Old stalled bodhi updates

2023-05-30 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, There are currently 157 updates in testing or pending status in Bodhi that were created before 2023: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?search=&submitted_before=2023&status=pending&status=testing&page=1 There are 7 Fedora updates, 6 for Fedora-37 and one in pending->testing status

untagging golang-github-nats-io-jwt from rawhide

2023-06-09 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, TL;DR: Would it be possible to untag golang-github-nats-io-jwt-2.4.1-1.fc39[1] from rawhide? Some days ago golang-github-nats-io-jwt was bumped from 1.2.2 version to 2.4.1. The new version doesn't provide "golang(github.com/nats-io/jwt)" and is causing a dependency chain issue making it d

packager dashboard - orphan data refresh

2023-06-14 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, Currently the packager dashboard for go-sig group[1] shows 1995/2371 packages impacted by orphans after the non-responsive process concluded for eclipseo. Some (many?) of the packages have been adopted already, but the orphan related information has not been updated, iiuc, in the last +48

go-sig status

2023-06-22 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, This mail is just a heads up on go-sig delicate current status. After a "non-responsive" process for one of the go-sig members[1], a lot of go-sig packages become orphans. This maintainer has been working for years creating hundreds of packages and updating them. The orphaning process ca

Re: Rpmautospec howto do a rebuild for something

2023-01-02 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Sérgio, Hau idatzi du Sérgio Basto (ser...@serjux.com) erabiltzaileak (2023 urt. 2, al. (13:40)): > > I need rebuild a package that is using rpmautospec , how I can rebuild > the package and increase relversion ? git commit --allow-empty -m "Rebuild because of X" __

Re: ANTLR4 and Go

2024-07-10 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
tstrap mode to avoid dependencies. I guess I forgot to update the BZs, sorry about that. Can you check if you can update your package in rawhide? If not, can you ping me in Fedora Golang matrix channel? Regards, Mikel Olasagasti [1] https://src.fedoraproj

Re: Error building new package in sidetag

2024-07-14 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Mark, Koji doesn't show as part of that sidetag: $ koji list-tagged --latest f40-build-side-92523 Build Tag Built by golang-github-dominikbraun-graph-0.23.0-1.

Re: Orphaning golang-helm-3

2024-07-27 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
I created a vendored version with different name to replace golang-helm-3 if approved: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2300201 Regards, Mikel Hau idatzi du Davide Cavalca (dcava...@fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2024 uzt. 27(a), lr. (18:04)): > > Hey folks, > > I have orphaned go

Re: List of long term FTBFS packages to be retired in August

2023-07-11 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi, Hau idatzi du Miro Hrončok (mhron...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2023 uzt. 11(a), ar. (15:07)): > > golang-code-cloudfoundry-bytefmt go-sig, mikelo2 Fixed > golang-github-aliyun-cli bdperkin, go-sig Fixed > golang-github-d2g-dhcp4clientalexsaezm, go-sig

Re: List of long term FTBFS packages to be retired in August

2023-07-12 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Fabio Valentini (decatho...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2023 uzt. 12(a), az. (11:53)): > > On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 10:06 PM Mikel Olasagasti > wrote: > > > > (snip) > > > > > > golang-github-moby-spdystreamgo-sig, mikelo2 &

Re: non-responsive maintainer check for anthr76

2023-07-14 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Mark, Anthony announced a hiatus a couple of months ago: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/gol...@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/5NUXD4CESPDXKV6NQL2QDQAZP4BTQF2I/ As go-sig has permissions I guess you can continue updating the package once unretired. Regards, Mikel Hau idatzi du

Re: List of long term FTBFS packages to be retired in August

2023-07-14 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Fabio Valentini (decatho...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2023 uzt. 13(a), og. (14:27)): > > On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 1:01 PM Mikel Olasagasti > wrote: > > > > Hau idatzi du Fabio Valentini (decatho...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak > > (2023 uzt. 12(a), az. (

packager-dashboard not updating koschei build status

2023-07-24 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, I've multiple reports of FTBFS in the packager-dashboard, but I can see many of the packages are being built fine in koschei/koji. Is there a known issue on refreshing koschei data? Kind regards, Mikel ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedo

