Re: Requiring package test instructions

2016-07-13 Thread Sudhir
ur. Correct. There are many ways and having basic functionality testing details is one of them, which the proposal is about. Adam and others are doing their bit by having on-boarding calls etc.. to show the new joiners how to do Fedora testing the right way. Cheers, Sudhir -- deve

Re: Proposal: Move to an annual platform release starting at F30

2018-11-27 Thread Sudhir
On 11/28/18 1:32 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote: I agree with the folks in this subthread, but I think we are going to have to look at 'redesigning' things more than just 'optimizing'. +1. At the same time, we should also ensure that Devel,QE,Infra,RelEng.. all equal stake holders and are hand in glov

Re: Join to Mozilla Location Service in Fedora

2014-11-06 Thread Sudhir Khanger
On Thursday, November 06, 2014 01:16:20 PM Martin Stransky wrote: > I'd like to ask you to join the project, install the Mozilla Stumbler > application [3] and help to improve the location accuracy. How do I benefit from broadcasting my location? -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger, sudhir

Re: Join to Mozilla Location Service in Fedora

2014-11-07 Thread Sudhir Khanger
ion reporting and delete location history on your Android devices using this link [1]. You will also lose access to all the value that location aware apps provide. [1] -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5

Re: Stop please

2016-01-09 Thread Sudhir Khanger
ing list. That's very hard to believe. You may have over looked it. There are at least 2 places if not more where source of an email is available in KMail. View>Source or right-click email>Source or via shortcut V. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger, -- devel mailing list d

Re: PROPOSAL: Blocking the release is our only "big hammer" — let's add a softer one.

2016-10-13 Thread Sudhir Dharanendraiah
of other component). This is usually set to get the attention of the developer/owner of component over other bugs in same component. 'priority' is what the developer/owner of the component (owner of the bug) thinks its severity is. It can also be a consensus from all stake holders. It is

Re: Join to Mozilla Location Service in Fedora

2014-11-11 Thread Sudhir Khanger
ok into how and what exactly it sends to Google in case you choose to report location data. Cell phone users get tracked no matter what. The only consolation is that you don't know about it. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059 085D 1D60

Re: "Workstation" Product defaults to wide-open firewall

2014-12-08 Thread Sudhir Khanger
developers to developers who don't understand ports, don't like user prompts and are behind enterprise firewalls. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059 085D 1D60 807F 8C00 45D9 F5EF C394. -- devel mailing list devel@lists

Re: Poll: How users use DNF

2014-12-10 Thread Sudhir Khanger
t is one of the reasons I can't use DNF at all. I would hope that DNF would support local repositories before Fedora adopts it as an official package management tool. Here is the bug report[1]. [1] -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger, sudhirkhanger

Re: Firefox webrtc support in F21?

2014-12-12 Thread Sudhir Khanger
On Friday, December 12, 2014 03:05:42 PM Joachim Backes wrote: > anybody knows if the webrtc support in firefox will be released in F21? I am under the impression WebRTC already works on Firefox. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059 085D 1

Re: fedup FC20 -> FC21 update conflicts

2014-12-12 Thread Sudhir Khanger
cedtea-web-1.5.1-1.fc21.x86_64 $ rpm -qa | grep openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless- java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel- java-1.8.0-openjdk- -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059 085

Re: F21 downloads repository metadata in 3 places!

2014-12-14 Thread Sudhir Khanger
ing different profiles for different type of networks like wifi vs mobile we are throwing it out without people's consent. I am in favor of automation but it should be implemented when it's ready. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059

Re: F21 downloads repository metadata in 3 places!

2014-12-21 Thread Sudhir Khanger
laptops with their phones via portable hotspot which is treated as a regular wifi connection. Currently, the only good option is to disable dnf and PackageKit. Most folks would not know what's eating their mobile data. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,

Re: IntelliJ

2015-01-20 Thread Sudhir Khanger
DK requirement. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059 085D 1D60 807F 8C00 45D9 F5EF C394. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. -- devel mailing list

Re: IntelliJ

2015-01-20 Thread Sudhir Khanger
citizen for Android development. OpenJDK 7 vs Oracle JDK 7 is a moot point. IntelliJ 14 fully supports JDK 8 and next preview version of Android Studio will be based off IntelliJ 14. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059 085D 1D60 807F 8C00 45D

Re: DNF as default package manager

2015-01-21 Thread Sudhir Khanger
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Jan Zelený wrote: > Name them please. Or better yet, report them. Any plans for local repository support in DNF. -- Regards, Sudhir Khanger,,, 5577 8CDB A059 085D 1

Re: Flash plugin 0-day vulnerability in the wild

2015-01-24 Thread Sudhir Khanger
On Friday, January 23, 2015 08:44:03 AM Andrew Lutomirski wrote: > $ sandbox -X xterm > [nothing happens] It made me install selinux-policy-sandbox and seunshare. I am able to run Firefox under sandbox without any problem. I am running Fedora 21 KDE. -- Regards, Sudhir K

Re: Fedora CI update 2020-03-11

2020-03-11 Thread Sudhir D
On 3/11/20 7:14 PM, Aleksandra Fedorova wrote: Hi, all. Here is the summary of CI-related work happening in Fedora. If you have questions or topics to discuss you can also join Fedora CI SIG bi-weekly meeting. Next session is today in #fedora-ci IRC channel at 15:30 UTC https://apps.fedorapro

Introducing the New QA Dashboard: Gain Insights into the Fedora QA Community

2023-07-09 Thread Sudhir Dharanendraiah
Dear Fedora Community, The Fedora QA team is excited to announce the launch of our brand new QA Dashboard for the Fedora QA community! This dashboard has been designed to provide you with valuable insights into what is happening in the Fedora QA space, helping us all work together more efficiently

Re: 'No More Alphas': wiki revision drafts

2017-08-22 Thread Sudhir D
as a Beta blocker. On a slightly different thought, if we run all existing Alpha criteria tests in rawhide, we can then probably look at existing Alpha blocker as Branch blocker.. i.e, we don't branch unless the blockers are fixed and thereby keeping rawhide at Alpha quality all the time. We

Re: 'No More Alphas': wiki revision drafts

2017-08-22 Thread Sudhir D
On 08/22/2017 07:34 PM, Matthew Miller wrote: On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 07:18:04PM +0530, Sudhir D wrote: On a slightly different thought, if we run all existing Alpha criteria tests in rawhide, we can then probably look at existing Alpha blocker as Branch blocker.. i.e, we don't branch u