This just happened on Fedora rawhide build now.
Could anyone fix it?
DEBUG No matches found for the following disable plugin
patterns: local, spacewalk
I opened the issue ticket for systemtap.
Jun | He - His - Him
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Fedora Code
The license for bowtie was changed from "Artistic 2.0 and zlib and
GPLv3 and LGPLv3+"
to "Artistic 2.0 and zlib" [1].
Because the bundled dependency SeqAn [2] (licence: "GPLv3 and
LGPLv3+") was deleted on the latest version.
one issued which was affected on my managed packages.
Jun Aruga
- Original Message -
> From: "Kevin Fenzi"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 7:21:38 PM
> Subject: Orphaned packages seeking new point of contact
> Greetings.
rubygem-thin package changes
from (GPLv2 or Ruby) and MIT
to (GPLv2+ or Ruby) and BSD and MIT
Jun Aruga
devel mailing list
We can see several bash (= sh on Fedora) script files under /etc such as
Anyone could you tell me whether there is a common style guideline (coding
standards) to write the shell script on Feodra?
Jun Aruga
devel mailing list
Jun Aruga
- Original Message -
> From: "Christopher"
> To: "Development discussions related to Fedora"
> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 4:2
d take a look at it.
Jun Aruga
- Original Message -
> From: "chandan kumar"
> To: "Development discussions related to Fedora"
> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 4:31:38 PM
> Subject: Re: bash style guide on Fedora?
> Hello,
> On Mon,
Okay, I could install the shellcheck with the Fedora package.
And it works, and it looks nice.
I am going to use those 2 checkers for a while.
Jun Aruga
- Original Message -
> From: "Christopher"
> To: "Development discussions related to Fedora"
videos for some, not all talks,
if you are the speaker and you have slide or video, I would like you to upload
those to the page.
Thank you.
Jun Aruga
devel mailing list
Hi, Fedora developers!
My name is Jun Aruga.
I live in Brno, Czech Republic, working in RedHat.
I mainly have lived in open source world over than 10 years.
I worked as Software Engineer in Japan for a long time, and in Singapore for 3
Now I am preparing my first Fedora package for Ruby
Hi, Fedora developers!
My name is Jun Aruga.
I live in Brno, Czech Republic, working in Red Hat.
I mainly have lived in open source world over than 10 years.
I worked as a Software Engineer in Japan for a long time, and in Singapore for
3 years.
Now I am preparing my first Fedora package for
> The list of (likely) affected packages is growing:
It's a useful list! Thanks.
Note rubygem-puma is added to the list too.
Jun | He
Koji is failing to build before creating root.log and build.log on
s390x right now.
Is it a known issue?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-pac
> should be
> What's the size of the srpm?
Thanks for sharing the info.
It's 238 KB.
$ ls -hl rubygem-puma-4.3.3-1.fc32.src.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jaruga jaruga 238K Mar 31 19:52 rubygem-puma-4.3.3-1.fc32.src.rpm
But it might be my fault.
I was putting ruby
I am considering using Packit-as-a-Service [1] for an upstream
project, as the maintainer of the project suggested managing the RPM
spec file on the upstream's repository in Github.
Could you tell me some case studies of the upstream project using
I know rebase-helper [2] is u
I created lists of RPM packages in Medical and Biology using Koschei's
group tag feature.
The medical-sig tag is for medical, healthcare, biology, computing
biology, bioinformatics.
The biology tag is for biology, computing biology, bioinformatics, genomics.
Could you tell me any other packages y
> * How to manage a RPM spec file on the upstream repository,
synchronizing it with Fedora rawhide's one.
As my first step, I am trying to use Packit, having separately managed
the RPM spec file that is only used to run the %check section on the
Fedora scratch build at the pull-request in the upst
Could anyone want to swap a review?
Review Request: simde - SIMD Everywhere
simde [1] is a header files only library for a software implementing
SIMD [2] to build with multiple CPU architectures.
> Also, please know that we needed to temporarily disable ppc64le
chroots (as it was previously announced) because at this moment
we don't have access to any builders on that architecture.
Any update for Copr ppc64le chroots?
