for testing this
- vwbusguy- Scott Williams
- Southern_Gentleman Ben Williams
- kanarip Jeroen van Meeuwen
- fenrus2 Dennis Johnson
- BobLfootBob Lightfoot
- adm1Davis Leggett
Fedora Unity Re-Spin
goes to the ARRL to
cover the cost of the Exam and materials needed)
Please bring a Photo ID and if you are Licensed copies you your license
and any CSCE you may have. and a PENCIL.
so if you are at Fudcon and are interested please let Ben Williams
(Southern_Gentleman) or Nick Bebot (nb) know
May take on the Spins
1) Spins have given us a great way to show people what is in Fedora
without installing
2) We have been producing Multi-Live media for several years to give out
at events.
3) The multi-lives make the display machines very easy to maintain (new
release wipe hd and reinstall
I will give it a try I am sure i will be making a new batch of updated
F24 lives later this week
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:35:37 -0500
From: Neal Gompa
Subject: Re: Announcement: Python 3 port of livecd-creator (was: Re:
Announcement: DNF port of livecd-
install the fedora-kickstarts rpm
edit the fedora-repo.ks to use fedora-repo-not-rawhide.ks
ksflatten your kickstart and it will use the normal fedora repos
(when all else fails talk to the Fedora Respin SiG in #fedora-respins)
devel mailing list --
This is an issue i am seeing with new users:
I was at a University installfest this weekend and this was the major
issues for Endusers.
case A) Students are using Fedora on windows in a VM (Vbox in this case)
for a class. they are required for said class to install the guest
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On 09/12/2017 11:35 AM, Ben Williams wrote:
They used the F26 release so now have the release kernel
yes livecd-creator has been not working for some time
the Respins sig uses Livemedia-creator instead
Ben Respins Lead
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