Re: Unresponsive maintainer for genders package

2021-05-02 Thread Parker Gibson via devel
Is there a current upstream for this project? The page seems to be ‘not found’ as it is listed in other distro upstreams. Is this a dead project? Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 30, 2021, at 3:12 PM, wrote: > > Apologies, my indicat

Re: The price of FHS

2020-05-22 Thread Parker Gibson
The issue I see is that no package management system I know of handles multiple so versions, they explicitly state packages conflict with each-other even if in principle the so versioning means they would not. Some repositories can handle multiple major so versions and I do think this may provid

Re: The price of FHS

2020-05-22 Thread Parker Gibson
I don’t think this is specifically about FHS as it is about shared library management. The underlying hierarchy defined in FHS doesn’t make the dictations about version management that you seem to indicate, nor are the major problems with maintaining multiple api compatible versions of shared li