Jun | He - His - Him
> > Any update for Copr ppc64le chroots?
> Not yet, the HW is still not assembled in new lab.
> Pavel
Do you know when it will be available?
If it takes some time, how about using qemu emulation for the ppc64le
chroot for now?
Jun | He - His - Him
> > Fedora Infrastructure are in the middle of 2 data center moves currently
> > with a COVID-19 lockdown affecting our ability to give any timelines of
> > when things will be available. I do not think the servers will be available
> > until May at the earliest and they will be a lower priority th
> jaruga: nodejs-source-map-support, jruby
I am okay to let nodejs-source-map-support orphan.
I have no idea why nodejs-source-map-support affects me.
Jun | He - His - Him
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> Follow the trail: uglify-js requires nodejs-acorn, which requires
> nodejs-rollup, which requires that.
Ah thanks for checking it. I should run `dnf repoquery --whatrequres` more.
Can someone take uglify-js as a main maintainer? I can give it to you.
Could anyone swap the review?
Review Request: bowtie2 - A read aligner for genome sequencing
bowtie2 [1] is C++ software for genome analysis.It can be also used
for COVID-19 analysis [2].
Hi Rechard,
I recommend using the simde (SIMD Everywhere) library for the
packaging and contribution to the upstream.
You do not need to care about the availability by arch or compiler
when using this library.
simde-devel is available in Fedora stable versions now
On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 9:41 PM Steven Munroe wrote:
> Jun Aruga writes:
> > I recommend using the simde (SIMD Everywhere) library for the packaging and
> > contribution
> > to the upstream.
> This does not help unless t
Thanks for maintaining it. I did not know we can use CMake 3 with
cmake3 RPM on EPEL7.
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Fedora Code o
> > For the better user experience, we are promoting the system library
> > for both RPM and Debian based Linux distributions.
> What system library, for what purpose?
Hi Dave,
The simde system library is
* simde-devel in Fedora and EPEL [1]
* libsimde-dev in Debian [2]
The purpose is to build
> They're packages for a header-only system, not libraries, hence my
Hi Dave, okay.
> Who's pushing this, and how do I present an HPC performance engineering
I appreciate your interest in the bioinformatics in HPC.
The simde Fedora package: Me
The simde Debian package: Mi
> gcc provides compat x86 intrinsics via "x86intrin.h", they were
> successfully used eg. by darktable (raw photo sw)
Okay. Thanks for the info.
Jun | He - His - Him
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I orphaned the package.
* I removed the uglify-js dependency from rubygem-uglifier.
* When I asked the co-maintainers, there was no response.
* The difficulty of the management. uglify-js requires nodejs-acorn,
which requires nodejs-rollup
> >FreeIPA depends on uglify-js to minimize its JS code. Do we have any
> >other alternative that doesn't change meaning of the code?
> I quickly hacked on to use python3-rjsmin, seems to work fine for our
> use case.
Okay. It's good to know it.
I tried to suggest bundling your uglify-js in the
Hi all,
Someone (especially proven packagers), could you review below library
package related to bio science?
It has already been reviewed several times. I think I fixed every
items mentioned by a reviewer.
Review Request: htslib - C library for high-throughput sequencing data
formats (required f
> So Modularity will happily unleash experimental branches that were never
intended to be released onto unsuspecting users of stable releases? How can
this not be an absolute showstopper? This failed Modularity experiment needs
to end NOW!
As far as I know, there was no rule for the branch name, f
Someone, could give us advice about below situation, if the new
package htslib's "/usr/lib64/" is valid?
"1.9" is upstream software's version. "2" is ABI's version (so version).
sh-5.0# ls -l /usr/lib64/*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Oct 2 23:50 /usr/lib64/ ->
> * Tagging Module Defaults into non-modular repo (sgallagh, 15:41:37)
> * AGREED: We disagree with merging default streams into the main repo
> as non-modular packages. Our approach is to implement a mechanism of
> following default streams to give people the experience they want.
Hi Zbigniew and Kevin
Many thanks for your explanation.
I clearly understand the htslib's situation now.
Jun | He - His - Him
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On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 10:17 PM David W McCheyne
> Hello all.
