url: "https://www.junat.net/";
The site does work with WebPirate, which also uses Qt WebKit for rendering.
What is wrong and how can I debug and fix this?
All help is greatly appreciated.
Sent from my Jolla Phone
Care to share your code?
Oleg Linkin kirjoitti ma lokakuuta 10 09:08:52 2016 GMT+0300:
> Hello developers.
> I try to implement authorization via google in my applications but I have
> one problem.
> In sailfish browser authorization works the next way:
> Click on google sign-in button
> Open new
Great job! You should really publish this on OpenRepos. Just remember to tag it
as a patch.
Unai IRIGOYEN kirjoitti ti heinäkuuta 26 23:43:31 2016 GMT+0300:
> Hi,
> Some time ago I proposed to add a clock to the actdead charging UI in TJC
> since it would allow a quite frequent use case for me:
You need to propose your topic by adding it to the meantioned TJC thread.
Timur Kristóf kirjoitti ke huhtikuuta 27 15:18:29 2016 GMT+0300:
> Hi,
> I proposed a topic for the next meeting, but got no reply.
> Does that mean that my proposal is rejected?
> Regards,
> TimurOn sze, 2016-04-27 at
So you want to force users to donate before they can use the app? I wouldn't
call that donating. That's paying for the software.
Anyway, an user can just click on the button, close browser and come back
without donating, so you might want to rethink your UI logic and business model.
Rudi Timmer
ated to the binary having bad
Anyway, I haven't tried Harbour today, the issue could be gone allready.
Lähetetty Jollastani
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Kaj-Michael Lang kirjoitti ma helmikuuta 15 10:29:07 2016 GMT+0200:
> On Mon, 2016-02-15 at 05:49 +, Riku wrote:
> > Is the harbour.jolla.com currently down? When trying to connect only a
> > white page is displayed? It has been such since yesterday evening?
> Works normally for me.
> --
ju...@swagman.org kirjoitti ke helmikuuta 3 06:25:24 2016
> Heh, that's simple; just forget WLAN and use only 3G/4G with bluetooth... ;)
> Actually that is what I do, I only use BT headsets when I am out from home on
> a hike or bicycling. That might be the reason I never have encountered these
supposed to listen to internet radios without an internet connection? :(
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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was not previously registered on WLANTL_GetSTAState
8 times.
Writing this is no use, is it? Whatever. I'll get some logs tomorrow and post
them from a PC. Shoot, I really need to stop debugging this and get some
actually important stuff done.
See ya,
Lähetetty Jolla
collecting logs and stopping journal).
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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made it last summer :D)
> Have you checked journal when it happens?
No, I haven't. I'm a little short on time, so I'll check it tomorrow. I suppose
I can find all the commands from TJC via the search, right?
Lähetetty Jollastani
Luciano Montanaro kirjoitti ma helmikuuta 1 17:04:23 2016 GMT+0200:
> For whatever is worth, I noticed wlan internet sharing and bluetooth
> do not mix well on the Jolla.
> If I activate bluetooth when I am using the Jolla as a wireless access
> point, there are malfunctions, either the wlan discon
the loss of WLAN connection and GStreamer errors, does it?
Lähetetty Jollastani
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None of these happen with wired or no headphones. What's going on?
Lähetetty Jollastani
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do it again... :D
Concerning QML the only formatting guide you need is “ctrl + a”, “ctrl + i” ;)
Lähetetty Jollastani
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I'm also experiencing this. Adding
running: boolenAtParentOrSomething
solved it for me.
Btw, your code formatting is really weird. Where did you learn that? I
understand your way of doing blocks, but that "something: true"
spacing freaks me out :P
Zoltán Lutor kirjoitti pe tammikuu
just like to know how much my app is used since the shy Finns aren't
providing much feedback while everything works :)
Lähetetty Jollastani
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François K. kirjoitti ma tammikuuta 18 12:35:14 2016 GMT+0200:
> PS: I haven't investigated the proxy approach yet. I'll probably give it a
> try in the next few days.
You can see my proxy list implementation from
https://github.com/jollailija/nettiradio (fav manager
Riku kirjoitti ke tammikuuta 13 03:44:04 2016 GMT+0200:
> Are there good examples of dbus handling from qml apps?
Sorry to hijack your topic, but I'd also like to see some examples of dbus
usage, especially MPRIS in qml (I'm implementing lockscreen media button
Lähetetty Jol
Care to share the sources?
Kim Foder kirjoitti ti tammikuuta 5 22:49:12 2016 GMT+0200:
> Hi
> Normally, when I deploy a project, I end up with three .rpm's, one containing
> the program, one containing debug info and one containing debug source.
> But, for some reason, my current project on
I can't make it to the meeting, but I'd like to propose a topic:
(When) are we getting a roadmap for 2016?
I think Simo had a TJC thread about this.
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel maili
Vidhuran Harichandra Babu kirjoitti ti tammikuuta 5 14:43:07 2016 GMT+0200:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to set that whenever a link is opened from an external app
> (like mail or telegram) it has to open in a new link. Currently the
> behavior is such that it would open in an existing tab is there
11:18:11: Start SDK: Starting "MerSDK" virtual machine...