Re: packager-dashboard not updating koschei build status

2023-07-26 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
bbcdc?branch=master > . > > On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 12:54 AM Mikel Olasagasti > wrote: >> >> Hi all, >> >> I've multiple reports of FTBFS in the packager-dashboard, but I can >> see many of the packages are being built fine in koschei/koji. >

Re: Intent to orphan vpnc

2023-09-06 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Christian, Hau idatzi du Christian Krause (c...@fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2023 ira. 6(a), az. (00:08)): > > There is no active upstream for vpnc. However, according to the bug reports > for NetworkManager-vpnc, there might be still a few users. It seems there is an active fork availa

Re: orphaning prometheus* and some other golang packages

2023-10-07 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Mark, Hau idatzi du Mark E. Fuller (ful...@fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2023 urr. 7(a), lr. (12:22)): > > Hi all, > > I picked up a number of prometheus packages (see below) a few months > back during the golang scramble after an unresponsive maintainer. > I don't have the time or the int

Re: Review of Matrix Go packages

2023-11-18 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Kai, I'll take care of them. Regards, Mikel Hau idatzi du Kai A. Hiller (v02...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2023 aza. 18(a), lr. (09:48)): > > Hello, > > I’m currently adding Go-based parts of the Matrix ecosystem to Fedora. For > that I need reviews of quite a few, but mostly small and auto-

Missing notifications

2023-11-19 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi, I'm not receiving mails from some updates like koschei build status or src.f.o commits. Has something changed in this regard or is it the mail service having issues again? Kind regards, Mikel -- ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.o

Re: Inactive packages removed from packager group

2023-11-19 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, Hau idatzi du Kevin Fenzi (ke...@scrye.com) erabiltzaileak (2023 aza. 18(a), lr. (21:09)): > > rpms/golang-github-kurin-blazer > rpms/golang-github-minio > rpms/golang-rsc-pdf Took these as are required by other packages I maintain. > rpms/ed > rpms/multitail I was already co-admin, tak

Re: Unretiring keepass

2023-12-01 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Julian, Hau idatzi du Julian Sikorski (beleg...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2023 aza. 21(a), ar. (10:56)): > > Hi list, > > as the CVE (which was not even a problem with keepass in the first > place) leading to keepass retirement has been resolved in the meantime, > I would like to unretire the

Re: Unretiring keepass

2023-12-01 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
ouch, ignore my email, I misread between keepassx(.org) and keepass(.info) projects. Keepass project upstream is still active and maintained Sorry, Mikel Hau idatzi du Mikel Olasagasti (mi...@olasagasti.info) erabiltzaileak (2023 abe. 1(a), or. (11:15)): > > Hi Julian, > > Hau idat

Re: List of long term FTBFS packages to be retired in February

2024-02-12 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Miro Hrončok (mhron...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2024 ots. 3(a), lr. (18:18)): > > > Package (co)maintainers > > golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz eclipseo, go-sig > gola

Re: Donate 1 minute of your time to test upgrades from F36 to F37

2022-09-13 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Miroslav Suchý (msu...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 ira. 12, al. (15:00)): > > Do you want to make Fedora 37 better? Please spend 1 minute of your time and > try to run: > > # Run this only if you use default Fedora modules > # next time you run any DNF command default modules wi

Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

2022-09-26 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Miro Hrončok (mhron...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 ira. 26, al. (11:28)): > > golang-github-gofrs-flock go-sig, orphan 0 weeks ago I took this one and also added eclipseo as co-admin. Mikel ___ devel mailing

Re: Fedora SCM requests on the weekend

2022-11-07 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Kevin, Hau idatzi du Kevin Fenzi (ke...@scrye.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 uzt. 9, lr. (20:11)): > > On Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 01:02:15PM -, Mukundan Ragavan wrote: > > > On Sun, Jul 03, 2022 at 12:11:40PM +0200, Fabio Valentini wrote: > > > > > > That said, until then I can try and run things o

