On Thursday, September 6, 2018 10:56 PM, "Mark Atwood, Project Manager"
> Thank you Mike! Please submit the PEP8 MR after you've fixed the merge
> conflict. I will review your existing MRs.
Ok, will do.
devel mailing list
On Thursday, September 6, 2018 10:14 PM, Paul Theodoropoulos via devel
> You might want to take a skim through those recent-ish commit to the
> howto, as I'm sure there's been further divergence from clockmaker that
> I introduced over the last month or two.
Thanks for the hint
I modified the pps_parport Linux Kernel Module to produce pulses in
addition to receiving them. It's different from the existing
pps_gen_parport in a few ways:
*works with multiple parallel ports
*timestamps assert or clear edge instead of just asserting at the top
of the second without timestampi