Re: Maintainer Change

2022-05-19 Thread Artur Frenszek-Iwicki
This depends on the state of the package. 1. Has an active maintainer? They must go to the package's repo, and in the settings, grant you commit/admin access. [1] 2. Has a maintainer, but they're inactive? You must fire up the non-responsive maintainer policy. [2] 3. Package is orphaned, but not

Re: Maintainer Change

2022-05-19 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
* Steve Dickson [19/05/2022 14:21] : > > How is this done these days? The package is first orphaned then claimed by the new maintainer. Emmanuel

Maintainer Change

2022-05-19 Thread Steve Dickson
Hello, I'm taking over the maintainership of a package. In the past I would access the pkgdb via a link similar to [1] to change ACLs that link no longer exists How is this done these days? tia, steved. [1]