Hal Murray :
> e...@thyrsus.com said:
> > The only safe alternative would be to force the initial DNS lookups to be
> > synchronous.
> That doesn't work for the pool case. It wants to get more servers if some of
> the ones it is using stop responding.
> > A: get configuration (tha
e...@thyrsus.com said:
> The only safe alternative would be to force the initial DNS lookups to be
> synchronous.
That doesn't work for the pool case. It wants to get more servers if some of
the ones it is using stop responding.
> A: get configuration (that's the early thread launch)
We coul
Hal Murray :
> > I want to ask a different question: why the early thread launch? Can we move
> > that?
> It's getting called from config_peers in ntp_config. I don't know of any
> reason why we couldn't move it.
On further examination, it looks like moving the configuration read to later