Re: xz backdoor

2024-03-29 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi, I'm seeing weird things. For whatever reason Source for xz was changed 2 months ago[1] to use GH releases instead of tukaani.org site. The XZ page[2] has a note stating: "Note: GitHub automatically includes two archives Source code (zip) and Source code (tar.gz) in the releases. These archi

Re: Orphaning my packages: elvish, git-delta & dependencies

2024-04-21 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Janet Black (uhh...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2024 api. 19(a), or. (21:06)): > > Hi, I do not have the time to contribute packages to Fedora these days. Thanks for your work Janet. > I am orphaning the following packages under my maintainership: > - golang-github-elves-elvish I ca

Re: Orphaning my packages: elvish, git-delta & dependencies

2024-04-21 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Felix Wang (topa...@outlook.com) erabiltzaileak (2024 api. 22(a), al. (03:57)): > > I'd like to take elvish package, Current package golang-github-elves-elvish should be replaced by a new one[1], set correct Obsoletes tag and retired. The name and goipath are not correct anymore.a >

Re: Help with go spec file

2022-06-03 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Mark, Hau idatzi du Mark E. Fuller (ful...@fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2022 eka. 3, or. (17:52)): > > Hi all, > > I'm fairly new to go and am looking to make a spec file and build > jsonnet (https://github.com/google/go-jsonnet/, https://jsonnet.org/). go-jsonnet is already packaged: h

Re: Self Introduction: mczernek

2022-07-17 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Marek! Welcome to Fedora! Hau idatzi du Marek Czernek (mczer...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 uzt. 17, ig. (10:09)): > > I work as a developer for Red Hat training. As part of our work, we write > both code and > a lot of English text, which means we want to have linters for both :). > Se

Re: How to add epel9 branch to my package's git clone?

2022-08-07 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Barry, Hau idatzi du Barry Scott (ba...@barrys-emacs.org) erabiltzaileak (2022 abu. 7, ig. (10:40)): > > I want to build my packages for epel9. But that branch is not setup in git. > > https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-pycxx > > How do I add epel9? You need to request the branch to be

Re: fedora-review of m3u8 fails

2022-08-09 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Martin Gansser (martin.gans...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 abu. 9, ar. (14:37)): > > Hi, > > fedora-review of m3u8 fails with the following error message: > > Building target platforms: x86_64 > Building for target x86_64 > setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1659916800 > Executing(%prep):

Re: Review requests: virt-backup & chunkfs

2020-12-06 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Richard Shaw (hobbes1...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2020 abe. 5, lr. (17:47)): > > Two pretty simple review requests. Reviewed & approved ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@li

How to update to epel8-playground?

2020-12-13 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, This might be documented somewhere, but I was not able to find it. I've for example this package that has epel8-playground branch created[1] and I can `fedpkg build`[2], but when trying to `fedpkg update` I get the following error: Could not execute update: Could not generate update requ

Non-responsive maintainer check: macermak

2020-10-06 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, In accordance with [1] this is a non-responsive maintainer check for Marek Cermak / macermak. Non-responsive bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1885788 Unactioned bugs: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1618559 2018-08 Does anyone know how to contact Marek? Rega

License change: linode-cli

2021-12-06 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, Just updated linode-cli to use the new v4 client that changed the license to BSD. Kind regards, Mikel Olasagasti (mikelo2) ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le

Re: debug_package when using go_generate_buildrequires

2021-12-11 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Fabio, Hau idatzi du Fabio Valentini (decatho...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2021 abe. 10, or. (23:46)): > > On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 4:25 AM Maxwell G via devel > wrote: > > > > I am forwarding this to devel@, because I am reviewing this package and > > would also like a response. > > > > Than

