Re: ABRT frustrating for users and developers

2010-01-18 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/1/18 Jiri Moskovcak : >> Plus abrt should run `rpm -V' on any rpm involved in the transaction (=if >> user >> does not have replaced the binary by some non-rpm "make install"). > > ABRT used to do this (and still can, it's just disabled), but rpm -V uses > prelink to un-prelink the binaries to

Re: ABRT frustrating for users and developers

2010-01-18 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/1/18 Jiri Moskovcak : > On 01/18/2010 01:28 PM, Thomas Moschny wrote: >> 2010/1/18 Jiri Moskovcak: >>> ABRT used to do this (and still can, it's just disabled), but rpm -V uses >>> prelink to un-prelink the binaries to check the MD5 sum and security guys

Re: Sources file audit - 2010-01-06

2010-01-19 Thread Thomas Moschny
erf-0.9.0.tar.gz have the same md5 that is also in the sources file.) > thm:BADURL:guitone-0.9-1.tgz:guitone In this case, the upstream server uses a mismatching certificate, not sure what to do here besides asking upstream to use another certificate. -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: Orphaning Candidate packages for removal due to FTBFS, implications

2010-01-19 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/1/18 Seth Vidal : > 1. extraordinarily stable > [...] > in ANY of those cases I'd want to start thinking about nuking the pkg from > fedora. Are you serious? - Thomas -- devel mailing list

Re: Calibre: broken package dependencies?

2010-01-27 Thread Thomas Moschny
.cgi?id=558813 . -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: 1 more git problem

2010-08-26 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/8/26 Till Maas : > On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 03:16:14PM -0400, Neal Becker wrote: > >> But, I hope this doesn't mean f12 is out of sync with f13, f14, master. >> They should all be identical. > > I usually  "gitk --all" to check this. The green labels need all to > point to the same commit for a

Re: systemd and changes

2010-08-27 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/8/27 Jesse Keating : > That's strange.  I use it on my laptop, which has a caching local DNS > server (dnsmasq) and it works just fine.  I do have a script in > /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ that waits for bringup and vpn bring > up to make adjustments to the running local DNS server (whic

Re: fedora mission (was Re: systemd and changes)

2010-08-31 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/8/31 Jesse Keating : > An update that changes behavior for the end user would never be > acceptable as an update to a stable release.  Only severe exceptions > should be made to this rule, where the time/effort to backport the > important fixes from a new upstream release are cost prohibitive

Re: git usage question

2010-09-08 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/9/8 Daniel P. Berrange : > When maintaining a proper GIT branch against upstream and cherry picking > patches, the fact that you might end up with 100's of patches is not > really a burden anymore. GIT does all the hardwork for you. You can > automate patchfile creation with git format-patch,

Re: How to read /proc/locks in safe mode?

2011-07-15 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/7/12 Dario Lesca : > Hi, how to I can read in safe mode, from bash, the content > of /proc/locks? > > On my system I have more than 7000/9000 line into /proc/locks and if I > read it with awk (or cat or grep or cp) the file change during the read > and my input is undefined and is not processa

Re: How to ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH

2011-08-23 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/8/23 Orion Poplawski : > See for the motivation > > The environment module system allows users to modify their environment in a > predictable way, including setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  However, this makes it > possible to break the modulecmd bin

Re: Orphaning dnsmasq

2011-08-25 Thread Thomas Moschny
grabbing In my experiments it did not, and the issue instead was that the other DNS server [1] wanted to grab port 53 on *all* interfaces. - Thomas [1] In my case that was a second instance of dnsmasq, and I had to set --interface=lo and --bind-interfaces. -- Thomas Moschny

stop rm at same-dev bind mounts

2011-09-10 Thread Thomas Moschny
s. Besides filing a bug/enhancement ticket for coreutils, does someone know a reliable way to stop rm in such cases? -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: rm --no-traverse-mount-points [Re: stop rm at same-dev bind mounts

2011-09-11 Thread Thomas Moschny
et. As a side note: I am not sure whether that also means it should remove stuff normally hidden by such a mountpoint? As long as such a "--no-traverse-mount-points" option is not available yet for rm, I am still looking for suggestions on how to achieve the same effect in a sh

Re: Upstream Release Monitor

2011-10-12 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/10/12 Till Maas : > On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 03:06:46PM +1000, Peter Hutterer wrote: >> out of interest - are there any plans to auto-close bugs once the new >> version hits rawhide? > > No, this is not planned. But you do not need to close bugs, because old > bugs are re-used unless they chang

Re: tomboy orphaned

2011-06-01 Thread Thomas Moschny
am. > > IIt's a neat program, but I don't really use it. I'm more of a > send-myself-email/scribble-on-whiteboard kind of guy.  I'm also not > very good about maintaining it. > > I've orphaned it now.  If anyone is interested in it, feel free to take it. &

Re: What is the status of Features/YumLangpackPlugin?

