> But maybe I don't understand what you're after.
I'm interested in learning whatever we can about the timing in the kernel PPS
There is another approach that might be interesting. Use a loopback on some
modem control signals or gpio pins. Then a test program can grab the time,
Hal Murray via devel writes:
> It may be easier to experiment with a real serial port since it would be easy
> to pick one of the output modem control signals.
Well, that assumes you do have a serial port available that even has
these signals connected.
> With gpio we could make the dtoverlay li
devel@ntpsec.org said:
> As far as I understand the sources, setting up an echo allows a PPS client
> to register a callback function with the PPS device to be called when a PPS
> event happens. The default echo function simply outputs "echo: assert" or
> "echo: clear". I guess one could indeed
Hal Murray via devel writes:
> I'm not sure what you mean by "_creating_ a PPS".
What I had in mind was what the Parport PPS generator does, only with
output through a GPIO. Since no LPT is there on the rasPi, this doesn't
exist for it unfortunately, but the source code could serve as a