this could have been some temporary cache hiccup. The rpmvalidator
package was also updated to version
"sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator-1.4-10.7.1.jolla.noarch". The previous package
version was what your error message shows.
I neglected to mention in my original message that also the rpmvalida
Hi Juha
On the first attempt I got this error:
Operation Failed
finished: Updating SDK Engine - exited with status 4
- File './noarch/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator-1.3-10.6.1.jolla.noarch.rpm'
not found on medium
- Can't pro
another minor update to the SDK Build Engine was released today.
The update concerns again only the SDK Control Center, which gets some
performance improvements, layout changes and provides a "Check for
updates now" button in the Updates page.
You should see updates available for the