11:18:25: Starting:
E:\Users\jollailija\gitrepos\harbour-nemosyne\harbour-nemosyne.pro -r -spec
linux-g++ "CONFIG+=debug&q
Efficiency-wice it doesn't really matter, after all your QSQLModel must read
the database as well.
I am also working on something that has a modifiable list stored with SQL. I'll
link you the code after I'm done with it.
> Thanks again :)
No problem, I might accidentally l
is really
easy, you just need a loop that throws all the things from the QML list model
into the SQL database and another one to do this the other way around.
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Merry Christmas/happy holidays to all of you! And thanks for your hard work!
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Followup for this discussion: Nettiradio was approved today! Yay! Christmas is
saved! Big thanks to QA!
Holiday cheers,
jollail...@gmail.com kirjoitti to joulukuuta 17 07:18:08 2015 GMT+0200:
> My other app's update arrived yesterday. It took 17 days so they are speedi
My other app's update arrived yesterday. It took 17 days so they are speeding
up :) One can always hope
Thomas Amler kirjoitti ke joulukuuta 16 21:00:29 2015 GMT+0200:
> I don't want to disillusion you, but my two updates which passed QA
> yesterday and today, were 18 and 19 days in the queue. ;
Thanks, then I don't want to risk it. Would be great to have the update before
Christmas, because the new online list it uses has Christmas net radios. (wink
wink, QA :) )
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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pdate out before holidays.
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Uh, I meant ListModel. Shouldn't have stayed up so late last night. Thanks
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Is it possible to append items straight to the top of ListView? Or do I need to
move() the last item to the top after every append?
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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not call any variables inside components from outside of
> components
> use
> QmlListModel{id:qmlListModel}
> indstead of
> Component{QmlListModel{id:qmlListModel}}
> On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Jollailija Developer <
> jollail...@gmail.com> wrote:
no idea what I'm doing.
(want to take a look? source at https://github.com/jollailija/nettiradio )
Reference error: jollailija is not defined
2015-12-12 8:02 GMT+02:00 Jollailija Developer :
> I switched onCompleted to this:
> Component.onCompleted: qmlListModel.append({"
exander Ladygin :
> seems like index out of bounds
> stationsModel items count is smaller than lib.stationCount
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:28 PM, Jollailija Developer <
> jollail...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using Alpha Menu (Pe
27;t working. What's wrong with it? Here's the output:
[W] unknown:52 -
TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of undefined
"Good night to you, dear devs!" wishes
Alexander Ladygin kirjoitti pe joulukuuta 11 20:22:40 2015 GMT+0200:
> mb you should delete first line in file
That solved the issue. Case closed. Thanks!
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing l
Hey, what if the problem is that UTF-8 doesn't support åäö? I'll try another
coding. Funny that it works while the file isn't local source.
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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n case GitHub goes down or something, I'd like to have a local copy
> shipped with every release. However, XmlListModel doesn't seem to like
> reading local files. I have tried all kinds of local path urls but I can't
> get it working. What am I doing wrong?
> If you need to
em to like reading local
files. I have tried all kinds of local path urls but I can't get it working.
What am I doing wrong?
If you need to take a look at the code, you can find it at
The xml file I'm trying to read is asemat.xml adn th
I meant https://github.com/jollailija/scoreboard/ :)
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Can you help me? My code is up at github/jollailija/scoreboard
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Андрей Кожевников kirjoitti la joulukuuta 5 14:33:01 2015 GMT+0200:
> Check kimmo template pl
Where is that? "Test 5" isn't an app and I can't find any repo from his Github
called "template". Thanks!
Lähetetty Jollastani
says there are "arch dependent binaries in
noarch package". The only binary I can think of is the default C++ that comes
with the default app template. How can I fix this?
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mail
How can I make noarch packages? I tried googling but I didn't find any
instructions. I also searched this mailing list for 'noarch', and it's only
mentioned once in a terminal log.
jollailija the newbie
gt; Jolla StoreQA Tester
Thank you for the response! No hurry, nice to know QA is still up&doing it's
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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weeks now :)
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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r0kk3rz kirjoitti ma marraskuuta 16 11:04:52 2015 GMT+0200:
> https://github.com/nemomobile/qtmpris
> This has some useful QML methods you can integrate
Thank you! Also, your 'Alpha Menu' is cool, I added it to my app (Nettiradio)
as alternative list vie
I'd like to control the playback of QML Audio element via the lockscreen
buttons. Is there any documentation?
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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2. Fast, no db loading (the list is quite long)
3. Eazy
Feel free to correct me with a better approach.
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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By the way, on emulator I can 'disguise' a QML file with .txt extension and it
still works, but on the phone the app doesn't start and says that 'StationModel
is not a type'. Weird.
Lähetetty Jollastani
editor app without having to
use developer mode. I know it's against Harbour rules, but since Nettiradio is
open source I think they could let it pass :)
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Most of Sailfish is allready open source, only the UI is closed as well as
aliendalvik and a couple of other things (see sailfishos.org). Open sourcing
more of Sailfish is one of the topics at the upcaming community meeting.
Oleg kirjoitti ma marraskuuta 9 19:09:11 2015 GMT+0200:
> Are there
Alexander Ladygin kirjoitti la marraskuuta 7 14:06:59 2015 GMT+0200:
> Hey!
> Probably stupid question but are there any ways to edit
> /usr/lib/jolla-email binary? QML parts as they are stored as clear text.
> Alex.
I'm afraid you can't, unless you reverse engineer everything. You can edit
Didn't do the trick for me :(
Alexander Ladygin kirjoitti ke lokakuuta 28 12:18:02 2015 GMT+0200:
> If you add DockPanel as child to ApplicationWindow, not Page, then there
> will be no overlaping without any workarounds (at least it did it for me)
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 1:02 PM, wrote:
Okay, it took me this long to find some free time. So, I did some things and
during my test the timer ran for eight minutes. Great! I did another test, this
time it ran for two minutes and fell asleep. What's wrong? Code is at my repo,
Ok, I'll have a look at it. Thanks!
Alexander Ladygin kirjoitti ke lokakuuta 28 12:18:02 2015 GMT+0200:
> If you add DockPanel as child to ApplicationWindow, not Page, then there
> will be no overlaping without any workarounds (at least it did it for me)
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 1:02 PM, wrot
In Nettiradio I noticed the same behavior with SilicaListView content
overlapping with DockedPanel. I worked around it by adding some margin between
the two. You can still see the section headers overlapping with the panel,
Alexander Ladygin kirjoitti ke lokakuuta 28 11:18:19 2015 GMT+0
waking up?
Thanks for bearing with me :)
(my QMl file is at github.com/jollailija/simplestopwatch in case you need to
look at it)
Lähetetty Jollastani
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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I can confirm that this has done the trick. I also added some lines to
harbour-simplestopwatch.pro and Compile Output no longer says that
translations.path is not defined. I will now submit the app to Harbour,
hopefully everything will work this time :) Thank you for your help.
Andrey Kozhevnikov kirjoitti la lokakuuta 3 12:32:09 2015 GMT+0300:
> You can just check sources one more time and more carefully :)
> https://github.com/tanghus/kitchen-timer-qml/blob/master/rpm/harbour-kitchentimer.spec#L9-L11
Thank you! I'll try that when I get on the computer. I think I
and '__requires_exclude' .spec file to avoid that
- -
OK [rpath in binary seems to be ok: '/usr/share/harbour-simplestopwatch/lib'
- -
So, I can't submit it to the Harbour. How to fix? :) I updated my source
code at github.
I don't think so, my insomniac.pro is identical.
2015-09-26 16:23 GMT+03:00 Andrey Kozhevnikov :
> missed whole installs from
> https://github.com/tanghus/kitchen-timer-qml/blob/master/src/insomniac/insomniac.pro
> ?
> -- Исходное сообщение --
> От: "J
import harbour.simplestopwatch.insomniac 1.0
How do I fix it? What did I miss?
2015-09-26 16:11 GMT+03:00 Jollailija Developer :
> Phew, I think I did it! It now builds without errors and deploys nicely
> into the emulator. I'll build it for the phone and test it out (but before
> that write th
Phew, I think I did it! It now builds without errors and deploys nicely
into the emulator. I'll build it for the phone and test it out (but before
that write the QML code using it, duh), but so far so good. Thanks for your
help! This is why I love (developing for) Sailfish so much, there are
How do I do that? Please remember I am a total newbie. I updated my github
repository, please see builderror.txt and issues.png for more info if needed.
Andrey Kozhevnikov kirjoitti la syyskuuta 26 15:26:47 2015 GMT+0300:
> you should have subfolders in your project to be able to build multiple
> In harbour-simplestopwatch.pro remove or comment out the line "CONFIG +=
> sailfishapp".
> From the top of my head I can't see any other errors, other than that you
> don't need to also add folderlistmodel, display.h/cpp and qmlsettings.h/cpp
> unless you need need them. The Insomnia
the IDE, but then building failed. I used the debugger and
> >found out it need some other files from kitchentimer/src/. I copied all
> >the files and replaced kitchentimer with simplestopwatch. Now it
> >builds, but the app is just plain white. Could someone help
is just plain
white. Could someone help? I updated the source code to
https://github.com/jollailija/simplestopwatch/ please make a pull request.
Andrey Kozhevnikov kirjoitti pe syyskuuta 25 17:34:17 2015 GMT+0300:
> You probably did not converted project to subdirs. Check
> kitchentimer.pr
I tried to import Insomniac to my Simple Stopwatch by copying the files from
https://github.com/tanghus/kitchen-timer-qml/tree/master/insomniac to
simplestopwatch/src/insomniac, replacing kitchentimer in the files with
simplestopwatch and finally using 'Add Existing Files...' in the IDE
I updated to the new SDK version (by removing the old one). When I open
Tools>Mer>Emulator mode... I get a little window labeled as 'Change Emulator
Mode'. However I am unable to change the parameters as they are greyed out. The
text at the top reads 'This emulator does not support multiple
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