Packager mail bounce: pgier

2021-10-07 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi, I contacted the maintainers of a golang package using $package-maintain...@fedoraproject.org and got a bounce response from an email that I understand is part of go-sig: ext-mx.corp.redhat.com[] said: 554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied (in reply to RCPT TO comman

Re: Woah! [Thanks, Nest sponsors]

2021-10-14 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
I was expecting some nice stickers too, but after your email, I was intrigued. I just opened the package and woah! Thanks everyone that made it possible! Mikel Hau idatzi du Michael J Gruber (m...@fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2021 urr. 12, ar. (15:29)): > > Today that special package for N

Re: Fedora 35 - gedit

2021-11-09 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Mischa, Hau idatzi du Michael J. Baars (mjbaars1977.fedora.de...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2021 aza. 9, ar. (10:14)): > > Hi All, > > I've been working with Fedora for years now, and I just installed the newest > Fedora Workstation 35 on one of my computers. > > Since I use gedit a lot for ed

[RFC] PyDrive2 and dependency backporting

2021-11-10 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
-google-auth-httplib2 and python3-google-api-client to F35 and F34. 3) Add PyDrive2 to F35 and F34. 4) Ask deja-dup maintainers to switch to PyDrive2. 5) Deprecate PyDrive in rawhide. Adding Obsolete to PyDrive2 may not be required?. @fedora-devel: what do you think? Should I do som

Re: Ownership of orphaned package perl-WebService-Dropbox

2021-11-12 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Martin, You need to follow the steps described in "Claiming Ownership of a Retired Package" https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/package-maintainers/Package_Retirement_Process/#claiming Kind regards, Mikel Olasagasti Hau idatzi du Martin Gansser (marti...@fedoraproject.org) erab

Re: [RFC] PyDrive2 and dependency backporting

2021-11-18 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, Hau idatzi du Mikel Olasagasti (mi...@olasagasti.info) erabiltzaileak (2021 aza. 10, az. (11:34)): > My plan would be: > > 1) Notify maintainers of those 5 packages about > python3-google-api-client update. > 2) Backport python3-google-auth-httplib2 and python3-google-api-

Re: Calling on all Thinkpad T490 users...

2021-11-23 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
HI Chris, Hau idatzi du Chris Murphy (li...@colorremedies.com) erabiltzaileak (2021 aza. 23, ar. (20:20)): > > Hi, > > Question: > Do you have a T490 laptop successfully booting Fedora 34 or 35? And > did it get Fedora by upgrade or clean install? I've a T490s that started with F31 and I've been

Re: Calling on all Thinkpad T490 users...

2021-11-23 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Chris Murphy (li...@colorremedies.com) erabiltzaileak (2021 aza. 23, ar. (20:39)): > > On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 2:26 PM Mikel Olasagasti > wrote: > > > > HI Chris, > > > > Hau idatzi du Chris Murphy (li...@colorremedies.com) erabiltzail

Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

2021-03-08 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, Hau idatzi du Miro Hrončok (mhron...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2021 mar. 8, al. (11:54)): > pg_activity orphan 2 weeks ago > pg_toporphan 2 weeks ago took these two. Kind regards, Mik

Re: Orphaning several packages

2021-05-27 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Rick, Hau idatzi du Rick Elrod (codebl...@elrod.me) erabiltzaileak (2021 mai. 27, og. (13:53)): > - httpie (http CLI client) I can take this one, but I see Miro just? took ownership. Miro, if you're interested add me, mikelo2, as co-maintainer. I can take care of EPEL if needed. Kind regards

Re: Fedora elections voting now open

2021-05-27 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Silvia, Hau idatzi du Silvia Sánchez (bhkoh...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2021 mai. 27, og. (19:19)): > > > I tried to login to vote but I get a 400 error when I try. Had the same problem. I was able to workaround by login in bodhi[1] and returning to the voting page. Mikel [1] https://bodhi

Re: Review request: Go packages required by Hugo

2022-03-09 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Mike, If you're not in a hurry I can review them in the upcoming days. Kind regards, Mikel Hau idatzi du W. Michael Petullo (m...@flyn.org) erabiltzaileak (2022 mar. 9, az. (04:40)): > > I would like to update Fedora's Hugo package, but the recent versions > depend on Go packages not yet in F

