Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-25 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I'm trying to find out what's going on with Java in Fedora. Fedora 31 was released with a broken Eclipse. I subscribe to the java-devel mailing list but there is no traffic there. If I go to "Join a Group" and click on "J" there is simply nothing there...

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-25 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
> As has been discussed time and time again on this mailing list, the last > member of the Java SIG left it at the end of 2018, leaving the group emptIy. I'd be willing to work on that if I can figure out how to recreate the group. Can you point me in the right direction? > There are several FA

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-25 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
That's a very sad story. I had no idea. So it sounds like you mainly need maintainers for Java packages. I have worked on building RPMs but I have never been a package maintainer. However I have 20 years of experience as a Java developer, so I'm pretty confident I can be helpful. How should I go

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-25 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
No problem. I like hearing peoples' opinions. I will look for a package that might be a good starting point. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduc

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-25 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I think that by applying basic engineering techniques like user testing we can weed out ideologies that don't provide any value to users. Do the testing and let the results decide.The principles of ISO 9000 can be applied to improve products. There are also metrics that can measure how good a us

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-25 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I appreciate the sensibility of your suggestion but I'm afraid that I enjoy the aggravation of my love/hate relationship with Gnome too much. You got me thinking though. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an emai

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
So I need to fix something that is a one-person job to get started. On Sunday, January 26, 2020, 4:04:06 PM EST, Felix Schwarz wrote: Am 26.01.20 um 01:10 schrieb Bill Chatfield via devel: > That's a very sad story. I had no idea. So it sounds like you mainly need > main

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I hear what you're saying. But I am undeterred. :-) ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I will do that. Thanks. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: htt

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
Yea, I understand what you're saying. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List G

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
Great info. Thanks! It's always more complicated than I first imagine. :-) ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
> Well, I don't know if its indicative of what they use for development, > but at Red Hat Summit last year, *all* the Java middleware demos were > on macOS. That is frustrating and I don't like it. But, I suppose it makes since if their customers are using Macs to do development work and then dep

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I understand it can be done. But in the past getting something to work in wine is a guessing game. The instructions don't work. Winetricks doesn't get you to a functioning game and PlayOnLinux was for a long time non-functional in Fedora as the windows would not display properly. So getting a si

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
> You're right. The Java SIG was not organised around an account group, > so it does not exist. I don't know why it is that way, but that could > easily be fixed - other language interest groups are organised this > way, after all (python-sig, go-sig, ruby-sig, etc.). I don't really understand wha

Groovy Build Failing Due to Disappearance of groovy-local

2020-01-26 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I have chosen a delinquent Java package to work fix. But I need some help understanding what's going on. Groovy is failing to build because it depends on gradle-local which doesn't exist. But gradle-local did exist at one time because groovy was successfully build with it on 2019-07-30. So, wher

Re: Groovy Build Failing Due to Disappearance of groovy-local

2020-01-27 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
On Monday, January 27, 2020, 3:58:07 AM EST, Fabio Valentini wrote: > Depending on what you want to achieve, I think I can give you better "first package to work on" suggestions :) Yes, please give me some suggestions. I thought I had found one with few dependencies but looks like it's

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-27 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
That is a very helpful explanation. I do have a lot of repos configured but most are necessary. Some are now added by gnome-software. _copr_phracek-PyCharm.repo   fedora-updates.repo  rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver.repo dropbox.repo fedora-updates-testing-modular

Re: Groovy Build Failing Due to Disappearance of groovy-local

2020-01-27 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I guess an outdated package might be easier but I'm more concerned about the ones that are broken. I suppose the ones that are broken are still broken because they're hard to fix. ___ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe se

Java Checkstyle Blocked Even Though Build was Successful

2020-01-27 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
Are any of you on the java-devel list so that I could move my newb questions there? I can guarantee that it's a low-traffic list so there's no risk in joining it.   :-) google-http-java-client looks easy to fix. It won't build because it needs one dependency, maven-checkstyle-plugin, which won't

Re: Java Dev Group and Fedora Quality

2020-01-29 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
That's one of the big reasons I like Red Hat. You guys rock!  :-) On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 5:14:18 AM EST, Andrew Haley wrote: On 1/27/20 3:13 PM, Alex Scheel wrote: > N.B.: I'd like to thank the Red Hat JVM team for being solid in > their Fedora execution. But they maintain onl

Chown checkstyle, checkstyle-maven-plugin, google-http-java-client

2020-01-29 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
According the procedure for retired packages, I'm announcing my intention to take ownership of checkstyle, checkstyle-maven-plugin, and google-http-java-client. They are all retired as far as I can tell. ___ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproje

Re: Self Introduction: Erich Eickmeyer

2020-01-31 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I have tried to use Jack before and I have to say that a tool like that is really needed. I am new here as a packager also, but I've been using Fedora for a long time. I'm glad to see your project coming to Fedora. Good luck to you. On Friday, January 31, 2020, 7:00:02 PM EST, Erich Eickmey

Re: Orphaning hibernate

2020-02-03 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I would like to take it, but I am not sponsored yet and I am still trying to learn how to build packages. I'm getting close but there is a lot to learn. I can see that it is currently not building because of missing dependencies. What I don't know how to check is what other packages depend on i

Re: Orphaning hibernate

2020-02-04 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
I may take it as soon as I figure out how. But, if you're building a Java app, you probably use Maven to build it, so Maven is going to download from mavencentral, not the version packaged in Fedora. So I'm beginning to wonder how useful the packaged apps are. Am I missing something? On Tu

Re: Orphaning hibernate

2020-02-04 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
Great feedback. Thanks! :-) On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 11:19:31 AM EST, Michal Srb wrote: On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 5:07 PM Neal Gompa wrote: On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 10:36 AM Michal Srb wrote: > > Hi Bill, > > > On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 4:29 PM Bill Chatfield via

Re: Any plans on maintaining Apache NetBeans

2020-02-06 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
FYI, I'm still planning on working on the Java packaging issues. But, still working on figuring out how to do the work. I've had a lot of other problems come up lately so I have not made too much progress. But, I still expect to be working on this soon. On Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 9:11

Re: Any plans to include kotlin in Fedora

2020-02-12 Thread Bill Chatfield via devel
It's probably a good idea to make it available. If I could find time I would do it, even though I think we have a proliferation of unnecessary new languages. But, people want them so it's best to make them available. On Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 11:06:30 AM EST, Dridi Boukelmoune wrot