Hi Sami,
Yes this is a mistake, modifications to ScmiMessageIdBasexxx should actually be
part of 'ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_BASE'
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View/Reply Online (#72042): https://edk2.g
This patch also updates the ScmiMessageIdBasexxx for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_BASE. The
patch subject line and commit message probably needs updating accordingly.
With that changed.
Reviewed-by: Sami Mujawar
Sami Mujawar
Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent
From: Pierre Gondois
This patch fixes the following Ecc reported error:
Variable name does not follow the rules:
1. First character should be upper case
2. Must contain lower case characters
3. No white space characters
4. Global variable name must start with a 'g'
Signed-off-by: Pierre Gondois