Re: Latest fedora on docker hub

2020-07-04 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Releng is resposible for this at docker hub. So, i filed out a report at releng a while a go. Not sure when the update will be happen. cheers, Wolfgang ___ devel mailing list -- To u

Re: libexempi SONAME bump in rawhide

2019-09-03 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Thanks for the heads-up! I can rebuild caja and eog when new exempi version is in rawhide. Maybe you post that here? Wolfgang ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fed

Re: libexempi SONAME bump in rawhide

2019-09-03 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
typo in previous post s/eog/eom/g ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List G

Re: f32-backgrounds available for testing

2020-03-06 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
As always backgrounds are updated too late! We are already in beta freeze, and desktop maintainers have to file out a freeze exception to update their gsettings keys to match new directory of wallpapers. Can you please update you package 2 weeks before beta freeze next time? Or change backgr

Re: Orphaned packages need new maintainers (will be retired in 2 weeks)

2018-12-10 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
I will pick up libcryptui, i need it for caja-seahorce. greetz Wolfgang ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct:

pygtk2 orphaned

2019-01-06 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
I just orphaned pygtk2 because i don't needed any more for myself. cheers Wolfgang ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: F30 change, bootloaderspec by default

2019-02-14 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
How can i disable this new feature complete? I am using a multiboot system with 3 different root partitions for testing my packages. Sadly reading the kernel vars with root=UUID=from [root@mother rave]# cat /boot/grub2/grubenv # GRUB Environment Block boot_success=1 boot_indeterminate=0 sav

Re: "Basic graphics mode" feature and criterion discussion

2019-03-26 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
I noticed that with f30-beta-1.7 an installation with a 1030GT nvidia card is much improved. First time since more than 1 year that you can really use a livecd for installation without thinking ` better finishing the installation as far as possible`. Thanks a lot ajax. But honestly, for producti

orphaning compiz stack

2018-11-03 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
I just orphaned whole the compiz stack. - compiz - compiz-plugins-main - compiz-plugins-extra - compiz-plugins-experimental - compiz-manager - compizconfig-python - compiz-bcop - emerald - emerald-themes - fusion-icon - ccsm - simple-ccsm I don't use those packages for myself any more and i mainta

Re: F41 Change Proposal: Anaconda as native Wayland application (System Wide)

2024-07-09 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
I am owner of MATE desktop spin. Will anconda run on a x11 desktop (liveCD) ? Mate wayland support is highly experimental and far away from a production state to use as desktop for fedora. When anconda won't run on x11 it isn't possible to install MATE desktop from the spin, in result this break

Re: F41 Change Proposal: Anaconda as native Wayland application (System Wide)

2024-07-09 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Btw. Why not splitting anconda RPM in a main part which support only wayland with a new sub package for X11? Than you can reduce package size for workstation and desktops which are ready for wayland. In my opinion this is way to go to support X11 desktops until X11 itself is obsolete. Wolfgang

Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers (see note about xinetd)​

2020-11-09 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
> Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies): < cut > > raveit65: sgpio I am still wondering why i am listed here as (co)maintainers. I do not maintain this package. Cheers Wolfgang ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fe

Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers (see note about xinetd)​

2020-11-11 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
I know where my package are listed at :) But... [root@mother rave]# dnf repoquery --whatrequires sgpio Letzte Prüfung auf abgelaufene Metadaten: vor 1:28:41 am Mi 11 Nov 2020 17:04:25 CET. [root@mother rave]# dnf repoquery --whatrequires sgpio Let

Re: ImageMagick update

2021-10-16 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
I have rebuild eom yesterday for rawhide. Untaging would force me another rebuild of eom. I hope the update won't push to stable branches. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproj

Re: Help Needed: freetype <=> harfbuzz dependency loop affecting 5 Live Spins creation failure

2021-02-21 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Mate-compiz spin is also affected after this PR But it's not only a problem for spins. A lot of graphical application and other applications will be uninstallable. ``` [root@mother rave]# dnf repoquery --whatrequires xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-10

Re: Help Needed: freetype <=> harfbuzz dependency loop affecting 5 Live Spins creation failure

2021-02-21 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
> A lot of graphical application and other applications will be uninstallable. Sorry, i meant you can't install them. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code

Re: Packaging new Compiz 0.9 version

2021-04-12 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
The official fedora spin requires compiz-0.88. compiz-0.88 is under active development and does perfectly match Mate-desktop. In the past gnome itself decided not to use compiz in favor of mutter. As Mate spin owner i am against to update compiz only because of gnome-flash, which was never offici

Re: Packaging new Compiz 0.9 version

2021-04-13 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
The problem is that compiz-reloaded (0.88) has several adjustments for MATE desktop, eg. gtk-theme reloading during theme switching, desktop shortcuts, special theme page in ccsm, etc. I don't want lost this for users of mate-compiz spin. For privat reasons i don't have the time in the next 2 ye

Re: Intention to dropping the the "Allow SSH root login with password" option from the installer GUI

2021-05-01 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Yes, why not adding an option to anaconda to create a personal ssh key? Same like amazon cloud does. Eg. when you create a el8 server in AWS, AWS gives you an option to create a ssh key before you finish the setup of this machine. With that key you can later login to the root account of your AWS s

Review swap: pluma-plugins - Modules for the pluma text editor

2021-08-19 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Hello all, I am looking for a review swap, here is a link to my bug report: Thank you Wolfgang ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.f

Re: F41 Change Proposal: Anaconda as native Wayland application (System Wide)

2024-09-17 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Thanks a lot, i've no idea to do that for myself for MATE desktop. So please go a head. Wolfgang -- ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: http

Re: Non-responsive maintainer check for lbazan (Luis Enrique Bazan De Leon)

2024-11-18 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Can you poke him again please? I see no reaction on bugreport -- ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code

Re: Non-responsive maintainer check for lbazan (Luis Enrique Bazan De Leon)

2024-11-18 Thread Wolfgang Ulbrich
Can you poke him again please. I see no reaction from him. -- ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: