Re: Discussion around app retirements and categorizations by the CPE team

2019-07-17 Thread Timothée Floure
Hello, I do not think it would be good for apps.fp.o to simply disappear: although outdated, it does a pretty good job improving human-discoverability of our services. I understand that longtime or active contributors are not really affected but I believe the index to be helpful for newcomers (as

University people in Fedora: Education/University SIG

2019-08-28 Thread Timothée Floure
Hello everyone, This is a follow-up email for some "coffee discussions" we had at flock a few weeks ago. Sorry for the delay! The Fedora community contains a lot of university students, many of us packaging tools for their courses and acting as first-level Linux support for the local student comm

Unresponsive maintainer: mbaldessari

2019-01-15 Thread Timothée Floure
Hello, Does anyone here know how to contact mbaldessari? I can't get him to answer on RHBZ#1640405 [0]. Output of ``: ``` Last login in FAS: mbaldessari 2018-06-01 Last action on koji: Tue, 04 Dec 2018 package list entry revoked: beets in trashcan by oscar Last package

Re: sway SIG

2019-03-18 Thread Timothée Floure
Hello, I'm interested as well! > As a side note, a taiga board was noted in the sway bug discussion; > as I have recently found out, the Fedora one is invite only – is there > anyone with access to invite others, if there is interest? There is an ongoing effort to make taiga a first-class citize

Re: hibernation — does it work for you?

2018-10-04 Thread Timothée Floure
> We have had a long discussion about hibernate (suspend to disk) > being unreliable. But there seems to be no hard data. Let's gather > some! I might have missed something, but can you link me the "long discussion"? Do we have a page on the subject somewhere on the wiki? > If you perform hibern

Packaging and dependencies

2018-01-17 Thread Timothée Floure
Hello, Let's say I want to package a program depending on libraries which are not (yet) part of Fedora. Is the following procedure correct ? 1) Submit a review for the original package, and a review for each dependency. Mention into the reviews how they are linked to the original submission. 2)

Self Introduction: Timothée Floure

2017-08-02 Thread Timothée Floure
ers (running debian everywhere). Well... nice to meet you ? :) Best Regards, [1] [2] probably due to the lack of policy -- Timothée Floure signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature _

virt-bootstrap: libvirt and SELinux issues

2018-06-08 Thread Timothée Floure
LICENSE %doc %{_bindir}/%{name} %{python3_sitelib}/* %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1* %changelog * Mon Apr 30 2018 Timothée Floure - 1.0.0-1 - Let there be package signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ devel mailing list -- devel@list

Active but unresponsive maintainer: Peter Lemenkov

2018-07-30 Thread Timothée Floure
Hello, Peter Lemenkov [0] is an active packager (he submitted a new erlang build to bodhi an hour ago) but I was unable to contact him for the last two months. I first "encountered" him when he used his rights as provenpackager to merge some PRs on the elixir package, without thoughts for the