. Will try to continue my activity there. I'm not a part of the
ambassadors group though.
Dhanesh B. Sabane
PGP ID: 0xB69A98C9C1642329
Fingerprint: 9655 11F2 0D18 E76A 2396 D64D B69A 98C9 C164 2329
devel mailing list --
Hey Michel,
> I'll take python-lupa
> Thanks for your work over the years, and hope you at least remain a
> user,
I've provided you admin access for python-lupa. Thank you so much for taking it
up! :)
I'll definitely remain a user and will try to help out with evangelism. I hope
I'll get en
Hey Andy!
> On Mon, 7 Sep 2020 at 07:44, Dhanesh B. Sabane wrote:
> If there are no takers, I'd like to maintain the python-blindspinner
> package. I see there is some room to bring in its "click" dependencies.
I've provided you admin access on python-bli
Hey Pruthvi,
> I am looking for packages to maintain and this would help a lot.
Do let me know the package that you'd like to maintain and I'll add you as a
co-maintainer for it.
Have a good one!
Dhanesh Sabane
devel mailing list -- d
Hello Lumir,
> I'd like to maintain:
> python-first
> python-pipdeptree
> python-pipreqs
> python-yarg
> These are dependencies of pipenv we (@python-sig) maintain so please add
> me as an admin and this group as co-maintainer.
I've added you as admin and @python-sig as committer for th
Please let me know if anyone would like to take these up by replying to
this email. I'll orphan all the packages that don't attract a
maintainer till Sunday, 13th Sept 2020.
Dhanesh B. Sabane
PGP ID: 0xB69A98C9C1642329
Fingerprint: 9655
Dhanesh B. Sabane [dhanesh95]
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org
On Tuesday 08 November 2016 07:39 PM, Charalampos Stratakis wrote:
> Welcome! Also thanks for helping with python-sig wiki-page and onboarding
> process.
> Charalampos Stratakis
> Associate Software Engineer
> Python Maintenance Team, Red Hat
My pleasure! :)
Hello everyone,
I'm Dhanesh B. Sabane, an undergrad student from Pune, Maharashtra, India.
It's been a while since I got involved with Fedora[1]. I started off with
CommOps and Freemedia and now I'm moving over to the *technical* side of
Fedora. Learning how to package soft