Hal Murray :
> e...@thyrsus.com said:
> > Aaarrgghhh. It;s a huge pain in the ass and I wish it weren't interesting.
> > But given our mission statememnnt, it has to be.
> Just to make sure we are on the same wavelength...
> My question/proposal was not to drop seccomp if we didn't do wh
Hal Murray :
> The first quirk is that ntpd isn't on the #include search path.
> (My hack was to put a link from include to ntpd/seccomp)
> What's the right way to handle this? (Maybe I just fatfingered things.)
Generating the requred stuff into include, where all the headers live,
ought to work.
e...@thyrsus.com said:
> Aaarrgghhh. It;s a huge pain in the ass and I wish it weren't interesting.
> But given our mission statememnnt, it has to be.
Just to make sure we are on the same wavelength...
My question/proposal was not to drop seccomp if we didn't do what I sketched
out. It was