Inline replies.
On 07/01/2016 05:12 PM, gil wrote:
> Il 01/07/2016 18:41, Jeffrey Ollie ha scritto:
>> Gil, you don't seem to realize that this isn't *our* spam problem,
>> it's *yours*. It's pretty much guaranteed that all of your email sent
>> to the Fedora mailing lists ends up in the sp
On 06/07/2016 04:47 AM, Dave Young wrote:
> Hi, Lubomír
> On 06/06/16 at 11:23am, Lubomír Sedlář wrote:
>> Dave Young píše v Po 06. 06. 2016 v 16:56 +0800:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have a bug report for adding kdump anaconda addon to livecd: