* mike cloaked [25/08/2010 12:27] :
> I wonder what fraction of users don't use DVD these days?
I've switched to PXE-based installs. Haven't used a DVD/CD in ages.
devel mailing list
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-EBook-EPUB:
ed6a49cba2a173db3c479b229aec0cc2 EBook-EPUB-0.5.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit c4b926e7185dab44060c63d62dd15554104fe5ae
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Aug 30 22:02:26 2010 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-EBook-EPUB.spec | 66 ++
sources |1 +
3 files changed, 68
commit 1b39245bee570c1f7916abec73cd8f347dc97ddf
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Aug 30 22:05:04 2010 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-EBook-EPUB.spec | 66 ++
sources |1 +
3 files changed, 68
commit 38b0d591622746369a455484fb5b2c1dd3d9b195
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Aug 30 22:05:34 2010 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-EBook-EPUB.spec | 66 ++
sources |1 +
3 files changed, 68
commit 114174d83259b7658c30c884c0e063acd0f4eba7
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Aug 30 22:07:53 2010 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-EBook-EPUB.spec | 66 ++
sources |1 +
3 files changed, 68
* Bruno Wolff III [31/08/2010 19:25] :
> Packages that need to sync to external servers or peers such as multiplayer
> games have similar issues. You need to be up to date to for the package
> to be useful in some cases.
Same goes for programs that scrape web pages (I'm thinking of gcstar but
* Bill Nottingham [31/08/2010 21:01] :
> That's gross.
Yup, no question about it.
> (I realize you're blocked on the sites you rely on, but
> geez, can't you find sites with real APIs?)
For some of them, it is possible (DVDfr.com has a stable XML API and the
webmaster has contrib
* Brandon Lozza [06/10/2010 16:28] :
> Yes it is, that's not the issue. They aren't letting us distribute it
> ourselves, unless its brand is removed or we don't make those changes.
It's their brand, they get to decide what they do (or let you do) with it.
devel mailing list
* Matthew Garrett [11/10/2010 19:57] :
> debian-installer? Yes.
Shipping 2 different installers is a recipe for disaster from a user and
QA perspective.Choose one between Ubiquity, Debian-installer and Anaconda.
devel mailing list
* Chris Jones [13/10/2010 11:35] :
> As a full-time Ubuntu user, I just want to point out that I don't really
> like the Ubuntu installer and its whole process. Although I do prefer to
> use to distro itself.
Amen, I've lost count of the amount of times installing Ubuntu has
involved installing
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for
9774dffedf830a36c52e27cd8e2ad6d9 WebService-Google-Language-0.12.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 84d479fc5afbb139371d8fb919d38b8c8b98ec25
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu Oct 14 22:47:15 2010 +0200
Update to 0.12
.gitignore |1 +
perl-WebService-Google-Language.spec |7 +--
sources |2 +-
3 files changed
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-CGI-PSGI:
77d944c8eae1d1f021b1e46da43643d5 CGI-PSGI-0.12.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 7023c15d7586833e431cb2c6ab6535832b2c1a5b
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Tue Oct 26 21:22:29 2010 +0200
Update to 0.12
.gitignore |1 +
perl-CGI-PSGI.spec |5 -
sources|2 +-
3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a
* Orcan Ogetbil [04/11/2010 09:35] :
> The extreme inefficiency comes from the bugs that I can't reproduce,
> the upstream can't reproduce, and the user isn't responding. And this
> happens *a lot*. Most of the time, they don't even put down the steps
> to reproduce. Can we at least mandate inclu
* Przemek Klosowski [04/11/2010 21:51] :
> (why do I need to know about new CC:s on the bug list)
FWIW, this can be configured:
devel mailing list
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-SVG-TT-Graph:
0c6acc4bd3299f08fb7bb8c02e5d32f2 SVG-TT-Graph-0.17.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 078f58dfbfcfe2d934d1a89cbc7fc91a8b915fd3
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Jul 25 22:50:41 2011 +0200
Update to 0.17, clean up spec file
.gitignore |1 +
perl-SVG-TT-Graph.spec | 15 ++-
sources|2 +-
3 files changed, 8 insertions
* Genes MailLists [26/07/2011 15:14] :
> >> On 26/07/11 10:22, Misha Shnurapet wrote:
> > Unlike ~/bin, which is in PATH though not even created.
It's the other way round on my machine. Both are in my $PATH but ~/bin
exists (I may have created it by hand) and ~/.local/bin/ doesn't.
