Yo Achim!
On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 18:24:16 +0200
Achim Gratz via devel wrote:
> I've ran at around 1.5…2.0ms excess upstream delay for the last few
> years (VDSL2) and had to shift the GPS chimers accordingly in order to
> allow reasonably smooth client fallback from internal to external
> sync.
Eric S. Raymond via devel writes:
> #251: Add fudge option to server config
> https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/issues/251
> Gary and Daniel are having an argument over whether this is a good
> idea.
The general idea of allowing NTP to compensate for asymmetric network
delays is sound, I think.
I've spent the last week triaging and resolving items from the NTPsec
issue tracker. We're making excellent progress; the count of
unresolved issues has gone from 41 to 15.
I shall round up the remaining issues and discuss where I think our
priorities need to be.
* I need to work on #3