I've spent the last week reading code and preparing for a serious
effort to write logfile visualization tools for NTPsec.
There are at least two good reasons to do this, one retrospective and
one prospective. The retrospective one is that the stats and
data-reduction tools now in the distribution
There is some ugly code in ntp_loopfilter that's setting up a signal handler
in case ntp_adjtime doesn't work. It's the sort of stuff Eric loves to rip
I can't figure out why that code would be useful. I expect we should figure
that out at build time.
I've commented it out. It's still
This is a quick briefing on my vacation plans. The amount of detail
in it is because I will have a week of limited availability in the evenings.
followed by a week of effectively no availability. Plan accordingly.
World Boardgaming Championships - Sat Jul 23 to Sun Jul 31:
I'll have a heavy sche