Hal Murray :
> There may have been a general idea that flag4 would be used to
> enable clockstats from an individual driver instance.
I'm getting that impression, yes.
By the way, the one change I made immediately after putting that table
together was to add a 'subtype' option keyword that is an
e...@thyrsus.com said:
> One thing that jumps out at me is that several drivers have a clockstats
> verbosity option, always flag4 (which, alas, is used for other things too).
There may have been a general idea that flag4 would be used to enable
clockstats from an individual driver instance.
Hal Murray :
> bps may not be enough. There is also the parity and stop bits, but I don't
> think they are fiddled much.
> The HP driver uses one mode bit to switch from whatever the default is to a
> different baud rate and parity. It may be simpler to use a device-type
> keyword rather th