Hi all,
I've been inactive for at least past 5 years in the Fedora community, so
I'm finally orphaning the few packages I still had. I already had a
co-maintainer for man-pages-fr but I'm sure mfabian would welcome new
I'm orphaning kitsune, I haven't touch it since 2008, not sure
Since the 28th of March, Rawhide get no more updates as the rawhide
report show up (or better said, don't show up) by its disappearance.
The last update I got was a broken NetworkManager and
Empathy/Gnome-Shell ('cos of tp-logger). This have been fix in F15
branched few day ago, why the update
Le Fri, 7 Jan 2011 15:17:21 +0100,
Sergio Pascual a écrit :
> I'd like to take skychart
Skychart released
> --
> Sergio Pascualhttp://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr
> gpg fingerprint: 5203 B42D 86A0 5649 410A F4AC A35F D465 F263 BCCC
> Departamento de Astrofísica -- Universidad
Hi all,
Because of my studies, I have no more time to devote to packaging, so
I'm orphaning the followings:
gconf-cleaner - Upstream dead long time
ago, 1 bug gnome-specimen - Upstream dead too, no bug
qemu-launcher - Another upstream dead, no bug
gtkperf - No more upstream, no bug, but still work