Reviewed-by: Jiaxin Wu>> after
resolve Ray's concern.
From: Ni, Ray
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 10:46 AM
To: Xie, Yuanhao ;
Cc: Liming Gao ; Wu, Jiaxin
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/3] StandaloneMmPkg: Add LockBox Dependency DXE Driver
[Ray] Can you check if BaseLib is really needed?
+ It attempts to install the gEfiLockBoxProtocolGuid protocol into the
system's DXE database
+ with NULL as the protocol interface to mark the protocol as handled in the
system or to
+ act as a trigger.
[Ray] "mar
The LockBox Dependency DXE Driver is designed for use with standalone
mm where gBS are not accessible to indicates that LockBox API is ready
for use.
For DXE drivers use lockbox APIs via a communication mechanism
triggering an SMI, it's must to have the corresponding SMI handler
pre-installed for