> New at packaging, here's my first review request:
> I recently started a new DevOps Engineer job at a company that pushes a lot
> back out to the community, so this i
> ## What exactly is happening?
> The formal change proposal is here:
> Packages requiring Python 2 will be removed starting November 15 (unless
> they have an exception).
> Components with all essential subpackages removed will be retired.
* Review Request: bcftools - Tools for genomic variant calling and
manipulating VCF/BCF files
Bio science tool. C language. No sub package.
This new package is necessary to upgrade current samtools 0.1 to 1.9.
Because some functions in samtool
Hi Leigh,
Thank you for contributing the rubygem-* packages.
Let me comment for your *.spec files.
I recommend to compare the *.spec file generated by gem2rpm with your
*.spec file, and align basically.
The gem2rpm guides you.
How to do it (For example in case of Fedora 30)
$ sudo dnf insta
I checked your uploaded *.spec files now a little bit.
I see that you are using "rake" in your rubygem-linked-list.spec,
and there is no %check section in your rubygem-hrx.spec.
> Note that
For linked-list,
> + ruby -Ilib:. -e 'Dir.glob "test/**/test_*.rb", &method(:require)'
> 0 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
> + popd
"test/**/test_*.rb" you are using is incorrect in this case, and
different from the guideline. The test files were not captured..
> We are thinking on providing a simple text field to submit FAS username or
> email to override the default assignee, the big question is then, who should
> be allowed to update this field ?
I like it's the same policy with editing the Setting page of .
> Existing status will be migrated from the fedora-scm-requests repo on pagure
> to
use this drop-down.
> Using the fedora-scm-requests repo for the anitya integration will no longer
> be
Thank you for the anitya integration feature.
I have 2 questions. After the migration will be fi
> > 2. Is it possible to put a link of a package's Antiya project page
> > around "Monitoring status" of the rpm/foo page?
> > It looks useful to know and edit the setting easily.
> >
> > For example. rpms/ruby
> > =>
Yeah, the junaruga's [2] works for me.
I am waiting for the pull-request (including [2]) that will be merged
with enabling the Travis CI.
@pypingou could you check and merge the code?
> Nope, for the reason I've explained earlier in this thread. The proposed
> changes
> are (last time I've tried them) breaking the mailing-list checks which I don't
> think is a good thing.
Sure. Sorry I missed the reason you have explained earlier in the thread.
Jun | He - His - Him
On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:17 PM Frank R Dana Jr. wrote:
> Hmmm. If there's a plan is to get it working again relatively soon, though, I
> should probably withdraw my PR[1] to remove mention of it from the
> Non-Responsive Maintainer Policy. (I figured, doesn't make sense to suggest a
> tool
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solution I am considering is "(e.g., not own that file
and create that directories in scriptlet)".
Jun Aruga | He - His - Him
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.
I also want to join!
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ch images
docker buildx, docker/(podman) build --platform
Please come!
Jun Aruga | He - His - Him
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go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
$ sudo podman run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
$ podman run --rm -t arm64v8/fedora:30 uname -m
Jun Aruga | He - His - Him
devel mailing list
For someone who wants to see current registered external bug trackers,
click "Add link" drop down list from below link to see the list. :)
It's interesting to see many bug trackers are already in it.
Jun Aruga |
On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 12:28 PM Dave Love wrote:
> Are the aarch64 test systems running on real or emulated hardware? (Is
> there a way to tell?)
> I ask because I'm seeing bad numerical results from a test and would
> like to know if I can eliminate qemu as a possible cause -- not that I
> I'd suggest that the Modularity team could preapre a list of example
> use cases that will present the strenghts of the modularity.
I just share below my project for me to investigate use cases to
switch a modules stream with Fedora (and RHEL) container and Travis
It's not general module exa
> > Do you mean a system to test SRPM on aarch64? or a system to test a
> > open source code?
> > Do you mean CI testing system or an aarch64 server for adhoc test?
> I don't know why it matters, but I'm testing dynamic micro-architecture
> selection added to a library I've packaged.