2011-06-14 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/6/14 Itamar Reis Peixoto : > where I can get a list of internal identifiers "yum grouplist -v" shows them. -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: rawhide report: 20110619 changes

2011-06-20 Thread Thomas Moschny
he newer libdb is not enough; newer vala gives a compile error: -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

stk soname change

2010-02-14 Thread Thomas Moschny
Hi! Just a small heads up that I'm going to update stk (Synthesis ToolKit in C++) to version 4.4.2 and thereby change the soname from "" to "". This will, as far as I can see, only affect lmms, which I also maintain and take care of the rebuild myself. The rebuild seems neces

Re: FESCo wants to ban direct stable pushes in Bodhi (urgent call for feedback)

2010-02-26 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/2/26 Bill Nottingham : > Till Maas ( said: >> I just have another idea: Add the karma value to the repository >> metadata and write a yum plugin to only install packages with a certain >> amount of karma. I just checked that stable packages may still receive >> karma, so t

Re: FESCo wants to ban direct stable pushes in Bodhi (urgent call for feedback)

2010-02-27 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/2/27 James Antill : >  And how many silently cursed the 100s of MBs you forced on them? How > much did the above people appreciate the firehose more than having to > fix one bad update. >  F12 is 3 months old and has ~8GB of updates for x86_64, but the > firehose has pumped out 18GB of package

Re: FESCo wants to ban direct stable pushes in Bodhi (urgent call for feedback)

2010-03-02 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/3/2 Adam Williamson : > On Tue, 2010-03-02 at 10:57 -0500, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote: > >> Doesn't "just not running random/unrestricted yum update" exactly >> encode that option? > > If you're happy to live with unsecure software, certainly =) > > you can try and cherry-pick security updates, bu

Re: FESCo wants to ban direct stable pushes in Bodhi (urgent call for feedback)

2010-03-03 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/3/3 Josh Boyer : > On Tue, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:52:49PM -0800, Adam Williamson wrote: >>On Tue, 2010-03-02 at 22:37 -0500, Seth Vidal wrote: >> >>> We've made a mess and as a member of fesco I'd expect you to be helping in >>> cleaning up the mess, not making it worse b/c fesco HAS to be about t

Re: how to make things better(tm)

2010-03-05 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/3/5 Adam Williamson : > On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 11:15 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote: >> Rahul Sundaram wrote: >> > We have a written down policy that specifically recommends that our >> > maintainers consider the issue of regressions seriously and not push >> > every upstream release into the update

Re: Changing kernel API / Breaking VirtualBox - update criteria violation?

2011-11-22 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/11/22 Dave Jones : > On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 09:55:59AM -0800, Toshio Kuratomi wrote: > Consideration implies that the following thought process will occur > > "This update will break out of tree modules, perhaps we shouldn't push it." > > That isn't going to happen. To me, this sounds like k

Re: Changing kernel API / Breaking VirtualBox - update criteria violation?

2011-11-22 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/11/22 Matthew Garrett : > If you interpret "The ABI" as "Any property of the binary that another > package could conceivably depend on" then your position makes sense. But > since nobody would interpret it that way, the obvious conclusion is that > "The ABI" means "The supported ABI". Attempti

update of python-markdown

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Moschny
-markdown bodhi-server-0:0.8.5-1.fc17.noarch python-cheetah-0:2.4.4-2.fc15.x86_64 timeline-0:0.14.0-3.fc17.noarch transifex-0:1.1.0-4.fc17.noarch -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: Native systemd unit for tsm client

2011-12-15 Thread Thomas Moschny
Why are you starting dsmc explicitly - isn't it started by dsmcad? Here's what we've been using: [Unit] Description=DSM Client Acceptor [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=-/usr/bin/dsmcad -errorlogname=/var/log/dsmerror.log Environment=LANG=en_US StandardOutput=syslog GuessMain