Re: Package downgrades on upgrade from F35 to F36 + categorized list

2022-03-18 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Fabio Valentini (decatho...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 mar. 18, or. (14:33)): > > Hi all, > > - gojq-0:0.12.7-1.fc35 > gojq-0:0.12.6-2.fc36 > Version 0.12.7 was built for F35+, but no bodhi update for F36 was submitted. https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-6c128bd

Re: Help with packaging golang binary: resolving dependencies

2022-04-23 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Mark, Hau idatzi du Mark E. Fuller (ful...@fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2022 api. 23, lr. (20:06)): > > Hi all, > > I'm looking to submit a first golang package for review, but I'm running > into some confusion as to whether there's a way to download/import all > the linked source depende

Intent to unretire subfinder

2022-05-05 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
the past under the name of chaos-client[4]. I realized about it by trying to add it to release-monitoring with the package name I defined for it. Kind regards, Mikel Olasagasti (mikelo2) [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2081284&bug_id_type=anddependson&format=tvp

Non-responsive maintainer check: ryansb - Ryan Brown

2022-05-05 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
=2082125 If someone knows how to contact Ryan, please, let me know. Kind regards, Mikel Olasagasti (mikelo2) ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org Fedora Code of Conduct

Non-responsive maintainer check: rkarsten - Karsten Hopp

2022-05-05 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
-10-21 13:02:09 on package libcap-2.44-1.fc34 Opened a non-responsive check BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2082128 Does anyone know how to contact Karsten by other means? Kind regards, Mikel Olasagasti (mikelo2) ___ devel mailing list

Re: Non-responsive maintainer check: rkarsten - Karsten Hopp

2022-05-05 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Karsten responded, closing the non-responsive check BZ. Hau idatzi du Mikel Olasagasti (mi...@olasagasti.info) erabiltzaileak (2022 mai. 5, og. (14:53)): > > Hi all, > > I tried to contact Karsten twice by email, but got no answer from him. > > Checking with fedora_active_user:

Re: Strange messages in Bodhi (ejected from push?)

2022-05-09 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Ron, Hau idatzi du Ron Olson (tachokni...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 mai. 9, al. (22:15)): > > Hi all- > > I got several strange messages on my update here: > > https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-bf60d68bdc > > The (multiple) messages suggest the update was ejected, but I

Re: bodhi update in a crazy state

2022-05-12 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Richard, Can you try to unpush from testing and then re-push? https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/JF2PBQCZOL6MTWQUXEV3GJ7REGL2ITL3/ Kind regards, Mikel Hau idatzi du Richard W.M. Jones (rjo...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2022 mai. 12, og. (09:3

Non-responsive maintainer check: adeza - Alfredo Deza

2022-05-17 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
a' Opened a non-responsive check BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2087212 Does anyone know how to contact Alfredo by other means? Kind regards, Mikel Olasagasti (mikelo2) ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org To u

Unretiring python-port-for package

2021-08-09 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi all, A new release of pg_activity[1] has a dep on new package python-pytest-postgresql[2] that requires retired python-port-for[3] and new package python-mirakuru. Kind regards, Mikel [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1990722 [2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=19911

Re: What happened with sevctl?

2021-09-08 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Fabio, Hau idatzi du Fabio Valentini (decatho...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2021 ira. 8, az. (11:56)): > > I just noticed that the packages for the sevctl utility were orphaned. > Its addition to Fedora was widely publicized at the time, because we > were the first (?) distribution to include t

Re: Self Introduction: Jannik Müller(nightishaman)

2024-11-01 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Jannik, Hau idatzi du Nightishaman via devel (devel@lists.fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2024 aza. 1(a), or. (14:46)): > > Good afternoon Fedora developers, > > I'm introducing here because I find the Fedora project very promising. I've > been using it now as a way to escape Windows Recall