Because the
> Does anyone know of, or have, any critical/important use cases that would
be disrupted by QEMU dropping 32-bit *host* support ? If so, let me know
here & I can forward feedback on. Or feel free to go direct to QEMU thread
I am not a real user of ARM 32-bit. I just checked information f
> For example, how about releasing compat-qemu50 RPM if upstream will
> drop armv7 on qemu 6.x?
> It's like compat-openssl10 RPM for openssl (version 1.1) RPM.
> Maybe if some RPM packages need armv7 support, they can use
> compat-qemu50 conditionally in the spec file.
Sorry. Typo.
> I'm working on (learning modularity) and developing a module for my package
> and created a not-so-great (super long) branch name in the dist-git rpm and
> module repo before I realized that it would be the stream's name too.
I faced similar situation. Ruby module was released as
>> Yes, you can hide the branch from the result of "dnf module list". I
>> asked it to someone to hide "private-jaruga-master" stream.
>> But I forget the way.
> Maybe someone else can help :D
I remembered the way after searching my past emails. :D
You can open a ticket on releng to hide it li
HI Ben,
> Where does Communishift fit in here? I didn't see it mentioned.
Could you explain about the meaning of the word "Communishift" in plain English?
As I am not a native English speaker, I do not understand the actual
meaning. Maybe does it mean a kind of behavior?
Jun | He - His - Him
> > Could you explain about the meaning of the word "Communishift" in plain
> > English?
> Communishift is the OpenShift cluster that Infra runs for
> community-run applications[1]. Its name is a portmanteau of
> "Community" and "OpenShift".
> [1]
> There's also a video about it from Flock 2019:
Thanks. But why is the video mode "Unlisted" not public?
Jun | He - His - Him
devel mailing list
> With recent changes, such as [3], I am afraid that the day has come.
It seems that the day came on Ruby 2.7.0, right? Ruby 2.7.0 includes
the commit [3].
> Thoughts?
> On the positive side, 1(2) would allow us to stay better in line with
> "Pregenerated code" guidelines [5], because there is a
When removing the changelog in a spec file, users (not package
maintainers) using this command are disappointed?
$ rpm -q --changelog python3
* Tue Oct 15 2019 Miro HronĨok - 3.7.5-1
- Update to 3.7.5
Jun | He - His - Him
devel mail
> First, I'd like to see Fedora become more of an "operating system factory".
20s is from 2020 to 2029. 10 years. So long.
So, let me write high level thoughts. And let me post a new topic.
For the topic 'more of an "operating system factory"', I want to see
Fedora project as a place to "democrat
> In my experience, in 1999 I was living in the same region with an NGO
> working for a backbone network.
> And the NGO helped me to put my Linux server in their network for free.
> In the age of non-democratized computer and internet, some
> organizations helped for the new technologies.
My mista
> and why gradle was retired ? is easy unretire it ?
I am running gradle command right now as a coincidence .
The upstream project is active.
We also might refer other distribution's spec files if we unretire.
> netcdf-java[1] uses the Gradle build system, and is required to update
hdfview[2] to the latest version. Gradle, however, was retired[3] as
"out of date, broken, fails to build, basically unmaintainable".
Checking the build.grade file (gradle recipe filei) of netcdf-java, is
it possible to build
> Anyone with the time to (co-)maintain Gradle? :)
I added Mikolaj and Daniel to TO.
They had maintained gradle before being dead.package, seeing the past
commits in rpms/gradle.
Mikolaj and Daniel, do you like to come back as a maintainer of rpms/gradle?
Jun | He - His - Him
Hi Mikolaj,
Thanks for your info and recommendation.
> Currently I don't have time to maintain Gradle in Fedora. Several of
my packages are built with Gradle by their upstreams, but currently it
is more feasible to port packages to be built with Maven rather than
maintaining Gradle in Fedora. But
There are 3 topics for the Fedora Medical SIG in this email.
## Creating RPM group: medical-sig
I would like to add "medical-sig" to the RPM groups that is listed on
the page below.
Someone do you know how to create the group?
## Including bio-tech
> ## Creating RPM group: medical-sig
> I would like to add "medical-sig" to the RPM groups that is listed on
> the page below.
> Someone do you know how to create the group?
I want both "medical-sig" and "biology" group.
"medical-sig" group is to manag
> - Do you miss anything in Fedora which would make your development on ML apps
> easier? Let us know! We can fix it.
Hi Lumir!
I have something to miss for RPM packaging.
1. A recommendation of an initial package spec file from the source
archive (= Source0) by ML.
Learning data: For existin
I like to see "package branch name" of each modules to be aligned more.
Here is a list of the current module, the module stream name, the
package branch name, another package name. There are some patterns on
the list.
# module, the module stream name (module/foo's branch), the package
On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 3:38 PM Igor Gnatenko
> Why?
> What is the problem with packages having branch "latest", "1.x" and such?
It's no problem.
Rather it might be better in the point of view of "minimal necessary
package branches for now".
I thought it again.
I considered below case
Hi Mikolaj
> I thought of using names in format "stream-${name}-${stream}" (eg.
stream-scala-2.10), but I can use "${name}-${stream}" (scala-2.10)
format too - consistency between modules is more important than
maintainer personal preferences.
I just checked current modules' situation in f29 modu
Modularity team,
On below definition of the modularity document, there is a problem, as Vit said.
The problem is If we use X.Y.Z as a package branch name with rpms/bar,
for example the situation
stgresql/sources python3/sources varnish/sources
I like to see the file structure and testing module is documented or
linked in below page
Jun Aruga
We have orphaned rubygem-paranoia discussing co-maintainer, as It is
not a required package to install Rails.
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him / IRC: jaruga
devel mailing list
Thanks for the action, Vit.
I take care for next time.
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
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=> No Fedora-Container-Base-*.tar.xz
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him / IRC: jaruga
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dora Code of Conduct:
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Jun Aruga / He - His - Him / IRC: jaruga
I change my question.
Do you know who is creating this kind of multi arch container images?
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I found Fedora 30 armhfp container image here.
I am still looking for Fedora 30 armv7hl, i686 and ppc64le container images.
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him / IRC: jaruga
f 29-armhfp.tar
$ ls -l */layer.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 jaruga jaruga 256970240 Feb 20 14:00
Thanks. Solved.
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him / IRC: jaruga
devel mail
Does it work on your environment?
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
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Fedora Code of Conduct:
> The agenda for the meeting is available as flagged tickets [in the Modularity
> repository](
No agenda? I have several topics to let you discuss.
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
right setting?
aarch64, x86_64
aarch64, armhfp, x86_64
wever, dk run --userns=host -it --rm sh
> works fine. So it seems to be limited to user namespaces.
What is dk command?
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
devel mailing list --
To uns
on local easily or add the environment to your x86_64 base
If you are interested in how it works, see [2] and [3].
[1] multiarch project:
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
> On Mon, May 06, 2019 at 04:17:18PM +0200, Jun Aruga wrote:
> > Podman 1.2 and Docker CE 18.09.5 on My Fedora 30 work for your use case.
> >
> > $ docker --version
> > Docker version 18.09.5, build e8ff056
> This is not what Fedora ships. We have (in F30)
push manifest listed containers to dockerhub so that
> command will work everywhere.
Alright, I did not know the kind of alias feature. Thanks for the info.
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fed
tivation is not like
* Running x86_64 container on x86_64 machine
* Running aarch64 container on aarch64 machine
* Running aarch64, s390x, ppc64le and etc containers on x86_64 machine.
The reason is that makes multi arch's tests enable on x86_64
environment or x86_64 base CI servi
I am suggesting a new feature "podman buildx" like "docker buildx"
that makes a better multi arch build experience.
See below URL if you are interested in it.
Supporting building multi-platform images (podman buildx)
> line 417, in generate_expanded_mmds
> current_mmd = Modulemd.Module.new_from_string(mmd.dumps())
> TypeError: :
> Argument 0 does not allow None as a value
> Any pointers anyone?
> Paul.
> _________
fm-orchestrator repository is including module-build-service, and mbs-manager.
I remember "mbs-build local" command worked for the local build in late 2017.
But I could not find the command now.
Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
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