> At this point, the drpm library is the only blocker for zstd payloads,
> since createrepo_c needs to be able to handle zstd drpms.
I looked into the drpm library and I should be able to add the zstd support
(and make sure it works with createrepo_c)
Working on it now.
> On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 05:25:17PM +, Mattia Verga via devel wrote:
> I have a few additional questions:
> * How does this impact zchunk? or does it?
I also think there shouldn't be any impact on zchunk.
> * Kind of unrealted to this change, but I'll ask here as createrepo_c
> folks migh
> If we're planning to drop by-default compatibility with EL7 anyway and bump
> to 1.0, we
> could go a little bit further.
> * "createrepo_c" doesn't need to support sqlite metadata generation at all,
> so long as the repository producer can run "sqliterepo_c". If I recall
> correctly, yum on