>From Stanford, EE-380
Dick Sites:
KUtrace 2020
I'm biased. I used to work with him and I like this sort of low level details.
If you like that, he has another talk online.
2015 Distinguished Alu
>>/* get timestamp after triggering since RAND_bytes is slow */
> When I added that comment I found that RAND_bytes() was taking hundreds of
> nanoseconds on the same system that was taking the classic version's local
> random less than 100ns.
When I saw that comment, I thought
>Message: 3
>Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 00:33:07 -0800
>From: Hal Murray
>To: devel@ntpsec.org
>Subject: Anybody taking care of refclock_trimble?
> <20200211083307.a89ce406...@ip-64-139-1-69.sjc.megapath.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>/* get timestamp