Orphaning kitsune

2020-05-17 Thread Pablo Martin-Gomez
Hi all, I've been inactive for at least past 5 years in the Fedora community, so I'm finally orphaning the few packages I still had. I already had a co-maintainer for man-pages-fr but I'm sure mfabian would welcome new co-mainteners. I'm orphaning kitsune, I haven't touch it since 2008, not sure

Is Rawhide dead ?

2011-04-03 Thread Pablo Martin-Gomez
Hi, Since the 28th of March, Rawhide get no more updates as the rawhide report show up (or better said, don't show up) by its disappearance. The last update I got was a broken NetworkManager and Empathy/Gnome-Shell ('cos of tp-logger). This have been fix in F15 branched few day ago, why the update

Re: Orphaning some packages

2011-01-07 Thread Pablo Martin-Gomez
Le Fri, 7 Jan 2011 15:17:21 +0100, Sergio Pascual a écrit : > > I'd like to take skychart Skychart released > -- > Sergio Pascualhttp://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr > gpg fingerprint: 5203 B42D 86A0 5649 410A F4AC A35F D465 F263 BCCC > Departamento de Astrofísica -- Universidad

Orphaning some packages

2011-01-05 Thread Pablo Martin-Gomez
Hi all, Because of my studies, I have no more time to devote to packaging, so I'm orphaning the followings: gconf-cleaner - Upstream dead long time ago, 1 bug gnome-specimen - Upstream dead too, no bug qemu-launcher - Another upstream dead, no bug gtkperf - No more upstream, no bug, but still work