回复: [edk2-devel] UEFI BUG

2021-02-08 Thread gaoliming
Have you the full build log? Seemly, AFeatureEnablerDxe driver is not generated correctly. Thanks Liming 发件人: bounce+27952+71433+4905953+8761...@groups.io 代表 宋涛 发送时间: 2021年2月7日 20:54 收件人: devel@edk2.groups.io 主题: [edk2-devel] UEFI BUG Hi,I face a problem, and it suggested that I can

[edk2-devel] UEFI BUG

2021-02-07 Thread 宋涛
Hi,I face a problem, and it suggested that I can ask help from you. The following is the call stack trace. The privacy is replaced with "***" build.py... : error C0DE: Unknown fatal error when processing [/home/disk/***/EblCmdLib/EblCmdLib.inf [AARCH64, CLANG100LINUX, RELEASE]] (Please send