> It is a good practice to load the minimal amount of data in a
> ListModel. I don't know which app you are developing, but for an
> example TODO list app, the main page would only load (from a
> storage, like a database), only the title and id of the TODO
> entries. Clicking on an entry will
Hi François,
It is a good practice to load the minimal amount of data in a ListModel. I
don't know which app you are developing, but for an example TODO list app, the
main page would only load (from a storage, like a database), only the title and
id of the TODO entries. Clicking on an entry wil
Sorry to bump this, but I think my last mail formatting was misleading.
It actually contained another question :
> The best way to do this is to use QML ListModel. Instead of loading
> the properties in a JS object, you can load them as model properties
> (via
> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5
Don't know how you do it, but I use 'deploy project' from the Build menu (not
from the left-bottom-corner toolbar) and it works for me.
And iirc my settings are defaults;
The rpm appears in ..\build-projectname\RPM
Peoples, send direct mail to carsten.m...@jolla.com - NOT on this
mailing list please, don't flood our inboxes. Thanks :)
02.12.2014 15:08, Carsten Munk пишет:
Send me a direct mail - NOT on this mailing list with answers to:
SailfishOS.org Deve
Hi Franck,
This is related to package inclusion to Mer. Mer requires packages to be non
(L)GPLv3 because of some issues with this license. Since the Mer build-engine
uses spectacle, that is used for packaging Mer packages too, there is a warning
However, as you are developing your own ap
Le 02/12/2014 22:48, Peter Pykäläinen a écrit :
Deploy by building fails for me too. Always has.
If you are able to deploy to phone then you have the RPM on your disk too.
// Peter Pykäläinen
I think it used to work here (but I've not been working on the project
for months, so my memory mig
Le 03/12/2014 07:18, Kimmo Lindholm a écrit :
Just for that your yaml says:
License: GPLv3
Yes, that's intended. Why a warning ? What's the problem ?
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