Re: Native systemd unit for tsm client

2011-12-15 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/12/15 "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" : > Hum that unit file looks a bit odd to me and does not work with TSM 6.3 on > F16 atleast not here Not sure what you mean by "a bit odd". Isn't specifying "oneshot" together with "RemainAfterExit" more odd in this case, where a deamon (dsmcad) in fact keeps ru

Re: update of python-markdown

2011-12-17 Thread Thomas Moschny
Hi, 2011/12/13 I wrote: > this is a heads up that I plan on updating python-markdown to the > latest version 2.1.0 in rawhide within the next days; please test > whether your package still works as expected after the update. python-markdown-2.1.0-1.fc17 has been built for rawhide. - Thomas -- d

Re: orphaning lxc

2012-01-14 Thread Thomas Moschny
Hi Haïkel, 2012/1/14 Haïkel Guémar : > thank you for having maintained it for some time. Since i still use it > (at least as long as libvirt isn't able to generate LXC rootfs), i took > ownership. > As always, co-maintainers are welcome. I am comaintaining lxc for a while and was already working

Re: The question of rolling release?

2012-01-24 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/1/24 Josh Boyer : > How is rawhide not a rolling release?  Or perhaps better asked, what > about rawhide makes it > unsuitable for use as a rolling Fedora release? This has been discussed several times on this list: Technically, rawhide is a rolling release, sure. But rawhide is not near as s

Re: PCRE 8.30 will break API

2012-02-16 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/2/13 Petr Pisar : > Currently there is 17 packages linked against the old PCRE: > > monotone Fixed in monotone-1.0-7.fc18. - Thomas -- devel mailing list

Re: Automating the NonResponsiveMaintainers policy

2012-03-02 Thread Thomas Moschny
Am 2. März 2012 16:56 schrieb Reindl Harald : > what are all these maintainers doing? > > it takes exactly 5 minutes to write a systemd-unit for most > services Some packages need a bit more love, especially when the sysv init scripts did more than just starting / stopping a service., e.g. creatin

Re: [Guidelines Change] Changes to the Packaging Guidelines

2010-12-10 Thread Thomas Moschny
e wanted. Thomas -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: hosted reproducible package building with multiple developers?

2010-12-10 Thread Thomas Moschny
t on the > host and inject arbitrary code. Wouldn't a properly set-up LXC container be a better solution here? See . LXC is already packaged for Fedora, and also in RHEL6 iiuc. -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list https://admin.

Updating waf to 1.6

2011-01-16 Thread Thomas Moschny
[1] -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: Updating waf to 1.6

2011-01-16 Thread Thomas Moschny
ld system, not a run-time lib. - Thomas -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: Updating waf to 1.6

2011-01-17 Thread Thomas Moschny
for F-13 and F-14) - allow packages to embed a copy of waf - Thomas -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: Updating waf to 1.6

2011-01-17 Thread Thomas Moschny
ng for maintenance nightmares. Seems most people agree on that pov. But it would be good to also get FPC's blessing. One of the affected package maintainers should file a trac ticket. - Thomas -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: Updating waf to 1.6

2011-01-21 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/1/18 Toshio Kuratomi : > +1 to FPC blessing.  Like I said, we can probably carve up something that > explains both the waf POV and configure scripts here... but it'll need > someone who knows waf to be able to explain, for instance, how waf differs > from autoconf which has both a non-bundled

Re: Updating waf to 1.6

2011-01-24 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/1/24 Kevin Kofler : > Simo Sorce wrote: >> You are free to volunteer to do that, I am not going to do it for >> samba4, I simply do not have the time to waste on such a thing. >> (Samba4 people are in strict contact with the waf author and use >> regularly the svn version du jour to fix build

Re: git repository with Fedora kernel(s) sources

2011-02-25 Thread Thomas Moschny
es would be an option, essentially creating a topic branch for each of these patches (and recording their dependencies). I have no clue however if that scales well to ~90 patches. -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: git repository with Fedora kernel(s) sources

2011-02-27 Thread Thomas Moschny
2011/2/27 Kyle McMartin : > Our workflow is an SRPM of patches, so that's what we work with. You really do that "by hand", without some sort of patch manager? -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: sources file audit - 2010-05-31

2010-06-04 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/6/3 Kevin Fenzi : > thm:BADSOURCE:httperf-0.9.0.tar.gz:httperf why's that? % cd devel % wget -N % md5sum -c sources httperf-0.9.0.tar.gz: OK - Thomas -- devel mailing list

Re: sources file audit - 2010-05-31

2010-06-04 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/6/4 Christoph Wickert : > Am Freitag, den 04.06.2010, 15:12 +0200 schrieb Thomas Moschny: >> 2010/6/3 Kevin Fenzi : >> > thm:BADSOURCE:httperf-0.9.0.tar.gz:httperf >> >> why's that? >> >> % cd devel >> % wget -N http://httperf.googlecod

pidgin obsoleting itself

2010-06-09 Thread Thomas Moschny
Hi, pidgin-2.7.1-2.fc13 obsoletes pidgin <= 2.7.1-1.fc13, is that meaningful? At least it causes package-manager to display an irritating (and somehow bogus) warning box that it's going to remove pidgin, and needs confirmation for that. -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing li

Re: pidgin obsoleting itself

2010-06-09 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/6/9 Chen Lei : > Yes, the obsoletes is necessary, if you don't add it, yum will only > pull in pidgin-evolution. For which operation? Can you elaborate a bit? -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: pidgin obsoleting itself

2010-06-11 Thread Thomas Moschny
-q --obsoletes awn-extras-applets awn-extras-applets-devel < 0.4.0-14.fc13 awn-extras-applets < 0.4.0-14.fc13 for whatever reason). -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: Partial mass rebuild for Python 2.7 coming soon (I hope)

2010-07-21 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/7/21 David Malcolm : > Some notes can be seen at: > >> TODO: do we need a compat-python-2.6 temporarily to resolve loops in the dep >> graph? Wouldn't such a compat package also make yum upgrades from f13->f14 or rawhide-with-py2

Re: glibc heads up

2010-07-22 Thread Thomas Moschny
2010/7/21 Dennis Gilmore : > what this does mean is that you can no longer use rhel5 to build  fedora 14 > and newer packages.  though you had to jump though hoops already to do this That also means many people will not be able to run f14 on their vservers. - Thomas -- devel mailing list devel@l

Re: Multiple directory ownership including filesystem package

2014-09-26 Thread Thomas Moschny
2014-09-24 22:50 GMT+02:00 Michael Schwendt : > > > | Packages must own all directories they put files in, except for: > | > | any directories owned by the filesystem, man, or other explicitly > | created -

Re: Lua 5.4.0

2020-07-04 Thread Thomas Moschny
Am Mi., 1. Juli 2020 um 00:52 Uhr schrieb Jerry James : > On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 4:01 PM Tom Callaway wrote: > > lua-event seems to be broken because of broken deps unrelated to Lua 5.4: > > nothing provides perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.30.1) needed by > > perl-Monotone-1.1-34.fc32.x86_64, so I left i

Re: F16: compile shotwell 0.12

2012-03-29 Thread Thomas Moschny
Gerry Reno : > Has anybody managed to compile Shotwell 0.12 on F16 successfully? You can try the shotwell RPMs from here (12.1 available only for F16 so far): Please note that these are _not_ official builds. Please send feedback about these packa

Re: Logwatch - looking for testers

2012-05-04 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/5/4 Reindl Harald : > dear maintainers: please take a tighter look for which > release bugs are reported and consider that the reporter > has exactly this and only this version installed and is > not very happy about a "has been submitted as an update > for Fedora 17" notify without finding an

Re: Packaging Guidelines - creating tarball from VCS with script

2012-05-14 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/5/14 Toshio Kuratomi : > Automating of the package's checksum won't work for many VCS's .  git, for > instance, does not preserve timestamps.  So the tarball created from a git > snapshot will have a different checksum for each checkout. While files' modification times in a checkout may be di

Re: Stop the git abuse

2012-05-21 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/5/21 Simo Sorce : > Except we do not allow to rewrite history and push -f so you will never > be able to squash everything. If koji/bodhi were able to tag successful builds within git, we would be able to allow rewrites, squash commits and the like at least for commits that never have been su

Re: Evolving standards for unpacked sources

2012-05-29 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/5/29 Richard W.M. Jones : > Has anyone written any tools for converting git repos into patches? > Currently I use 'git format-patch' and then I copy the patches. Have a look at topgit [1], also packaged for Fedora. - Thomas [1];f=README -- devel maili

Re: fedpkg(1) completion for zsh

2012-06-06 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/6/6 Alexey I. Froloff : > Just sharing my fedpkg(1) completion for zsh :-)  Put this file > somewhere in your $fpath as usual. You might want to add it here: Regards, Thomas -- devel mailing list https://admin.

