Re: Correct way to handle a single failed build on COPR?

2015-07-13 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Dave, You will get the option which platform you want to have the rebuild for, when you click resubmit. IIRC even the platforms where the last build was successful will not be selected by default. Timotheus On 14 July 2015 at 07:05, Dave Johansen wrote: >

Re: COPR fail to build on F20

2015-07-17 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
> DEBUG failure: repodata/repomd.xml from updates: [Errno 256] > No more mirrors to try. > DEBUG > > [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found F20 has reached end of life: https://fe

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-12 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Dan, I was made aware on IRC, that Claudio or myself should answer this question. > as Mono 4 adds support for the ppc64le architecture (and aarch64 > support was probably added earlier), we (the Secondary arches team) > would like to see a full bootstrap and subsequent update of %mono_arch

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-12 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello, >> So, I guess the failure needs to be resolved first. > > Upstream has fixed it and you can pull in their patch. > > I have now applied this patch, and it builds on Copr:

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-12 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
> what we (in secondary arches) primarily need is the decision how to > proceed - incremental rebuild over 3.4 or complete rebootstrap. > Naturally we prefer the complete rebootstrap as it allows bringing up > new arches. And because we are in no way Mono experts, we would > appreciate the procedur

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-12 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
> btw, the monolite binary is a native binary prebuilt for x86 only or > can it be easily built also for other arches? according to this should work: make get-monolite-latest Also have a look at

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-18 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Peter, >> Peter, do you have a list what will be rebuilt? > > Not really, I would expect this to be provided by the Change owners. > > The core bits I've looked at are: > graphviz > avahi > > As they impact the rest of the distro. > > and a few other packages. There appears to be problems wi

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-18 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Dan, > first update > srpm builds fine on f22/s390x > mono segfaults when running monolite on f22/ppc64 > build runs well on f22/ppc64le (new arch) after adding ppc64le to the > ExclusiveArch list Thanks for trying it! I have added ppc64le in the spec file to the ExclusiveArch list. I wonde

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-18 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Peter, > I've rebuilt a few packages in the f23-mono4 side tag, some are broken > which causes some others to have failures, you'll need to fix/update > nant/dbus-sharp. I'm also rebuilding mono itself as a post boostrap > build. Just for me as clarification: so is the bootstrap process fin

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-18 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Peter, > It can, partially, but for the maintainers to know about your changes > you need to file bug reports in bugzilla, I suggest also you have a > mono4 tracking bug for all the bugs to block so it's easy for people > to track the status and help out as it's a central location. Good to k

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-18 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
> Do you intend to build and support mono4 in EPEL? Which versions. If > you've not done in EPEL it doesn't magically appear. Similarly you'll > need to file a ticket in the releng trac instance to get a side tag > for this. > > I strongly suggest you get it built and all sorted out in rawhide with

Re: F23 System Wide Change: Mono 4

2015-05-19 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Neal, > So we won't have mono stuff working for F22 then? I have installed a fresh Fedora 21, and then upgraded to F22 according to I then did dnf install mono-core. rpm -qa | grep m

Re: F24 System Wide Change: Default Local DNS Resolver

2015-12-04 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
> is deployed in probably half of the homes in Germany... Also I am > pretty sure other routers form other manufacturers do the same > thing. Now, if we default to DNSSEC validation soon, does this mean Same for Vodafone Routers in Germany: I go to to configure my router. -- devel

Re: Can anyone explain this broken dependencies alert?

2016-08-11 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Björn, > Why am I getting this broken dependencies alert several times a day? I > built a new AWS in Rawhide two days ago, but the program that sends > these emails has apparently not noticed. > > I'd understand if it complained about F25, as I think I missed the > alpha freeze deadline, but

Re: Pidora

2016-02-08 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
> During his DevConf presentation, Ian mentioned that he had to recompile a lot > of the base packages to get it working, so I'm guessing not. His presentation > should be on YouTube by now if you're interested. You might also want to have a look at "Fedora 23 Remix for Pi 2B" [1] by Vaughan. Th

Re: Status of XRDP in F23+

2016-03-24 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Christopher, please check [1] if your bug has been reported already. Or report new bugs at [2], and hopefully the maintainers (see list at [3]) should reply on the bugs. Timotheus [1]: [2]: [3]: https://admin.fed

Re: NUnit test in Monodevelop

2016-04-07 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Ilia, >> > in monodevelop (f24,f25) don't work NUnit test. I can not create NUnit >> > test >> > from IDE. I am one of the maintainers of the Fedora monodevelop package. Please create a bug for it at Product: Fedora, Component: monodevelop I will try to have a

Re: Fedora 31 Self-Contained Change proposal: Mono 5.20

2019-07-15 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Vitaly, Update the Mono stack in Fedora from 5.18 to 5.20. Also please update NuGet package. It was not updated for ages and cannot install modern dotnet dependencies. I have now written a reply to that bug 1722217 for nuget. Timotheus ___ d

Re: Donate 1 minute of your time to test upgrades from F30 to F31

2019-09-12 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Thanks for letting me know! On 12.09.19 10:06, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote: On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 05:18:36PM +0100, chedi toueiti wrote: Error: Problem 1: problem with installed package mono-tools-gendarme-4.2-12.fc30.x86_64 - mono-tools-gendarme-4.2-12.fc30.x86_64 does not belong

Re: gnome-subtitles (mono) dependency on not picked up automatically

2019-09-29 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Julian, a bug was recently filed against gnome-subtitles [1] stating that dependency is missing. While I could easily fix this with explicit Requires, my concern is why wasnt't this depencency picked up automatically in the first place. Do you have any suggestions? Thank yo

Re: Mono - Do we have a maintainer?

2018-08-17 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello all, Yes, mono is behind, but it isn't a simple reason. The way mono is bootstrapped and compiled has changed starting with version 5.0. The Roslyn compiler is now the default and requires bootstrapping from binary-only sources provided by upstream. This is a no-no in Fedora. There was an

Re: Official archiver of Fedora mailing lists shows e-mails with one day delay!

2018-03-03 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Farhad, Please do something for this problem, it is really bad situation you are waiting for e-mails and check the web page several times but you don't see anything! |: I don't think that is the official archive

Re: Package Anki has a Non-responsive Maintainer, Christian Krause

2018-03-29 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello Thomas, I am posted to ask if anybody knows how to contact Christian Krause who is currently the maintainer of Anki in Fedora. I have sent him an e-mail to his personal address, and I hope he will respond to this thread soon. Timotheus ---

announcing libkolabxml soname bump in rawhide

2020-08-16 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hi all, I will be updating libkolabxml from 1.1.6 to 1.2.0 in Rawhide in 7 days. The only dependency is kdepim, as far as I can see. Let me know in the bug if you see any issues. I have already committed the change in git, but not built the pa

Issue with Mono on armv7hl segfaulting

2021-07-08 Thread Timotheus Pokorra
Hello, I am resending this email to devel, because I did not get a reply on the ARM list. Since August 2020 we have an issue with Mono Segfault on armv7hl. This is one bug repo