On 2024-09-29 14:36, Alessandro Astone wrote:
Built kf5-solid, kf6-solid, kio-extras, kio-extras-kf5 in the sidetag.
Due to timing I've built a new minor version of kio-extras in your
sidetag. That might have an effect on the update's gating: if any
issues arise I'll be available to address them
Built kf5-solid, kf6-solid, kio-extras, kio-extras-kf5 in the sidetag.
Due to timing I've built a new minor version of kio-extras in your
sidetag. That might have an effect on the update's gating: if any issues
arise I'll be available to address them.
Because KDE updates are released as bundl
Hey folks,
I'm updating the libimobiledevice stack in Rawhide. There are soname
bumps for libimobiledevice, libirecovery and libusbmuxd. In addition to
the stack itself, these packages will need to be rebuilt to accommodate
for the bumps: