Re: DNF pains

2016-02-04 Thread mluscon
On 02/03/2016 11:28 PM, Felix Miata wrote: Problem #2: A way to work around problem #1 is with wildcards, e.g. # dnf update g* i*, kd*, kf*, q*, per*, pyt*, u*, v*, x* y*, z* When this example is used following observance of problem #1, DNF naturally skips downloading packages already

Re: DNF could improve messages about package auto-removal

2015-12-07 Thread mluscon
Note that packages installed by PackageKit are not marked as installed, so dnf always thinks it can remove them. No, DNF treats unmarked packages as installed by user => it never autoremoves them. Unfortunately, it seems that Packagekit is incorrectly marking all installed packages as dependen

Re: dnf doesn't check for rpmdb lock?

2015-08-24 Thread mluscon
Hi Richard, DNF uses three types of locks (metadata, download and rpmdb lock) to allow more or less parallel execution of DNF commands. IIRC, the actual issue with kmods has been already resolved in upstream by switching rpmdb lock to blocking mode. Regards, Michal On 07/16/2015 05:20 PM,