> Whe
* Genes MailLists [26/07/2011 15:32] :
> Mmm ok ... Can I assume root is excepted from this?
You can. That is the case.
devel mailing list
* Reindl Harald [29/07/2011 15:58] :
> does this mean that F15 will get a rebased 2.6.40 sooner or
> later in stable repos to avoid troubles with the new versioning
> and will not stuck at 2.6.38 the whole life cycle?
Summary of changes:
cadf760... Initial import (#726245). (*)
(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit cadf760c497f4b091ecd0ba15527208f50236136
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Aug 1 10:45:28 2011 +0200
Initial import (#726245).
.gitignore |1 +
perl-Eval-LineNumbers.spec | 41 +
sources|1 +
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Config-Auto:
cf6fbd37e27726dd8373faa13a85e31f Config-Auto-0.38.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
* Zaniyah [18/08/2011 15:17] :
> I put a review request in for the required Perl library some time ago,
> but nothing seems to have happened since. I'm not aware of anything
> outstanding on it.
JFTR, the review is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=621559
In his review, Mark asked fo
[ I've posting only on devel. This doesn't have a lot to do with testing. ]
* Zaniyah [18/08/2011 15:49] :
> I've done these two.
It's probably best to add a comment in the review ticket every time you update
your package, giving the urls to spec file and the new package.
> I'm not sure about
* Adam Williamson [03/09/2011 00:21] :
> Hum, I didn't realize our resolutions were so customized, I thought they
> were the upstream ones; this is what I've been told when discussing
> custom resolutions in the past. It's certainly something you could
> propose as an enhancement by filing a bug
* Andy Shevchenko [12/09/2011 13:18] :
> Hmm... I couldn't build the package - the error from fedpkg build like
> "already built".
You need to bump the release number up a notch if you want to rebuild a
devel mailing list
* Andy Shevchenko [12/09/2011 14:04] :
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Iain Arnell wrote:
> > Looks like you just need to submit the f16 build to bodhi.
> I thought so, but there is no f16 build available in bodhi.
The build is tagged trashcan so I'm not sure you can still do that.
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Starman:
9f2e58e3d9916148a90edc4c99452bf1 Starman-0.2014.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 351eb3f2c4996cd228817324c5aa0a72d067b25c
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Sep 19 17:42:42 2011 +0200
Update to 0.2014
.gitignore|1 +
perl-Starman.spec |7 +--
sources |2 +-
3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Data-Properties:
c60600639265a20c9678a720527e3941 Data-Properties-0.02.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 65586c44b98f7815610d3611bafdbf24022ab341
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu Oct 27 16:01:58 2011 +0200
Initial import (#747437)
.gitignore|1 +
LICENSE | 21 +++
perl-Data-Properties.spec | 61
commit 26efbc7eca38c0e2e2908aafad409d7814c60d8b
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu Oct 27 16:09:25 2011 +0200
Initial import (#747437)
.gitignore|1 +
LICENSE | 21 +++
perl-Data-Properties.spec | 61
commit 0d81c3c1cdf0fa0fafb4c9f09fc50f1e33a19bb7
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu Oct 27 16:14:51 2011 +0200
Initial import (#747437)
.gitignore|1 +
LICENSE | 21 +++
perl-Data-Properties.spec | 61
commit 5ebbf1487e8d6a1222ce1135685579859ac99bfc
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Sun Mar 27 17:17:01 2011 +0200
Update to 0.006
.gitignore |1 +
perl-CGI-Application-Structured.spec |9 +++--
sources |2 +-
3 files
* Rahul Sundaram [28/03/2011 00:23] :
> Why are you uploading srpm to lookaside cache instead of the source tarball?
It's a mistake. I wanted to upload the source tarball and picked the
wrong file. Is there anything for me to undo?
devel mailing list
* build...@fedoraproject.org [28/03/2011 22:45] :
> perl-WWW-Mechanize has broken dependencies in the rawhide tree:
> On x86_64:
> perl-WWW-Mechanize-1.66-3.fc15.noarch requires perl(HTML::Form) >=
> 0:1.00
> perl-WWW-Mechanize-1.66-3.fc15.noarch requires perl(HTML::Form) >=
> 0:1.0
commit ab858877fdf5221537ce305bd09fa72e38103916
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu May 12 22:44:49 2011 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RequireSSL.spec | 54 +++
* Ankur Sinha [28/05/2011 11:51] :
> Recently, I've been getting a lot of "gnumed-server.noarch: E:
> incorrect-fsf-address" errors from rpmlint. How is this to be handled?
File a bug with upstream to update the copy of the license shipped with
their software.
The FSF's address is :
Free Softw
* Ankur Sinha [28/05/2011 13:41] :
> For the time being, for the review request, do we need to ask the
> submitter to patch the address to correct it?
I view patching licenses as being a bad thing. I ask the submitter to
file a bug upstream but do not block the review on this matter.
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Test-Pod-Content:
895452aebc0d809413c865452be28d6a Test-Pod-Content-0.0.5.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
* Steve Clark [13/06/2011 14:04] :
> Maybe Fedora should adhere to Linus's rule that we don't have regressions
> that break users stuff.
Linus has no such thing. Google the min/max incident and the amount of drivers
that were removed from the kernel tree before 2.4.0's release if you want proof
* Domingo Becker [17/06/2011 14:21] :
> Access through keyboard was something missing in previous GNOME. End
> users go faster if they only use keyboard (of course, the program and
> the desktop environment should be prepared for that).
Agreed. Before installing F15, I was sceptic about having t
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-CGI-Application-Dispatch:
81323cdf46c8dd8191d6a50edfc79bff CGI-Application-Dispatch-3.00.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 9070f5e9fc901aec5a9f16d79eea1cff1e21f01c
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Mon Jun 20 01:42:12 2011 +0200
Update to 3.00, Spec clean-up
.gitignore |1 +
perl-CGI-Application-Dispatch.spec | 20 ++--
commit 9ab194bf113d263ec0396c4ff896b6684536c749
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Tue Jul 5 14:47:43 2011 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-Test-ConsistentVersion.spec | 51 ++
sources |1
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Net-Server-SS-PreFork:
4198d48d27353f60cc297178f86c216f Net-Server-SS-PreFork-0.05.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit c31401ce2b103de2f5d5e1910f86924c573b22c6
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Tue Jul 5 19:44:59 2011 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-Net-Server-SS-PreFork.spec | 56 +++
sources |1
commit 6cb9f317774c3f46510ae965296215bf396c933b
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Tue Jul 5 19:55:17 2011 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore |1 +
perl-Net-Server-SS-PreFork.spec | 56 +++
sources |1
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Starman:
302a9955f8721a5a26f04e7d562f683c Starman-0.2013.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit d052a7c9106bcf4e9ca2edd13781086c8451bed6
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu Jul 7 15:41:58 2011 +0200
Initial import.
.gitignore|1 +
perl-Starman.spec | 64 +
sources |1 +
3 files changed, 66
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit cfafb990bf1cac77366c3fc40c68981ebd6c1605
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Fri Jul 8 17:00:09 2011 +0200
Update to 0.20, add new BuildRequires and clean up spec file
.gitignore |1 +
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication.spec | 18
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for
39a1677de948fc9db519bf38fd645716 CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM-2.4.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit a41ce51aa2e59eb1dec7c8119bf8e4293386fc91
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Fri Jul 8 17:13:55 2011 +0200
Update to 2.4 and clean up spec file
.gitignore |1 +
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM.spec | 17 -
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Config-Auto:
e49f1314ee58972c91792977e9a99776 Config-Auto-0.36.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 1edb46ee4e01a7a869006eedd1ac18092f75dd91
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Fri Jul 8 17:23:47 2011 +0200
Update to 0.36 and clean up spec file
.gitignore|1 +
perl-Config-Auto.spec | 19 +--
sources |2 +-
3 files changed, 11
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-BZ-Client:
0e6eb6509afa40d9c03e9ee96d1f273f BZ-Client-1.03.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
d test
+make test
@@ -61,6 +66,10 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+* Mon Feb 15 2010 Emmanuel Seyman - 0.10-4
+- Add missing Build-Requires
+- Fix build instructions so they actually work (#07)
* Mon Dec 7 2009 Stepan Kasal - 0.
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Data-JavaScript:
14a2e422d2a22d34749e762614b4736f Data-JavaScript-1.13.tgz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
* Jaroslav Reznik [03/03/2010 15:41] :
> It's very easy - latest KDE stable release.
Not if they've never updated their install, in which case they've got
the version of KDE that shipped on release date.
If they updated their distribution until some point in the past,
they've got any version of
* Thomas Janssen [03/03/2010 16:00] :
> Helper: please run in a terminal "kde4-config --version"
If you're going to ask users to use the CLI, you're better off asking
them the output of "rpm -q kdelibs", the answer will be more precise.
> Not to hard to find out.
And in contradiction to what J
* Thomas Janssen [03/03/2010 17:41] :
> Really? And that shows me the QT version now? I must miss something.
"If they ask about F12 KDE, who knows."
devel mailing list
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-File-DirCompare:
75b150e32d5d9bd120e32c7e2ee01125 File-DirCompare-0.6.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
License:GPL+ or Artistic
@@ -50,5 +50,8 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+* Thu Mar 04 2010 Emmanuel Seyman 0.6-1
+- Update to 0.6.
* Mon Mar 01 2010 Emmanuel Seyman 0.5-1
- Specfile autogenerated by cpanspec 1.78.
Index: sources
* Thomas Janssen [05/03/2010 17:03] :
> If you ask me, i say, have a face, have a character and offer
> something the others dont. Fedora is exactly that right now.
We're left with the problem that what Fedora is right now isn't
working (massive amounts of updates that our users have to download
* Kevin Kofler [11/03/2010 00:08] :
> OpenChange is an implementation of the M$ Exchange protocols, allowing Free
> Software groupware clients to interoperate with M$ Exchange.
It's a requirement for Zarafa which is basically a bridge between open
protocols (IMAP, POP, Caldav, ...) and Exchange
* Warren Togami [18/03/2010 02:38] :
> perl-Finance-YahooQuote
I've taken this package for the currently supported branches.
devel mailing list
* Till Maas [26/03/2010 18:00] :
> You added the section about informing upstream about half a year ago,
> therefore I guess the majority of package maintainer did not do this. I
> know I never did this, unless they already list other distributions or I
> had to send a patch.
I've always done th
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-SVG-TT-Graph:
05d35dd63a0c77f274a0f29217f361e9 SVG-TT-Graph-0.14.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
* "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" [22/11/2011 19:28] :
> What do people see as pros and cons continuing to use the current
> package ownership model?
Pro: it enforces responsibility. The way things currently work, it's
relatively obvious whose work it is to fix a given bug.
Con: the thing that kicked
commit 45ca4e4e816ab4e61b17f4de48ec5daba93ac41f
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Wed Dec 7 20:44:42 2011 +0100
Update to 0.06, refresh patch, clean up spec file and enable all tests
.gitignore |1 +
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-JSON-RPC:
802d5bb488f3587f16aa69e8c002132b JSON-RPC-1.01.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
* Reindl Harald [07/01/2012 08:37] :
> however - why do we spit the current running versions to everyone?
In the case of openssh, it's to allow the client to work around known bugs
in the server. In other cases, it's simply of case of not wanting to patch
gratuitously packages.
* Ralf Corsepius [11/01/2012 09:59] :
> Also, in cases nobody steps up and takes action, you (who is
> subscribed to the perl-list) could step up in any case.
If perl-sig is the maintainer, only provenpackagers will be able to commit.
devel mailing list
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-FCGI-ProcManager:
0aa184b1e5339e0ad92f4c1439406304 FCGI-ProcManager-0.24.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
* Kevin Kofler [14/01/2012 22:06] :
> That's exactly why we need proper support for group ownership in pkgdb.
I believe that this isn't going to happen unless the people who want it
actually submit patches for pkgdb to implement it. Should it be none the less
implemented by other people, there's
* Christophe Fergeau [17/01/2012 19:16] :
> By that reasoning, shouldn't we also fold python bindings in the -devel
> package? They are small, python is already implicitly installed, so this
> should be fine too.
This is going to make things harder for spins and Fedora-based distributions
who mi
* Ralf Corsepius [17/01/2012 20:34] :
> It's not uncommon to Fedora users to confronted with /dev/null style
> answers. It's just that they are called "FIXED RAWHIDE", "FIXED
> UPSTREAM" or "no reply" and not explicitly labeled "/dev/null" ;)
Nitpick: There is no status "FIXED" in Fedora's bug
* Ralf Corsepius [20/01/2012 15:25] :
> ... and why no simply keep these BZs "open" and/or to add a note
Because the bug isn't open. There's nothing more to do on it in its present
state and having it show up in lists of open bugs is counter-productive.
> This would at least reflect the actual
* Ralf Corsepius [20/01/2012 19:53] :
> Surely the bug is open: The product you are supposed to be
> responsible for (A Fedora package) suffers from an unfixed bug,
> documented in bugzilla.
Anyone looking in brc for the unfixed bugs of a package is going to be severely
disappointed. Bugs there
* Genes MailLists [29/01/2012 09:51] :
> Possibly - but without the support from at least some of the Fedora
> core team (fesco, board, key redhatters etc) and possibly some on the RH
> business side recognizing some potential benefit in the enterprise
> setting, this is quite likely not to go
* Przemek Klosowski [31/01/2012 00:37] :
> To solve that, I'd be nice if there was a way to roll over an EOL
> version into an appropriate release of one of the
> long-term-supported systems such as RHEL, Centos or Scientific
> Linux.
This would be a massive distraction from our mission.
Get th
* Przemek Klosowski [01/02/2012 19:58] :
> I am just trying to explore if there's a way around that.
The answer is the same on this subject and the rolling release:
You need to get a group together, put together a set of specifications
that everybody agrees on and start working on making it happ
commit bea7f42782c4cf86f9125e310d9f30822de4b25b
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu Feb 2 00:38:36 2012 +0100
Clean up spec file and add perl default filter
perl-Fedora-Bugzilla.spec | 16 +++-
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/perl-Fedora
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Config-Auto:
baa0907e5c79c0bf8c91cfe8b56577de Config-Auto-0.42.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for
72cb59cfe6d6c78d1cb1fc77aaa7ecca CGI-Application-Structured-Tools-0.015.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
A file has been added to the lookaside cache for perl-Acme-Damn:
8c5df1482e9631529581b67a4882dfec Acme-Damn-0.05.tar.gz
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list
commit 245b8d7667d9299b7d886530721fe5370c9d7a65
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Thu Feb 16 14:24:32 2012 +0100
Update to 0.05 and clean up spec file
.gitignore |1 +
perl-Acme-Damn.spec | 26 +-
sources |2 +-
3 files changed, 11
commit c0e61812e28c6c3f654bd3e7ee443d104a72e5d8
Author: Emmanuel Seyman
Date: Tue Feb 21 14:51:31 2012 +0100
Update to 0.04, move to Makefile.PL
.gitignore |1 +
perl-HTTP-Exception.spec | 23 +++
sources |2 +-
3 files changed
* John Reiser [27/02/2012 22:50] :
> OK, so both rpm and yum could do better: at the first mention of
> 'transaction',
> then the documentation (manual page, ...) should specify "not ACID".
It would help if you filed a bug (preferably with a patch attached).
> There is a database involved, and
* Mattia Verga [09/03/2012 23:26] :
> why
> bugzilla should accept to create bugs for unmaintained versions? Is
> there a logic that I cannot see, or it could be a thing to tweak?
Bugzilla did not have the ability to retire versions un
* Mattia Verga [10/03/2012 11:53] :
> Il 09/03/2012 23:56, Emmanuel Seyman ha scritto:
> >Bugzilla did not have the ability to retire versions until 4.2
[ snip ]
> I don't think this is working as expected...
It isn't working at all. Red Hat's Bugzilla is
* Magnus Glantz [17/11/2010 21:33] :
> I really can't see why it would be a bad thing Fedora would do QA on a
> proprietary software that is very important for a majority of the Fedora
> users.
1) Time spent doing QA on proprietary software is time that will not be
spent doing QA on free so
* John Reiser [17/11/2010 22:30] :
> On 11/17/2010 12:41 PM, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
> > 2) Issues found in proprietary software cannot be fixed by anybody except
> >the vendor
> False. In this particular case,
FWIW, I was r
* Peter Jones [17/11/2010 23:31] :
> To be fair, we're not packaging flash in Fedora anyway.
>From the post that started this thread:
"This solution could be reverting the problem causing glibc change, or
maybe changing it to do forward memcpy's while still using the new SSE
* Magnus Glantz [18/11/2010 17:07] :
> I meant patching in general, doesn't have to be glibc. Just temporarily
> solving the issue, in general by patching something :-)
I'm unclear as why you feel the 'something' in question should be anything
other than libflashplayer.so .
* Adam Miller [22/11/2010 18:03] :
> As though swearing it will never happen is even possible to deliver?
I believe that's Michael's whole point.
The whole 'push directly to stable' arguement rests heavily on the principle
that an update is always better (from a QA standpoint) than whatever i
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