Re: Couldn't we enable 256 colors by default on TERM?

2012-06-26 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/6/26 Chris Adams : > The newer terminal > programs have configuration menus for various things; do any of them set > it there?  If they don't, I would think it would be relatively easy to > add (and hopefully upstreams would accept such patches). Tried with XFCE's "Terminal", which has a $TER

Intent to retire postler

2014-06-13 Thread Thomas Moschny
Hi, I intend to retire postler. It FTBFS in the last mass rebuild and upstream recommends to switch to geary instead. Thomas -- devel mailing list Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Heads up: nc replaced by nmap ncat

2012-07-19 Thread Thomas Moschny
2012/7/19 Daniel P. Berrange : > Libvirt needs to be able to run the following command > > # nc -U /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock It could use socat: # socat stdio /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock - Thomas -- devel mailing list

Re: Grepping through all Fedora specfiles?

2013-07-22 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/7/22 Ville Skyttä : > I'd like to grep through all specfiles (and preferably also patches and > sources in git) for rawhide, this time related to the unversioned docdirs > F20 feature, and sometimes for other reasons. Hopefully there's a better way > than to fedpkg clone all packages one at a

Re: rpmconf and new feature to configure application

2013-07-25 Thread Thomas Moschny
In my opinion, the best solution would be to automatically keep a copy of the original configuration file (maybe RPM could do that - always wondered why it doesn't, or one could use a tool like etckeeper). For files in /etc that have to be changed, I usually make a backup copy, enabling me to do a

Re: Rebuild of Boost dependees

2013-08-01 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/7/31 Petr Machata : > monotone5678043 'LUA_GLOBALSINDEX' was not declared in this > scope For Lua 5.2 and newer Boost it has to be updated to latest head from MTN. As I am on vacation now, that will likely have to wait until next week. - Thomas -- devel mailing list devel@l

Re: [ACTION REQUIRED] Retiring packages for Fedora 20 v2

2013-08-18 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/8/16 Bill Nottingham > > > $ koji list-tagged --latest f20 | grep fc1[4-8] > > Actually, now that I re-read what we did before, for F-20 we'd block things > that have failed to build since *before* F-18, i.e., those with fc17 or > earlier dist tags. > > Which shortens the list to: > ... This

Re: An even closer look: Obsolete but still included packages

2013-08-20 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/8/20 Michael Schwendt : > Undead and all builds obsoleted: Seems this misses cases like pexpect, which is undead, but obsoleted by python-pexpect. Maybe because the latter failed in the latest mass rebuild? - Thomas -- devel mailing list https://admin.fedorapro

Intent to retire python-jinja

2013-09-17 Thread Thomas Moschny
Hi, I'd like to retire the python-jinja package, containing the Jinja1 template engine, which has been superseded by Jinja2 for a very long time. Jinja2 is packaged as python-jinja2 in Fedora. However, there's one package left that depends on it: olpc-library. Can anyone comment on the status of

Re: Intent to retire python-jinja

2013-09-25 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/9/23 Daniel Drake : > olpc-library just got obsoleted (nothing uses it now, the > functionality got moved elsewhere), so if you could point me at how to > drop this package from rawhide I will get it out of your way. See T

Re: Login to Koji

2013-04-19 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/4/18 Kevin Fenzi : > There's no reason you ever need to login to the web interface, so just > don't bother and move on. ;) Almost everything can be done using the koji command line, but one thing I couldn't find: Koji's web interface let me "create a notification", so I get notified whenever

Re: Login to Koji

2013-04-19 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/4/19 Kevin Fenzi : > It's true that you cannot do that from the command line interface. > > However, there's a bunch of other ways to get that info: > > - Subscribe to the koji recent builds rss feed: > > and alert on whatever builds you care abo

Re: EPEL Updating git in -5 to

2013-06-13 Thread Thomas Moschny
unacceptable for EPEL, but I could always be > wrong. > -- Thomas Moschny ___ epel-devel mailing list

Re: Bodhi takes days to get something pushed to testing

2016-07-19 Thread Thomas Moschny
2016-07-18 23:57 GMT+02:00 Kevin Fenzi : > I could tell you more about your specific updates if you list them... This one took a bit more than 6 days from submission to testing: - Thomas -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject

Re: Upstream Release Monitoring builds for EL7 instead of Rawhide

2016-09-21 Thread Thomas Moschny
2016-09-21 15:21 GMT+02:00 Avram Lubkin : > Anyone else seeing similar? I this something I can fix or is there a problem > with rebase helper? This is a known issue. the-new-hotness looks for rpms, not for srpms: See - Thomas _

Re: /sbin/nologin in /etc/shells

2016-09-29 Thread Thomas Moschny
2016-09-29 16:58 GMT+02:00 Stephen John Smoogen : > This is titled "All shells referenced in /etc/passwd must be listed in the /etc/shells file, except any shells specified for the purpose of preventing logi

Re: fedpkg: Change in git push method?

2013-02-08 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/2/8 Josh Boyer : > Yes, but fedpkg is currently relying on the existing git default, which > is matching. That is changing upstream in git, so fedpkg needs to set > a default when it clones. And this default should probably be push.default=upstream. -- Thomas Moschny -- deve

Re: is it possible to download a spec file only using yum?

2013-02-22 Thread Thomas Moschny
If all you want is the spec file, then this probably the easiest way: $ wget However, this way you miss patches, and other auxiliary files. - Thomas -- devel mailing list https://admin.fedoraproject.

Re: [ACTION REQUIRED] [FINAL NOTICE] Retiring packages for Fedora 19

2013-03-11 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/3/11 Bill Nottingham > Package email2trac (fails to build) > Added myself to the package, waiting for approval. - Thomas -- devel mailing list

update of python-markdown

2013-03-18 Thread Thomas Moschny
-server lastuser python-cheetah ReviewBoard sshuttle timeline transifex -- Thomas Moschny -- devel mailing list

Re: fedora release name problem

2013-03-19 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/3/19 Richard W.M. Jones > I'm voting for ☃. What about 😼 ? -- devel mailing list

Re: Unpackaged files checking - oddities

2015-01-11 Thread Thomas Moschny
2015-01-10 13:04 GMT+01:00 Michael Schwendt : > %exclude is global per spec file, or else you would need to %exclude > a file in _all_ subpackages (in the case when deleting it in %install > would be more convenient anyway). That would cause some pain in some > packages. Is that really true? But

Re: Copr routinely swamped by nightly builds

2015-02-17 Thread Thomas Moschny
2015-02-17 5:34 GMT+01:00 Kevin Kofler : > IMHO, one of 2 things needs to happen: > a) Copr gets a massive increase of resources (builders) to handle the load, > OR > b) we disallow nightly builds of huge packages such as python3 in Copr, > because the infrastructure does not scale to that kind of

Re: $HOME/.local/bin in $PATH

2013-11-01 Thread Thomas Moschny
2013/11/1 Reindl Harald : >> The attacker needs to be able to write to your home directory to take >> advantage of it. >> And if he can do that (you lost) he has numerous other ways of doing it > > so the people decided not put the current directory in the > PATH on Unix *for security reasons* deca

bash completion dirs

2016-02-22 Thread Thomas Moschny
Hi, the "old" bash completion dir /etc/bash_completion.d is now owned by the filesystem package, so packages don't need (actually: are forbidden) to own that dir and also don't have to depend on the bash-completion package. This perfectly makes sense. However, for the same reasons, shouldn't the

Re: Best practices for getting CFLAGS/LDFLAGS etc.

2017-01-06 Thread Thomas Moschny
2017-01-05 14:01 GMT+01:00 Florian Weimer : > On 01/05/2017 11:58 AM, Michael Schwendt wrote: >> >> On Thu, 5 Jan 2017 00:58:00 +, Richard W.M. Jones wrote: >> >>> It would also be nice if: >>> >>> PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 %configure >>> >>> didn't (silently) do the wrong thing by default. Fo

Re: Final fedora distribution Was: How to reuild wdune ?

2019-12-24 Thread Thomas Moschny
The correct bug would be this, I think: > $ fedpkg request-repo wdune > Could not execute request_repo: A Bugzilla bug is required on new > repository requests > $ > > I adeded it a dummy bug > >

Re: [Test-Announce] New Release Freeze Times

2020-02-25 Thread Thomas Moschny
Am Di., 25. Feb. 2020 um 20:37 Uhr schrieb Matthew Miller : > > Whereas with 12h clocks, I think midnight is 12:00 PM, and noon is 12:00 > > AM? Which is still confusing me after having known about it for decades. > > It's the opposite, which furthers your point. :) That does not seem to be very c

Re: Generate list of my packages

2020-02-28 Thread Thomas Moschny
Something like this should work: $ curl -o result.json '' $ jq : > > On Fri, 28 Feb 2020, Orion Poplawski wrote: > > > Can someone point me to a way to generate a list of non-retired packages > > that > > I am a maintainer on?

