Reviewed-by: Ray Ni
> -Original Message-
> From: S, Ashraf Ali
> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 10:27 PM
> To:
> Cc: S, Ashraf Ali ; Ni, Ray ;
> Kumar, Rahul1 ; De,
> Debkumar ; Han, Harry ; West,
> Catharine ;
> Solanki, Digant H ; V, Sangeetha
> Subject:
This will also help with PE file alignment in FD, as SecCore no longer
needs to be pinned to the very top. Thank you!
Best regards,
On 16/09/2021 16:26, Ashraf Ali S wrote:
Currently SecCore.inf having the resetvector code under I
Currently SecCore.inf having the resetvector code under IA32. if the
user wants to use both SecCore and UefiCpuPkg ResetVector it's not
possible, since SecCore and ResetVector(VTF0.INF/ResetVector.inf)
are sharing the same GUID which is BFV.