a) to decide that it would be better for the
overall community if the results of the license scans were contributed
to a global database instead of just stored with the project's sources.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
line and it
has the full format... ie,
ssh-rsa the-key-ending-with== comment
Maybe the bit at the end is causing the issue?
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing li
*all* of
the New topics that are of potential interest to me. In the end this is
very similar to taking the same actions in a local mail client, but more
capable since it is based on metadata about the topics and not just the
often-incorrect subject lines in email threads.
Kevin P. Fleming
ty_flags" or something similar.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject
for each
version, I don't think that works).
Small clarification: where you wrote 'component' you meant 'product' :-)
BZ has both Products and Components, forming two levels. RHEL 7/8/9 are
Products, on the same level as Fedora.
Kevin P. Fleming
pted me to disable
deltarpms completely on my system.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email t
rkspace... that ship sailed some time ago (I'm
sending this using Thunderbird going through Google Workspace, so at
least I don't have to *see* GMail...)
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
at you
attempt to join the room, after 60 seconds or so your client reports a
failure, and then 5-10 minutes later you attempt to join again and it
works; I believe this is happening because the backfill process
continues on your server even though your client gave up.
Kevin P. Fleming
tent, then the hardware alone is infringing, but that's a
totally different discussion. Since Intel and AMD employ large numbers
of highly-trained patent lawyers, presumably they've decided that they
do not need to address this concern.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program M
On 10/12/22 08:59, Stephen Smoogen wrote:
Maybe call it the Fedora Update Manager 'FUM' ?
Unless we're going to call it RUM when it makes its way into RHEL, that
name may not be the best choice :-)
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Ea
ay, at least for the foreseeable future.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org
, and it found just two Intel wireless
firmware packages to remove.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to dev
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct:
x27; for a variety of licenses, many of which have specific
SPDX identifiers. MIT and BSD are the most common problem areas for this
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel ma
; for the purposes of this proposal?
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject
reasoning part of the decision.
This is not a court. It is a group of attorneys providing advice to
their client (which happens to be their employer).
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
to Emacs version 28, so it's
already in F36. How is that possible?
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to
I just saw this today, btrfs+LUKS, Micron MTFDHBA256TDV. May not have been
five minutes, but it was a long time, and DNF consumed an entire CPU during
that time.
On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 3:39 PM Chris Murphy
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 4:12 AM Vitaly Zaitsev via devel
> wrote:
> >
> > On 24
Slightly off-topic, but I think it's relevant:
If 'myservice' and 'ods-prx' are referring to the same thing, I think
you're supposed to use 'systemctl preset' instead of 'systemctl enable'.
This allows the admin to decide whether the installed
service/target/timer/etc. should be enabled during pac
On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 5:52 PM Barry wrote:
> On 7 Feb 2022, at 19:19, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> Slightly off-topic, but I think it's relevant:
> If 'myservice' and 'ods-prx' are referring to the same thing, I think
> you're
On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 4:25 PM Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <
zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
> So this is the culprit. iscsi.service has Before=remote-fs-pre.target,
> After=network-online.target, which means that it'll delay the boot.
> remote-fs-pre.target is Before remote-fs.target which is Before
On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 8:24 AM Lennart Poettering
> badly. One good example for that is crond: you never know what cron
> jobs intend to do, hence you cannot sandbox crond as a whole
> reasonably. Moreover, runtime matters: short-lived stuff is much less
I've also run into another co
upgrade removed the symlinks.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat US/Eastern Time Zone
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org
On Sun, May 1, 2022 at 12:14 PM Dan Čermák
> They are going to break things, but Ubuntu 22.04 deprecated SHA1
> signatures already, so it's very likely that a good chunk of the fallout
> will be cleared by the time Fedora 38 and 39 ship.
In a similar (parallel) discussion related to
On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 3:28 PM Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Florian Weimer said:
> > At least that's a solvable problem: perform DNSSEC validation (to
> > prevent actual attacks) and pretend to clients that you didn't do it (to
> > avoid relying on signatures which aren't policy-confio
On 5/10/22 09:29, Ben Cotton wrote:
We already made a heavy testing of the behavior, and user should not
face negative experience. I'm not sure if this is
Might be a copy-paste error there, the last sentence is incomplete.
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
r way to attack the problem in this fashion
(ClearlyDefined[1] being one of them), and pushing the results of the
license analysis as far 'left' as possible benefits everyone.
[1] https://clearlydefined.io/about
Kevin P. Fleming
Principal Program Manager, RHEL
Red Hat
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