example: 17504.9482755
> is int/int supposed to result in an int or a float?
> I expected it to
days = int(last) / 86400
seconds = last - days*86400
I've kludged some printing.
days is a float, for example: 17504.9482755
is int/int supposed to result in an int or a float?
I expected it to be an int. This code used to work. Trying by hand, I get
an int...
Hal Murray via devel :
> Any hints? If not, I'll try bisecting.
Sorry, no idea. I haven't been near that code in many months.
http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond
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