Change in package status over the last 168 hours
6 packages were orphaned
javanotes [f22, f21, f20, master] was orphaned by lonetwin
Introduction to Programming Using Java, By David J. Eck
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
perl-qpid [f21, f20] was orphaned by irina
Perl bindings for the Qpid messaging framework
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
0 packages were retired
0 packages unorphaned
0 packages were unretired
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
0 packages were retired
0 packages unorphaned
0 packages were unretired
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
Shinobi [f22, f21] was orphaned by raphgro
Meta build system for Ninja
cclive [f23, f2
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
12 packages were orphaned
caja-terminal [f23, master] was orphaned by raveit65
Terminal embedded in Caja
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
6 packages were orphaned
dock [f23, f22, f21, master] was orphaned by ttomecek
Improved builder for Docker images
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
perl-MongoDB [el6, epel7] was orphaned by ktdreyer
A MongoDB Driver for Perl
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
awstats [f23, f22, f21, master, el6, epel7] was orphaned by plautrba
Advanced Web Statistics
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
6 packages were orphaned
create-tx-configuration [f23, epel7] was orphaned by immanetize
An easy way to create Transifex client configuration files
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
49 packages were orphaned
activemq [f21] was orphaned by kevin
Open source messaging and Integration Patterns server
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
14 packages were orphaned
ScientificPython [f22, f21] was orphaned by kevin
A collection of Python modules that are useful for scientific computing
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
prototype [f23, f22, f21, master, el6, epel7, el5] was orphaned by remi
JavaScript framework
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
eventlog [f23, f22, f21, master] was orphaned by silfreed
Syslog-ng v2/v3 support library
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
12 packages were orphaned
MiniCopier [f19, master, f20] was orphaned by hicham
Graphical copy manager
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
gdesklets [f21, f19, master, f20] was orphaned by luya
An interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
34 packages were orphaned
cln [el5] was orphaned by kevin
Class Library for Numbers
clucene [f21, f19, master, f20
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
6 packages were orphaned
inetvis [f21, f19, master, f20] was orphaned by mildew
3-D scatter-plot visualization for network traffic
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
kde-plasma-publictransport [f21, f19, master, f20] was orphaned by brummbq
Public Transport plasma applet
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
14 packages were orphaned
bzr [el5] was orphaned by toshio
Friendly distributed version control system
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
6 packages were orphaned
axis2c [el6, el5] was orphaned by gholms
Web services engine implemented in C
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
51 packages were retired
cabal-dev [master] was retired by petersen
Haskell package sandboxing tool
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
35 packages were orphaned
ORBit2 [f19, f20] was orphaned by mclasen
A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
14 packages were orphaned
autoconf-archive [f20, f21, f19, master, el6, epel7, el5] was orphaned by kevin
The Autoconf Macro Archive
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
8 packages were orphaned
flickrnet [f21, f19, master, f20] was orphaned by palango
.NET library to interact with the Flickr API
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
django-sct [master] was orphaned by mrunge
A collection of Django applications for building community websites
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
libvmime07 [master] was orphaned by robert
A powerful C++ class library for working with MIME/Internet messages
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
pyicq-t [el5] was orphaned by stefansf
ICQ Transport for Jabber Servers
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
8 packages were orphaned
cqrlog [f21, master, epel7] was orphaned by sparks
An amateur radio contact logging program
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
7 packages were retired
blacs [el6] was retired by spot
Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
gdesklets [master] was orphaned by luya
An interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
