Does that mean no warnings?
If not, how are we expected to learn about code that generates warnings on
obscure systems?
These are my opinions. I hate spam.
devel mailing list
I expect the comment on the previous line to tell Coverity to not complain
about this case.
Is there a typo or such that I'm missing?
149/* coverity[checked_return] */
CID 462307 (#1 of 1): Unchecked return value (CHECKED_RETURN)
15. check_return: Calling CMAC_Update without checki
> I'll aim to release ~15-Dec-2023
Sounds good. Thanks.
> I'm thinking about AES becoming the new default for ntpq, etc.
I got a few a day or so ago. I missed that one. I'll get it tonight.
These are my opinions. I hate spam.
devel ma
On Sat, Dec 02, 2023 at 08:09:00PM -0800, Hal Murray wrote:
> I think you should release what we have as soon as it is convenient.
> There are many more things I would like to include but we aren't making much
> progress so it's time to do it.
Hi Hal,
Sounds good. I'll aim to release ~15-D