The customer has a server environment where PXE and HTTP service run in same
Linux Server. In this environment a SUT trying to boot to SLES 15 OS via PXE
from the Boot Menu. After PXE Boot file downloaded and grub Loaded without
continuing for installation Exit is pressed and control back to Set
Resolved Coverity Issues reported in SNP Dxe.
1.ComponentName.c (Overflow)
Expression "OffSet--", which is equal to 18446744073709551615, where "OffSet"
is known to be equal to 0, underflows the type that receives it.
2.SnpUndi32GetStatus,SnpUndi32Initialize,SnpUndi32Transmit (Deadcode)
Resolved INTEGER_OVERFLOW Coverity Issues in MNP Dxe
Expression "MnpDeviceData->ConfiguredChildrenNumber--" and
Instance->RcvdPacketQueueSize-- where Both variables are known to be equal to
0, underflows the type that receives it.
Cc: Saloni Kasbekar
Cc: Zac
Resolved Coverity Issues in Http Dxe
The result of pointer arithmetic "HttpHeaders + AsciiStrLen("HTTP/1.1") + 1" is
never null.
2.HttpDns4 (DEAD LOOP)
Coverity reports dead loop error since IsDone is always false ,In Some scenario
it might not update the to true
Resolved Coverity Issues in Http Dxe
The result of pointer arithmetic "HttpHeaders + AsciiStrLen("HTTP/1.1") + 1" is
never null.
2.HttpDns4 (DEAD LOOP)
Coverity reports dead loop error since IsDone is always false ,In Some scenario
it might not update the to true
Resolved Coverity Issues in DHCP4 Dxe
Calling "DhcpValidateOptions" without checking return value as is done
elsewhere 6 out of 7 times.
In some case ,SeedHead might be dereferencing the null pointer.
Resolved Coverity Issues in UefiPxeBcDxe
Expression "Private->SelectIndex - 1", where "Private->SelectIndex" is known to
be equal to 0, underflows the type that receives it.
Directly dereferencing pointer "Token.Packet" which might have NULL .As
Both the cases have ASSERTs checking that the value is greater than 0. Move the
checks to the same location as the ASSERT. I'd also prefer if we return with a
failure instead of forcing continuation of the function with an invalid value.
Addressed above comments and made changes
HI All,
We are facing issue of httpboot takes more time during large iso file
The issue is reported on the customer side. The HTTP/HTTPs takes long time to
download the RHEL ISO image from HTTP/HTTPs servers.
Tried with different cards – Intel x810/x710/MLOM, Mellanox and Broad