143 packages were orphaned
clc-intercal [f21, f19, master, f20] was orphaned by pingou
Compiler for the INTERCAL language
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
28 packages were orphaned
apt [f22, f21, f20, master] was orphaned by kevin
Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool with RPM support
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
11 packages were orphaned
R-TH-data [el6, epel7] was orphaned by orion
Data for other R packages
R-car [el6,
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
grads [f22, f21, f20, master, el6, epel7] was orphaned by orion
Tool for easy acces, manipulation, and visualization of data
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
12 packages were orphaned
deskbar-applet [el6, el5] was orphaned by lmacken
A Gnome applet to allow easy access to various search engines
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
maven-changes-plugin [master] was orphaned by mizdebsk
Plugin to support reporting of changes between releases
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
git-cola [epel7] was orphaned by cicku
A sleek and powerful git GUI
netactview [f22,
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
AcetoneISO2 [master] was orphaned by moceap
CD/DVD Image Manipulator
obexftp [f22,
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
53 packages were retired
PyQt [el6] was retired by till
Python bindings for Qt3
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP [el6] was orphaned by kevin
Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
nss_compat_ossl [master] was orphaned by mharmsen
Source-level compatibility library for OpenSSL to NSS porting
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
blahtexml [f22, f21, f20, master, el6, el5] was orphaned by jasper
TeX / MathML converter
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
mozilla-noscript [f22, f21, f20, master, el6, el5] was orphaned by tomspur
JavaScript white list extension for Mozilla Firefox
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
SFML [f22, f21, f20, master] was orphaned by belegdol
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
fwbuilder [f22, f21, f20, master] was orphaned by till
Firewall Builder
18 packages
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
docx2txt [f22, f21] was orphaned by bochecha
Convert Docx documents to Text
jna [el5]
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
19 packages were orphaned
gdesklet-SlideShow [f22, f21, f20, master] was orphaned by sergiomb
A slideshow of collection for gdesklets
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
50 packages were orphaned
BitchX [f22, f21, f20, master, el6, el5] was orphaned by kevin
IrcII chat client
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
bzr-gtk [EL-6] was orphaned by lbazan
Bazaar plugin for GTK+ interfaces to most Bazaar operations
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
57 packages were orphaned
ghc-arrows [devel,f19] was orphaned by shakthimaan
Classes that extend the Arrow class
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
8 packages were orphaned
ghc-IOSpec [devel,f20] was orphaned by petersen
A pure specification of the IO monad
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
gnomeradio [f19] was orphaned by rathann
Graphical FM-Tuner program for GNOME
8 packages u
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
20 packages were orphaned
libofx [EL-5,devel,epel7,f19,f20] was orphaned by notting
A library for supporting Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
python-crypto2.6 [devel] was orphaned by toshio
Cryptography library for python
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
9 packages were orphaned
marco [epel7] was orphaned by raveit65
MATE Desktop window manager
caja [epel7] was orphaned by
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
13 packages were orphaned
npth [devel,f19,f20] was orphaned by kevin
The New GNU Portable Threads library
horde [EL-6] wa
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
python-keystoneclient [EL-6,devel,f19,f20] was orphaned by apevec
Python API and CLI for OpenStack Keystone
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
openstack-nova [EL-6,devel,f19,f20] was orphaned by xqueralt
OpenStack Compute (nova)
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
python-heatclient [EL-6,devel,f19,f20] was orphaned by sdake
Openstack Orchestration (heat) Python Client Library
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
68 packages were orphaned
httpcomponents-client [f19,f20] was orphaned by sochotni
HTTP agent implementation based on httpcomponents HttpCore
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
transfig [devel,f19,f20] was orphaned by kdudka
A utility for converting FIG files (made by xfig) to other formats.
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
hostname [devel,f19,f20] was orphaned by jpopelka
Provides commands which can be used to display the system's DNS name, and
to display or set its hostname
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
12 packages were orphaned
ale [f19, master, f20] was orphaned by silfreed
Combines multiple inputs of the same scene
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
13 packages were orphaned
amtu [master] was orphaned by sgrubb
Abstract Machine Test Utility (AMTU)
docker [maste
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
13 packages were orphaned
R-bigmemory [master] was orphaned by spot
Manage massive matrices in R using C++, with support for shared memory
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
24 packages were orphaned
MegaMek [master] was orphaned by dbhole
A portable, network-enabled BattleTech engine
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
24 packages were orphaned
docker-registry [epel7] was orphaned by goldmann
Registry server for Docker
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
14 packages were orphaned
SOAPpy [f19, master, f20, el5] was orphaned by pingou
Full-featured SOAP library for Python
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
7 packages were orphaned
eclipse-p2-discovery [f19, f20] was orphaned by kdaniel
Equinox p2 discovery
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
97 packages were orphaned
SDL_gfx [f23, f22, f21, master, el6, epel7, el5] was orphaned by kevin
SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
57 packages were orphaned
alliance [el6, el5] was orphaned by kevin
archimedes [f23, f22, f21
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
8 packages were orphaned
bouncycastle-pkix [epel7] was orphaned by gil
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
gdesklets-goodweather [f22] was orphaned by sergiomb
Themeable weather and condition display for gdesklet
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
eclipse-jbosstools [master] was orphaned by galileo
Eclipse plugins that support JBoss and related technology
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
7 packages were orphaned
bouncycastle [el6, epel7, el5] was orphaned by stevetraylen
Bouncy Castle Crypto Package for Java
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
8 packages were retired
boa [master] was retired by till
Single-tasking HTTP server
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
Pagila [f23, f22, master] was orphaned by pkajaba
Example database for PostgreSQL
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
gstreamer1-vaapi [epel7] was orphaned by moezroy
GStreamer plugins to use VA API video acceleration
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
cherrytree [f23, f22, f21, master] was orphaned by cheeselee
Hierarchical note taking application
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
pulseaudio [el5] was orphaned by lkundrak
Improved Linux Sound Server
26 packages
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
7 packages were retired
nodejs-lodash [master] was retired by jamielinux
A low-level utility library delivering consist
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
radiusclient-ng [epel7] was orphaned by nmav
RADIUS protocol client library
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
3 packages were orphaned
faience-icon-theme [epel7] was orphaned by raveit65
Faience icon theme
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
radiusclient-ng [master] was orphaned by swilkerson
RADIUS protocol client library
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
mimepull [el6] was orphaned by gil
Streaming API to access attachments from a MIME message
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
lexertl [f23, f22, master] was orphaned by jjames
Modular lexical analyzer generator
Change in package status over the last 168 hours
11 packages were orphaned
d-feet [el6] was orphaned by kevin
A powerful D-Bus Debugger
edsadmin [f23, f22, mast
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
17 packages were orphaned
mars-sim [EL-5,EL-6,devel,f17,f18,f19] was orphaned by lkundrak
Mars Simulation Project
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
4 packages unorphaned
cheeselee unorphaned : perl-Net-ARP [EL-5,EL-6,devel,f17,f18,f19]
dvratil unorphaned : akonadi [devel
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
4 packages unorphaned
vcrhonekunorphaned : openslp [devel,f18,f19]
goeran unorphaned : emacs-vm [devel,f17,f18,f19]
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
39 packages were orphaned
symmetrica [devel,f17,f18,f19] was orphaned by konradm
A Collection of Routines for Solving Symmetric Groups
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-fonts [devel,f18,f19] was orphaned by toshio
A Latin typeface that is decorative, surreal, and hairy
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
5 packages were orphaned
python-xklavier [EL-6] was orphaned by pbrobinson
Python bindings for libxklavier
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
10 packages were orphaned
SDL_ttf [EL-6] was orphaned by pbrobinson
Simple DirectMedia Layer TrueType Font library
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
2 packages were orphaned
yum-utils [EL-5] was orphaned by kevin
Utilities based around the yum package manager
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
15 packages were orphaned
perl-NOCpulse-Gritch [EL-5,EL-6,devel,f18,f19,f20] was orphaned by msuchy
Perl throttled email notification for Spacewalk
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
0 packages were orphaned
12 packages unorphaned
ecashin unorphaned : aoetools [EL-5]
mpolacekunorphaned : libmpc [EL-6,devel,f18,f19,f20]
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
4 packages were orphaned
gnome-backgrounds [devel,f18,f19,f20] was orphaned by vicodan
Desktop backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
Change in ownership over the last 168 hours
1 packages were orphaned
python-zope-interface [EL-5,devel,f18,f19,f20] was orphaned by fschwarz
Zope 3 Interface Infrastructure
1 - 100 of 228 matches
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