Re: Tagging commit hashes of Koji builds in dist-git

2019-06-06 Thread Thomas Moschny
Am Do., 6. Juni 2019 um 14:12 Uhr schrieb Pierre-Yves Chibon : > > On Thu, Jun 06, 2019 at 01:52:20PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote: > > Is there a reason why we do not tag dist-git commits, using a name which > > is derived from the NEVR from a Koji build? > > One of the issue is that currently tags

Re: Donate 1 minute of your time to test upgrades from F36 to F37

2022-09-15 Thread Thomas Moschny
> dnf --releasever=37 --setopt=module_platform_id=platform:f37 \ > --enablerepo=updates-testing \ > $(rpm -q fedora-repos-modular >/dev/null && echo > --enablerepo=updates-testing-modular) \ > --assumeno distro-sync Problem 1: problem with installed package mkdocs-1.2.3-2.fc36.noarch - mkdocs-

Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

2024-04-04 Thread Thomas Moschny > Do not reply to spam, report it: > > -- Thomas Moschny -- ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an em

Heads-up: Updating python-markdown to 3.6 in F41/Rawhide

2024-04-04 Thread Thomas Moschny
Dear all, Just a heads up that python-markdown has just been updated in rawhide/f41 to 3.6. See here for the list of changes: This will not be pushed to released Fedora branches. Best regards -- Thomas Moschny

Re: Mass Rebuild for Fedora 28

2018-02-14 Thread Thomas Moschny
2018-02-13 0:06 GMT+01:00 Dennis Gilmore : > [3] Among those are a lot of packages for which it seems the rebuild has not been tried at all, for whatever reason. Instead of asking every maintainer to go manually through his or h

Re: CI projects in Copr

2017-09-01 Thread Thomas Moschny
2017-09-01 11:20 GMT+02:00 Gerd Hoffmann : > So, what would be really helpful, especially for CI with the option to > build and test every upstream commit, would be support for *two* git > repos. One git repo where the spec-file and other build-related stuff > lives (distgit like). One git repo w

Re: Why is Fx 57 in Updates Testing?

2017-10-14 Thread Thomas Moschny
2017-10-13 16:26 GMT+02:00 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek : > Sure, that's what everybody knows. But without going from generalities > to details of a specific extension, we're just speculating idly. Here's another one: "Warning! T

Re: Fedora 28 Final status is GO

2018-04-27 Thread Thomas Moschny
2018-04-26 22:02 GMT+02:00 Adam Williamson : > On that basis, I'm gonna say FC1 was at least a day late from the > schedule in place a week before it came out, It even slipped 'officially': :) - Thomas __

Re: diorite: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide

2018-07-23 Thread Thomas Moschny
I think we need to update system waf, version 2.0.7 improves Python 3.7 compatibility. I'm currently on vacation though, so I might not be able to update waf before next week. In the meantime you could try to use a local copy of waf. 2018-07-22 18:40 GMT+02:00 Martin Gansser : > I changed the spe

Re: Build failures of packages which use waf as build system

2018-07-23 Thread Thomas Moschny
Please note that we have two different issues here, with different solutions: - Packages using an embedded waf: as the upstream waf script uses a shebang like '#! /usr/bin/env python', these packages fail due to the removal of the unversioned Python binary and should call their waf copy using one

Re: Source tarballs are being placed in git?

2018-07-25 Thread Thomas Moschny
2018-07-24 20:28 GMT+02:00 Todd Zullinger : > Years > ago, I submitted a patch to fedpkg/rpkg to have it resepct > the existing .gitignore, such that if you have a pattern > which matches the source being added, fedpkg won't add > another entry. My impression was that this is actually implemented

Re: Proposal to deprecated `fedpkg local`

2021-01-28 Thread Thomas Moschny
> 3) The argument of mock being slow can't stand, because in one of my examples > I posted elsewhere in this thread, I picked up the simplest package I could > and the build took 7 seconds. This is certainly not slow, in this time you > can't even switch to your email client to check your emails

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