Non-responsive maintainer check for lbazan (Luis Enrique Bazan De Leon)

2024-11-09 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
gards, Mikel Olasagasti - mikelo2 [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2277499 [2] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/transifex-client -- ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to dev

Re: F42 Change Proposal: Switch to git-core (self-contained)

2024-12-04 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Petr, thanks for the feedback! Hau idatzi du Petr Pisar (ppi...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2024 abe. 4(a), az. (10:12)): > > V Tue, Dec 03, 2024 at 05:01:38PM +, Aoife Moloney via devel-announce > napsal(a): > > Wiki - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ChangeToGitCore > [...] > > ==

Re: F42 Change Proposal: Switch to git-core (self-contained)

2024-12-04 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Tom, Hau idatzi du Tom Hughes via devel (devel@lists.fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2024 abe. 4(a), az. (10:25)): > > On 04/12/2024 09:11, Petr Pisar wrote: > > > BTW, it seems that "git send-email" is broken in Rawhide: Having installed > > git-2.47.1-1.fc42.x86_64 package, the subcommand

Re: F42 Change Proposal: Split opendmarc with tools subpackage (Self-Contained)

2024-12-03 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
binaries that > > are not required to configure the service. > > > > > > == Owner == > > > > * Name: [[User:mikelo2| Mikel Olasagasti]] > > > > * Email: mi...@olasagasti.info > > > > > > == Detailed Description == > > > > `open

Re: List of long term FTBFS packages to be retired in January

2024-12-29 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Miro Hrončok (mhron...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2024 abe. 22(a), ig. (17:19)): > > golang-github-containerd-nri @go-sig, copperi Fixed > golang-github-docker-distribution @go-sig, alexsaezm Fixed > golang-github-google-replayers@go-sig, mikep F

Re: Looking for advice on packaging newer version of ncdu

2024-11-22 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi Clemens, Hau idatzi du Clemens Lang (cll...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2024 aza. 22(a), or. (13:46)): > > Hi, > > > On 22. Nov 2024, at 13:29, Richard Fearn wrote: > > > > There's a new Zig version (2.x) which I would like to also package. 2.x is > > being advertised as the "main" version th

Proposal for vendoring/bundling golang packages by default

2025-01-19 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
ra contributors, maintainers, and stakeholders to share their perspectives, concerns, and suggestions on this topic. Best regards, Mikel Olasagasti - mikelo2 [1] https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/3330 [2] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Golang/#_bundled_or_unbun

Re: Proposal for vendoring/bundling golang packages by default

2025-01-20 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Michael J Gruber (m...@fedoraproject.org) erabiltzaileak (2025 urt. 20(a), al. (11:29)): > > Following the Go-SIG proposal would be the can-opener to deviate from > our distribution model in general. I mean, if I can pull in a myriad of > Go or Rust modules for my package to build (wi

Re: Proposal for vendoring/bundling golang packages by default

2025-01-20 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Fabio Valentini (decatho...@gmail.com) erabiltzaileak (2025 urt. 20(a), al. (21:27)): > > I also don't understand the argument of "bundling would let us solve > 200 broken packages caused by Go compiler changes faster". If the > libraries fail to compile in standalone packages, then t

Heads-up: Go 1.24 causing widespread FTBFS in F42

2025-01-19 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hi, This is a heads-up regarding the impact of Go 1.24, now available in Fedora, and the subsequent mass-rebuild for Fedora 42. Over 200 packages are currently failing to build from source (FTBFS) [1] due to a stricter check introduced in Go 1.24 [2]. The failure occurs due to a stricter vet chec

Re: List of long term FTBFS packages to be retired in 2 weeks

2025-01-16 Thread Mikel Olasagasti
Hau idatzi du Miro Hrončok (mhron...@redhat.com) erabiltzaileak (2025 urt. 15(a), az. (13:48)): > golang-github-prometheus @go-sig, fuller, mikelo2 https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/golang-github-prometheus/pull-request/2 I would merge it after https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/3330 discus