Yo Security!
HELP!! I just deleted my blog domain: blog.ntpsec.org
(https://ntpsec.gitlab.io/blog), to change the cert. Just as I have
done many times. But, now, I can't add the domain back. I get sent to
this page:
Hal Murray via devel writes:
> because it gets better data over the net.
> (Yes, the Ethernet is also USB, but it's faster USB.)
That's one of the reasons to have more than three GPS chimers on LAN.
If one drifts off, it gets marked a falseticker at being around 2ms off
and gets pulled back on tim
> Poking around, I see that some of my servers are not responding.
Things are happy again.
I think I've figured it out, but I don't have a smoking gun, a clean fix, or
a reproducible test case.
I think the problem was that I have servers setup to depend on each other.
Several have good refc